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A strategy to create good initial guess for Lorentzian model fit

I was preparing an answer for a question that got deleted, so I will post this anyhow. Given a set of data with a hump ...
rhermans's user avatar
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Why is SVM unable to separate linearly separable data?

I have two sets of data, namely blue and yellow. I manually added a point {8, -3} to the blue data. ...
H42's user avatar
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Example of NetChain running in MXNet cause Error

Cross post here Problem remains in Mathematica 11.2 First defining the net ...
partida's user avatar
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Can I use Mathematica to generate candle scents?

I found this blog (which is highly entertaining). It has an interesting post where the author uses the GPT-2 neuro-network with candle scent training data to generate new candle scents. The AI comes ...
Tomi's user avatar
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How do I access the parameters in Classify using Support Vector Machine as method?

I have a dataset that I want to classify and I do the following: clf = Classify[xtrain -> ytrain, Method -> "SupportVectorMachine"] How can I use my own ...
IordanouGiannis's user avatar
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How to find multi-word synonyms?

I’m looking to write a semantic distance function for phrases (5 words or less) that can map multi-word synonyms together. My domain is e-commerce fashion - here are some required examples for a ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How do I implement masked Softmax?

Consider: input = {1, 2, 3}; mask = {1, 0, 1} Classic Softmax: SoftmaxLayer[]@input {0.0900306, 0.244728, 0.665241} ...
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
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Fashion segmentation with a neural net?

I would like to train a network that can parse clothing: Does anyone know of a fashion segmentation network with or without pre-trained weights available that I can use in Mathematica? Update: I ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Options for ValidationSet accuracy from NetTrain?

With NetTrain[] if you use the option ValidationSet->Scale[.1] it will run a validation test on 10% of the training data ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Adding computer vision datasets?

I find having ResourceData/Objects for machine learning datasets to be extremely useful, with their "TrainingData", "TestData" properties: Right now there's only a handful: And even fewer for ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Can Mathematica Neural Net make use of the REC file format for images like MXNet?

When using large set of images for training neural networks (>10000, size 250 x 250 each) the time to read the images is quite long. My first approach was to use the DataSet functionality of ...
user2980583's user avatar
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How to implement BlazeFace?

BlazeFace is a lightweight and well-performing face detector tailored for mobile GPU inference. It runs at a speed of 200-1000+ FPS on flagship devices. How to implement BlazeFace in Mathematica?
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
9 votes
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What does the value of Predict's "L2Regularization" correspond to?

What does the value supplied to the Predict Method option "L2Regularization" correspond to? ...
orome's user avatar
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Regarding Gaussian Process in Predict function

The following code is exactly copied from the documentation on Predict using Gaussian Process. ...
xieyn's user avatar
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How to extract tree parameters from RandomForest?

I want to extract the parameters of a decision tree from the object estimated by Classify[]. It seems that parameters of the estimated Classifier are available in the "Models" property. It is ...
iav's user avatar
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What are the time and space complexities of Classify/Predict?

Does anyone have knowledge of the O(n) time & space complexities for various model types supported by Classify[] and ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Exporting Classify Models

Currently I have created a simple classifier to classify sentiment from a string of text (or a tweet). The code is very basic and looks something like this: ...
C Ried's user avatar
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Training data generator?

Python has generators which save memory, is there a technique for generating in memory examples for your training set "on the fly". For example purposes, I constructed here a regressor for blur: <...
user5601's user avatar
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Locally Weighted Linear Regression

I am following the online Stanford Course in Machine Learning and I am trying to implement the algorithms on the fly in Mathematica. Currently, I have issues with minimizing the Locally Weighted ...
Frederik Brinck Jensen's user avatar
8 votes
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Staged training of Neural Networks

From what the documentation says about NetTrain and NetInitialize and what the progress indicator shows when reevaluating ...
Sascha's user avatar
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Neural net example not working

Bug introduced in 11.0.0 and fixed via paclet update The Wolfram Mathematica site provides this example. I have copied and pasted into a notebook. The resource is reached and correctly sampled. ...
ubpdqn's user avatar
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Which GPUs does NetTrain work with?

NetTrain's option TargetDevice -> "GPU" works for old macbooks that have GEForce GT 750m cards (like mine), but what about other nvidia cards? Does it (or will ...
user5601's user avatar
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How to do $ n $-fold cross validation with Classify?

Other machine learning libraries have utilities to generate indices that can be used to generate dataset splits according to different cross-validation strategies. How do I tell ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Dilation on 3D Images?

I need to apply a dilated convolution to a 3D image, but dilation values greater than 1 are not currently supported in v11.3: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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NetTrain automatic settings

I'm trying to compare Mathematica's NetTrain with other algorithms, and I used Automatic settings as they were working quite ...
Vsevolod A.'s user avatar
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Predict: How to customize model construction? (e.g. cross fold validation, mtry, number features used, ROC curve)

Question Overview In general this question is in regards to how to tweak the parameters used when one specifies a Method when calling the Predict function. Herein ...
SumNeuron's user avatar
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Resources to learn about Neural Nets using Mathematica?

I'm interested in learning about Neural Nets and I'd really like my instruction to be in Mathematica if possible. For instance, a tutorial like this one:
Mason's user avatar
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Batching in inference and support for multiple GPUs

I know that Mathematica supports GPU inference, and can be told which GPU to run models on by specifying TargetDevice->{"GPU",2} or such. My questions are as follows: 1) By using the above statement ...
Yss's user avatar
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Use autoencoder for dimensionality reduction

I have been trying to follow this tutorial ( to train an autoencoder in Mathematica,...
ben18785's user avatar
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How to use XGBoost from within Mathematica?

Is there an easy and efficient way to use XGBoost from within Mathematica without naively Import/Exporting the data? Does anyone know of a third party package or any example applications of ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Kernel shut down when use FindFaces with LBP Cascades

I found Mathematica can use OpenCV to improve face recognition in FindFaces: how to improve the results of the face recognition feature. But I tried this way and the kernel crashed. ...
Aster's user avatar
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How to train Sequence-to-sequence autoencoder using LSTM?

According Keras blog,I find the Seq2Seq auto-encoder. But it didn't give any example only code. To build a LSTM-based autoencoder, first use a LSTM encoder to turn your input sequences into a ...
partida's user avatar
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How to extract of sub-net of NetGraph correctly?

net = NetGraph[{3, 5, 8}, {1 -> 2 -> 3}, "Input" -> 2] Take[net, {1, 2}] But ...
partida's user avatar
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NetTrain Freezes Computer

I have a neural network I am trying to train: ...
Nico A's user avatar
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Optimize a network topology?

I'd like to know if one can use optimization function like Maximize[] or BayesianMaximize[] to optimize the hyper-parameters of ...
user5601's user avatar
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Memory leak in NetTrain?

Issue NetTrain seems to leak memory. Example We define a simple NetChain: ...
JungHwan Min's user avatar
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How to make classification results replicable?

Let's suppose I have a simple classification problem: ...
Sasha's user avatar
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Is the Method -> Automatic option for Classify not deterministic?

I just prepared an (well known) example in machine learning, the weather dependent determination of whether to play golf or not, as shown in this picture (of a corresponding Dataset) Now I set up ...
mgamer's user avatar
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How to know the internal pre-processing of automatic machine learning function `Classify`?

In the Highly automatic machine learning page, it is said the function like Classify and Predict will do things like automatic ...
m00nlight's user avatar
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Using Predict on images

I have a dataset of some (grayscale) images (stored as a list in inputImages) varying in size and content (this is example data from Wolfram, so you can run the ...
Wizard's user avatar
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Train your own CycleGAN style translator

I have a set of images (a few hundred) that represent a certain style and I would like to train an unpaired image to image translator with CycleGAN. I'm looking for a tutorial on how one would do ...
user5601's user avatar
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How to use a remote windows laptop for NetTrain?

I have a windows 10 laptop (with a gpu) at home and a macbook at my office, both with v11.3. What are steps to use the windows machine remotely for training? That is, I want to launch and run ...
user5601's user avatar
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Slow down training many neural networks (Bug?)

I am working on something in which I need to train a neural network many times with slightly different training data. I noticed that after many training runs the input rate had dropped significantly. ...
EricMock's user avatar
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How to recreate this 3D plot?

In other languages, one can make a FeaturePlot3D-esque graphics where the inset images look realistically three dimensional. Meaning that they are smaller when farther away (and also hazier). So how ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Use of new machine learning capability for search problems (reinforcement learning)

I work with search algorithms, often of an adversarial nature, and want to understand how to apply Mathematica's machine learning capabilities, especially those new in version 11, to this type of ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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FindFormula Control [closed]

FindFormula is great start on the path to full symbolic regression and I realize it's level of development is only experimental at this stage. But if I happen to ...
Steve's user avatar
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how to take ImageFeatures?

I want to know how to transform images to feature vector. There is a function FeatureExtractor.And it has some methods. ...
erow's user avatar
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Impact of Linkage and DistanceFunction on Agglomerate clustering

I'm using Agglomerate function to find clusters of my experimental points. I have about 20 points with 10 parameters each. It seems it works fine, but there are plenty of Linkage and DistanceFunction ...
Филипп Цветков's user avatar
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Using ImageIdentify

How long does it take ImageIdentify to give an answer for one image? Also, I suppose using it requires an Internet connection with Wolfram servers. Is that correct?
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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Implementing Resnet as a NetGraph?

Does anyone know of a Mathematica v11.1 implementation for any of the Resnets, e.g. a NetModel or WLNet for Resnet-1000? Loading the MXNet weights from the model zoo for both resnet or resnext doesn'...
M.R.'s user avatar
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