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Questions tagged [webservices]

Connecting to Service APIs using the Wolfram Language to query/retrieve data.

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How to download a file using a web link

Given a list of web links: ...
Tugrul Temel's user avatar
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How to get all elements from a single WebImageSearch[]?

I'm trying to use WebImageSearch[] to get a bunch of images and basic metadata about them. According to the documentation, we can get the following info: Is it possible to get all of these for a ...
TumbiSapichu's user avatar
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8 votes
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Inserting a Pause into a Mapping Using the PubMed Service Request

For a number of years I have been compiling a comprehensive bibliography of works that include mention of fishes of the family Scorpaenidae. Consequently, I am always on the lookout for datasets that ...
Stuart Poss's user avatar
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Can I connect to Cloud API using Java code?

I have a Java program that connects to a Mathematica Kernel, installed on my computer. I am able to call the APIs and receive the expression results, like to the code below. But is there any cloud ...
Azzurro94's user avatar
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Terms of use for functions that access data over the internet

Please excuse, as this is not a question about how to use a specific Mathematica function or solve some specific problem with Mathematica. But, a correct and comprehensive answer might be of interest ...
Jürgen Böhm's user avatar
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Is it possible to build a small web site with vanilla Mathematica? How about a web server?

Note: This question is not about WebMathematica. I speculate it is capable of doing everything about to be discussed. With its diverse capabilities and near endless ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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How to access a password-protected ssh server using PowerShell in Mathematica?

I want to run Windows PowerShell commands via Mathematica. Specifically, I need to access a ssh server which is password-protected. When I do this using the ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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How to insert input into Jupyter notebook using WebExecute

I started web session and opened a Jupyter notebook in it: ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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Unable to access Twitter using ServiceConnect[] [closed]

I wrote a brief bit of MMA code to access Twitter and run a daily search on a specific keyword. The program has worked without any problems for the past several months. Most recently, I get an ...
MSC02476's user avatar
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Getting stock quotes from Yahoo Finance API in Mathematica

I have obtained a Yahoo Finance API key and would like to try it out by making a simple request from within Mathematica. Their tutorial page has some nice little example code snippets in various ...
user143410's user avatar
5 votes
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Using ExternalStorageUpload with AmazonS3 and public-read ACL

I'm tring to use the ExternalStorageUpload function with AmazonS3. It works fine, but I couldn't find a way to control ACL ...
Murta's user avatar
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WebSearch Stopped Working

I've been using 'WebSearch' and 'WebImageSearch' quite a lot recently to sample images for my work. However, these functions suddenly stopped working. When I evaluate, for example, ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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Is there a feasible way to passively crosscheck sequences against the OEIS database?

What this questions is not: Can I access OEIS from Mathematica? This topic has been raised more than once and has been well addressed. Here's the situation as it seems to me: OEIS is a tremendously ...
Trev's user avatar
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How do I get access to the element which is inside a document in iframe?

If the element is not inside an iframe then the following works: ...
user13892's user avatar
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How to check the status of browser after every WebExecute command?

When executing commands using WebExecute on the $CurrentWebSession like follows: ...
user13892's user avatar
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How to select from a dropdown list in WebExecute?

After locating the dropdown using the XPath as follows: element=First@WebExecute["LocateElements"->"XPath"->"..."]; How do I ...
user13892's user avatar
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How to import actual data rather than formatted data from google sheets?

I have data in my google sheets which is extracted using: ...
user13892's user avatar
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How can I delay twitter requests

Using the twitter ServiceConnection it is easy to build the friend network of a twitter account: ...
spore234's user avatar
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SMS with Mathematica not working

I am trying to send a message to my phone using the SendMessage["SMS", "message"] function when a lengthy piece of code finishes running. My ...
asorlik's user avatar
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Finding Vaccine Appointments in MA

Everyday I spend a crazy amount of time clicking though each maze of hyperlinks and forms on this horrendous site: Is there anyway that Mathematica can help speed up the ...
user5601's user avatar
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How to use Import to extract data from website?

I would like to extract data of surface properties and grain boundary properties for Cu polymorph #0 from the website: using Mathematica. So far I tried with <...
Ferca's user avatar
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How to start an incognito web session?

Is this possible to do with StartWebSession, in either with Chrome or Firefox?
user5601's user avatar
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How to plot data in a web page from a free dataset which updates daily?

I am using the data which is available in the links below to get data about confirmed cases for COVID-19 in Colombia. I am modeling the cumulative cases with a non linear model and all is fine. This ...
DIEGO R.'s user avatar
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Last part of a url (after the "/")

I want the last number after the "/". How can I do that? "" I just want 0208009v1 I want to import multiple ...
Aryan's user avatar
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Remove existing ServiceConnect authentication credentials

I am working on a project using the BingSearch ServiceConnect (ServiceConnect["BingSearch"]) and I would like to use a different authentication key then ...
MathematicaUser's user avatar
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Permissions option in CloudDeploy[] choosing an authentication scheme

I have successfully CloudDeploy'ed APIs using the $Permissions Options set to Public and Private and a PermissionsKey. These work very well. I haven't quite understood this: Wolfram documentation ...
berrynice's user avatar
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Acessing data in google drive

I have a directory in Google Drive I would like to directly access and process data and save the outputs in the same drive. It is a personal drive. At first I thought would be so starigfhtforward as ...
user10737's user avatar
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Entering external identifier [closed]

I've been viewing Wolfram webinars that use Wikidata. The presenter enters "external identifiers" as arguments. How does one enter one of these external identifiers? For example:
Mitchell Kaplan's user avatar
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How can I get an entity from Wikipedia without using "=", while iterating through a list?

I have a list of entities from Wikipedia. I'd like to get the "entity" e.g. when I do something like: = Elon Musk I get: But now I want to iterate through a list of entities, e.g. {Elon Musk, ...
Youssef A's user avatar
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Issue when making POST requests to Wolfram Cloud APIs using JavaScript

I am having trouble making POST requests from JavaScript to Wolfram Cloud APIs. Here is a minimal example to reproduce the issue: ...
Andrea Dimitracopoulos's user avatar
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How to use normal Entity functions on new ExternalIdentifier objects (e.g. Wikidata)?

Is there any way to use the built-in EntityXXX on ExternalIdentifier objects? For me, it's more intuitive and easier to use <...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to send a Whatsapp message from Mathematica?

Just as the question reads. The only way I could think of this working is if one could interface with the Whatsapp web app. The motivation is to simply alert me when simulations or batch routines ...
user27119's user avatar
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Search using Query fails accessing ChemSpider with Mathematica

Performing a search with "Formula" works as expected. Search with "Query" fails. Printout attached to better document the problem.
mmaSpectator's user avatar
12 votes
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How to work with ElasticSearch in Mathematica?

Steps to install and run ElasticSearch: install Java (64-bit): download ElasticSearch ( and extract archive in ...
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
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Writing to ElasticSearch [duplicate]

Could someone kindly direct me to suitable documentation, Wolfram or otherwise, to connect Mathematica to an ElasticSearch instance. I don't need anything complicated just sufficient to write a record ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to download user faves on Flickr?

The Flickr service API doesn’t seem to have the getfavorites() request implemented. Is there an good way to do this with WebExecute? Code to get started with: For ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to get the arXiv ID of all papers being referenced by a specific arXiv paper?

I ran the below code and obtained a paper article001 with arXiv ID 1609.05206v3. ...
H42's user avatar
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WebImageSearch for images of high resolution?

Is there a way to specify a minimal image dimension when using WebImageSearch? Since it costs money I don't want to do a large search and then filter the results. ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Can I use Mathematica to build a complex website? [closed]

I have made all of the pages in WIX. But there is one page, basically, a form page, that WIX currently don't provide dynamic feature. Given that mathematica also is good with Data analyses in the ...
user1470393's user avatar
5 votes
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How to download arXiv article PDF files and TEX files in "Other formats" (if they exist)?

I find that ServiceConnect can access much arXiv information. But is it possible to download the PDF/TEX files I want, e.g., given article ...
Αλέξανδρος Ζεγγ's user avatar
8 votes
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Programmatic browser interaction: How to click on web-page and get new URL and list of links

In Mathematica it's easy to Import data from the web and perform all sort of Web Operations. But the later doesn't allow to simulate a more interactive browser ...
rhermans's user avatar
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Getting data using webscraping (Obtaining links from search engine with redirect)

In the past I have used the function Import in relation with "Hyperlink" to collect hyperlinks and data from the internet. For ...
Michiel van Mens's user avatar
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Using OAuthClient to extend ServiceConnect service that requires authentication and POST

I want to extend the functionality of a service available via ServiceConnect, particularly Google Calendar to insert a new event. That action requieres ...
rhermans's user avatar
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What are the current options for running Mathematica Enterprise on a web service/cloud with many cores?

The answers to similar questions on Mathematica Stack Exchange and Wolfram Community are several years out of date. I'm doing time-intensive Monte Carlo simulations with Mathematica Enterprise (...
Michael B. Heaney's user avatar
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How to use "Segment" in "GoogleAnalytics" service connection?

I‘m trying to make a GA request using the "Segment" parameter but as the the Wolfram Documentation states, Segment ID must be an integer: segments the data returned for your request; accepts an ...
Maik's user avatar
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A tour of AWSLink?

Seems like there are a lot of useful functions in this undocumented package AWSLink: Any developers on here that can demo it a bit?
user5601's user avatar
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Accessing House of Graphs data

House of Graphs is a fun little website that provides access to a number of interesting graphs. Unfortunately it doesn't have a readily-accessible API. Can I still get access to the data underneath?
b3m2a1's user avatar
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Using sockets to connect to a trading platform

I'm trying to use Binance's API. The following works: ...
anderstood's user avatar
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Communicating with server over Websocket using SocketConnect

I am trying to connect to a web socket feed of Gdax. The documentation is here, There is no account needed and the information is public. I have successfully ...
Ray Troy's user avatar
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SocketConnect not connecting to web socket address

I am trying to connect to a web socket feed of the Gdax. The documentation is here, There is no account needed and the information is public. ...
Ray Troy's user avatar
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