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Questions tagged [financialdata]

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Real-Time Financial Data Analysis with Python/Wolfram Language Hybrid – Overcoming Blocking Issues

Background Information: I'm in the process of building a workflow for real-time financial data analysis using the Wolfram Language on a budget. Due to the lack of native websocket support in ...
JEM's user avatar
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Can this FinancialData retrieval be sped up?

Andreas Lauschke's user avatar
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FinancialIndicator does not work in InteractiveTradingChart with list form of stock data

I want to add some FinancialIndicator on InteractiveTradingChart when stock data is written in the form of list, ...
cheese.burger's user avatar
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How can we get/calculate all the available FinancialIndicators outside TradingChart and InteractiveTradingChart?

How can we get/calculate all the available FinancialIndicators outside TradingChart and ...
GarouDan's user avatar
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How do I retrieve the SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate) index/value in Mathematica?

SOFR doesn't show up in FinancialData[] (despite being a Bloomberg symbol). When I ask Wolfram|Alpha, it thinks I'm talking about "Overnight: The Movie". ...
Perry The Cynic's user avatar
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Pair monthly data with daily data

I need to pair 30-year treasury yield data (only available monthly) to S&P500 data of the same dates. Treasury data WolframAlpha accesses from the St. Louis Federal Reserve comes down with dates ...
Jagra's user avatar
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Has FinancialData forgotten how to deliver monthly data?

I seem to get odd results from the following FinancialData code: ...
Jagra's user avatar
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`CandlestickChart` how to display a separate x-axis tick for every single second?

I use CandlestickChart to display some price data. The data is only 30 seconds long and contains one candle per second. I'd like the chart to display a separate ...
Kagaratsch's user avatar
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FinancialData works in Wolfram Script, not in Notebook

FinancialData has recently stopped working in the Mathematica 13.1 front end on my Windows 11 PC. I can execute FinancialData["GE"] in wolframscript and it returns the correct answer. But ...
Jonathan Kinlay's user avatar