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Questions tagged [wolfram-alpha-queries]

Use this for questions about calling Wolfram Alpha from Mathematica. Questions about Wolfram Alpha itself are off-topic.

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Discrepancy in Calculating Trace Expression for Fermion Scattering Using FeynCal

I am writing a code in Mathematica using the FeynCalc package to calculate an expression ( Y_1 ) that is required to evaluate the differential cross-section for the scattering of two massless fermions ...
Mena Invenius's user avatar
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How Do I Get Rid of the Natural Language Processing?

I'm using the free version of WolframCloud. I come back to it maybe two or three times a year, and it's nice (or was until they decided to lock everything I'd done more than 60 days old behind a ...
Daniel Martin's user avatar
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Accessing WolframAlpha in Code

I hope this isn't too obvious of a question, but I've looked around and can't find what I am looking for. The problem: I have a list of data - in this case it's my album collection. The list is ...
Merrick's user avatar
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Can Mathematica solve $\int \frac{\cot^2\left(\frac12\sec^{-1}(x)\right)}{\sqrt{\tan\left(\frac12\csc^{-1}(x)\right)}} \, dx$?

Can Mathematica solve integral $(1)$? $$\int \frac{\cot^2\left(\frac12\sec^{-1}(x)\right)}{\sqrt{\tan\left(\frac12\csc^{-1}(x)\right)}} \, dx.\tag{1}$$ This is ...
Emmanuel José García's user avatar
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Can I get LLM optimized output using WolframAlpha function in Mathematica?

Can I get LLM optimized output using WolframAlpha function in Mathematica? I want to use simple text output from Wolfram Alpha withoud complex pods. I know that this is available by API, but I didn/t ...
Kirill Belov's user avatar
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Wolfram|Alpha is unable to evaluate this improper integral

I want to solve this integral $$\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}} e^{-(\pi \tan(x) - 1)^2} \, dx$$ I tried Wolfram alpha but it is unable to evaluate I tried this code ...
Martin.s's user avatar
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Recreating map from Wolfram|Alpha with GeoGraphics

I have tried to create a map using GeoGraphics, and I have not been able to get one with the same quality as the result Wolfram|Alpha gave me. ...
Emerson Villafuerte Jara's user avatar
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Why does Wolfram|Alpha give a different answer for the derivative of the function $f(x)=\sqrt[3]{x^2}$? [closed]

Consider the function $f(x)=\sqrt[3]{x^2}$. To find $f'(x)$, I use the rule $\color{red}{\boxed{\color{black}{\large\big(\sqrt[n]{u^m}\big)'=\frac{mu'}{n\sqrt[n]{u^{n-m}}}}}}$. Therefore $\boxed{\...
user avatar
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Is there an issue with calls to WolframAlpha from Mathematica? [closed]

I was trying to use the step by step to get a solution to an integral, but it was failing, so I tried an even simpler example from the Wolfram documentation ...
Moo's user avatar
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Converting WolframAlpha Output to Markdown

I am calling Wolfram Alpha using WolframScript. That is, I can't display all the beauty that is inserted into Wolfram Mathematica Notebook. Let's say I execute a line like this: ...
Kirill Belov's user avatar
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Is it possible in Mathematica to get a step-by-step evaluation of the following?

Is it possible in Mathematica (or WolframAlpha["...]") to get a step-by-step evaluation of the following? ...
1_student's user avatar
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WolframAlpha::kbserr: Request to knowledgebase server failed with error code 503 [closed]

It is all in the title. If I run WolframAlpha["2+2"], Mathematica returns the error ...
Cryme's user avatar
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Why does Wolfram|Alpha give inconsistent result for $\int_0^\infty \frac{e^{x-x^2}-e^{-x-x^2}}{x}~dx$? [closed]

Why Wolfram gives inconsistent result for : $$I=\int_0^\infty \frac{e^{x-x^2}-e^{-x-x^2}}{x}~dx$$ As shown in the picture below, the analytical integration gives $-i\pi$, but numerical integration ...
MathFail's user avatar
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Step by Step for Generalized Eigenvectors?

When I do WolframAlpha["Eigensystem[{{1,-3},{3,-5}}]", PodStates -> {"Step-by-step solution"}] It only shows steps for non-generalized ...
Moo's user avatar
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Adding Entities to AirportData[]

Mathematica's AirportData[] is hopelessly outdated. I'm trying to manually add entries for some common ICAO airport codes, such as OTHH (Doha) or FAOR (Johannesburg)...
Tomi's user avatar
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Shading an area enclosed by a loop

I am plotting the folium of Descartes as a parametric plot, and trying to find the arclength and the area enclosed by the loop. I got both of them covered result-wise, but my professor wants us to ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Run the latest Mathematica version without installing it

Is the solution just running mathematica on wolfram alpha? If so, how can one run a or part of a .nb code on wolfram alpha? I only know how to run a single line of code on it.
feynman's user avatar
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Has FinancialData forgotten how to deliver monthly data?

I seem to get odd results from the following FinancialData code: ...
Jagra's user avatar
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Is there any hope to get the result faster if we use a supercomputer for the given problem?

If an operation in Mathematica (say, computing the determinant of a $88\times88$ parametric matrix) takes much time to be computed on a personal computer (core i7), say a week, then, is there any hope ...
charmin's user avatar
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Computing expectation with some constants [closed]

I would like to compute the following expression in Wolfram alpha: $$\mathbb{E}[X-max(aX+b,0)] $$ where $X\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ and $a,b$ are some constants. Without constants, I can get the result ...
Wiles01's user avatar
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Exporting results containing Entities to JSON?

I am looking for a straightforward way to export results from functions like ImageContents, FacialFeatures, and WolframAlpha - symbols that return stuff containing knowledgebase content. Aside from ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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WolframAlpha XML parsing error

I am using the WolframAlpha command to automated solution sets of homework exercises. Here is an sample usage, although this can happen with many different examples:...
Aharon Naiman's user avatar
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NSum::nslim: Limit of summation k is not a number. Help, please( [closed]

Casper's user avatar
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Empty .png figures generated by a function "PlotWithGrid" whereas no problem with Export function

I have an issue about a .wls script that I can't manage to solve for the moment. I execute it with wolframscript interpeter on ...
youpilat13's user avatar
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How to access the data object returned from a Wolfram query?

I want to access information regarding the population of the world, over the last 10,000 years, and then visualize it with some annotations. In particular case, I want to: grab world population data ...
algal's user avatar
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Integral of the Poisson Kernal [closed]

I wish to solve the following definite integral: $\int^{b}_a P_r(\theta-\phi) d\phi$ ,where $P_r(\theta-\phi) = \frac{1-r^2}{1 + r^2 -2r cos(\theta - \phi)}$ is the Poisson kernel. This is something ...
Babaji's user avatar
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Why does MMA fail to find a solution but WA does?

I am looking for $n$, where $$\dfrac{2^{-3 n-2} \pi ^{n+1}}{(n+1)!}<\dfrac{1}{10000000000000000}$$ We can just test values of $n$ and find the smallest $n = 13$, or any $n \gt 13$ or can use ...
Moo's user avatar
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WolframAlpha website calculator powers

Would be surprised if this hasn't asked before. Also, not sure if tag is correct. With my graduation I lost access to the free university Mathematica. Today, I was too lazy to do a simple matrix ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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Wolfram Mathematica Code please [closed]

Consider two natural numbers of two-digits, like 46 and 96. They have the property that by exchanging the place of their digits and multiplying the so obtained numbers, we get the same product; i.e., <...
victoria lafontaine's user avatar
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please help me resolve find what method gives me a result for this

I have this mathematic problem: (124164a/300b/2360/.85)+(124164a/25b/2360/.85)+(124164a/55b/2360/.85)=3.81=(a/b/2360/.85) And this is the result: a≈87.4514, b≈0.0114422 I payed for WolframAlpha Pro ...
ingalcala's user avatar
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Constructing Wolfram Alpha Query for Solar Position

When I use Mathematica calls to WolframAlpha, it clearly knows about the motion of the sun, so I can request the solar declination at any date/time: But I'm having great difficulty crafting a query ...
Michael's user avatar
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Density of water at a given temperature and pressure

In Wolfram|Alpha if I write: density water at 500°C and 100 atm instantly I read: 30.92 kg/m^3 (kilograms per cubic meter) ...
Monster's user avatar
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Wolfram alpha query works online but not through mathematica?

Bit of a bizarre problem I'm having (well, more a question than a problem). I am trying to solve an integral, which I queried using the online wolfram alpha website. The input and output are ...
hex93's user avatar
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Calculating double integral bounded by domain in Wolfram Alpha Notebook [closed]

If I want to compute Double Integral on a given region(See attached Picture) How can I input this on Wolfram Alpha Notebook
Himu21's user avatar
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How can I show the calculation of the determinant of a matrix step by step? [duplicate]

I would like to emulate what Wolfram Alpha does in Mathematica. Can you help me? ...
BeTDa's user avatar
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Engineering materials entity class

Are there any Entity Class like EntityClassList["Mineral"] to get physical properties of "Materials" like steel alloys, polymers, ceramics or ...
Jose Nuñez's user avatar
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Convert WolframAlpha output to $\LaTeX$

I am using WolframAlpha app on my iPad and would like to confirm that there is no way to convert its output to $\LaTeX$ form? It would be nice to have this feature so as to copy it to Stack Exchange ...
shoggananna's user avatar
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Wolfram|Alpha query doesn't compute answer

I typed == integral (e^cosx)((cosx)^2)(sinx) from x=0 to pi into Mathematica, but it doesn't seem to generate an answer. What did I do wrong? I entered the query ...
apri's user avatar
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Plot a sum of vectors using inline free format or wolframalpha. What is the hidden code?

Using Wolframalpha or inline free format you can obtain a nice representation of a sum of vectors. An example is shown below. Whish is the hidden code? (or a code that make the same representation). ...
Guillermo Sanchez's user avatar
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General: 2456 is not a valid variable [closed]

... is not a valid variable i dont know whats happend
NONAME32's user avatar
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How to make this expression?

How to code this expression in WolframAlpha. I am interested in how to code the second sum, because it contains a boolean expression: $$\sum_{i=1}^{100}{\sum_{j>n}}{x_{i}x_{j}}$$
Andrey Stebenkov's user avatar
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Why doesn't Mathematica provide an answer while Wolfram|Alpha does, concerning a series convergence?

Among other series I've been working on, I was asked to find whether $$\sum_n 1-\cos(\frac{\pi}{n})$$ converged, and Mathematica's output to ...
Albert's user avatar
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How can one expand an arbitrary boolean combination into the $2^n$ atoms of the associated boolean algebra of size $2^{2^n}$?

The answer of user250938 to Can one usefully apply the Boolean functions of Mathematica to measurable Boolean sets? and the second comment of Monroe Eskew to the answer to
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
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The Branch Cut of the Complex Logarithm Used by Default in Wolfram Alpha

The title says it all: what branch cut (like which value of $k$ in $\ln(z)=\ln(r)+i(\theta+2\pi k))$ does Wolfram Alpha use by default in calculating the complex logarithm. I would say "principal ...
DUO Labs's user avatar
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step-by-step solution unavailable (( possible intermediate steps ))

When using the (( WolframAlpha["integrate 1/(2+Sqrt[1-x]+Sqrt[1+x])"])) function to find integration steps, this message appears to me what is the explanation and ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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What is the current WolframAlpha server capacity?

Considering the increasing workload WolframAlpha is now receiving as it is getting more tightly integrated into the Wolfram language. With things like Entities even ...
user13892's user avatar
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How to change the Wolfram Alpha query timeout for Ctrl+=?

Sometimes retrieving results from Wolfram Alpha takes time and the default query timeout is not sufficient. For engagement with Wolfram Alpha implicitly for expr ...
user13892's user avatar
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How can I price of 100 EUR in RON on 1st of every month back to 4 years

I would like to see the difference between 450 RON and 100EUR converted to RON on 1st of every month back to 4 years. possibly with a cumulated chart...
Boti's user avatar
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Difference between free-form input via WolframAlpha[] and CTRL+=

WolframAlpha["query"] - Free-form input - For example: ...
vasili111's user avatar
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Step by step solution of a limit of a sequence - Calling Wolfram|Alpha in Mathematica

I'd like to visualiza the step-by-step solution of the following limit by calling Wolfram|Alpha in Mathematica, but I don't know how to specify that n is a positive integer variable: ...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar

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