I'd like to visualiza the step-by-step solution of the following limit by calling Wolfram|Alpha in Mathematica, but I don't know how to specify that n is a positive integer variable:
WolframAlpha["lim(n*(2^(1/n)-1)) as n->+infinity",
PodStates -> {"Solution__Step-by-step solution"}]
Thank you in advance.
WolframAlpha["lim(n*(2^(1/n)-1)) as n->+infinity", {{"Limit", 2}, "Content"}, PodStates -> {"Solution__Step-by-step solution", "Limit__Step-by-step solution"}]
$\endgroup$FunctionDomain[n*(2^(1/n) - 1), n]
indicates that the function is real for all real n not equal to zero. Look atLogLinearPlot[{Log[2], n*(2^(1/n) - 1)}, {n, 1, 10000}]