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Shading an area enclosed by a loop

I am plotting the folium of Descartes as a parametric plot, and trying to find the arclength and the area enclosed by the loop. I got both of them covered result-wise, but my professor wants us to ...
Jakob's user avatar
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NSum::nslim: Limit of summation k is not a number. Help, please( [closed]

Casper's user avatar
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4 votes
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Empty .png figures generated by a function "PlotWithGrid" whereas no problem with Export function

I have an issue about a .wls script that I can't manage to solve for the moment. I execute it with wolframscript interpeter on ...
youpilat13's user avatar
-4 votes
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Wolfram Mathematica Code please [closed]

Consider two natural numbers of two-digits, like 46 and 96. They have the property that by exchanging the place of their digits and multiplying the so obtained numbers, we get the same product; i.e., <...
victoria lafontaine's user avatar
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Querying WolframAlpha from WolframScript

Is it possible to query WolframAlpha from a wolframscript query? The following yields $Failed: ...
George's user avatar
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How to create a find-and-replace code in Mathematica?

Let's say I have a group of X's characters that I want to cut down. I want to use a method similar to 'find-and-replace-all' tool from Word, which takes an amount of X's each time, deletes them, and ...
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