Seems as only single elements can be obtained by Import
cats = WebImageSearch["cats", "ImageHyperlinks", MaxItems -> 4]
el = Import[cats[[1]], {"Elements"}]
So I import per map into the elements
Import[cats[[1, 1]] , #] & /@ el[[{1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 10, 12}]]
{8, 3, ColorProfileData[NumericArray[CompressedData["..."],"UnsignedInteger8"], "RGB", "XYZ"], "RGB", <|"Make" -> "Canon",
"Model" -> "Canon EOS 5D Mark III", "XResolution" -> 240,
"YResolution" -> 240, "ResolutionUnit" -> "Inch",
"Software" -> "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 (Windows)",
"DateTime" ->
DateObject[{2012, 10, 7, 20, 50, 1.}, "Instant", "Gregorian",
None], "ExposureTime" -> Quantity[1/200, "Seconds"],
"FNumber" -> "f/2.8", "ExifTag" -> 214,
"ExposureProgram" -> "Manual", "ISOSpeedRatings" -> 1600,
"SensitivityType" -> "Recommended Exposure Index",
"RecommendedExposureIndex" -> 1600, "ExifVersion" -> "2.30",
"DateTimeOriginal" ->
DateObject[{2012, 2, 14, 17, 56, 7.}, "Instant", "Gregorian",
None], "DateTimeDigitized" ->
DateObject[{2012, 2, 14, 17, 56, 7.}, "Instant", "Gregorian",
None], "ShutterSpeedValue" ->
Quantity[477741/62500, IndependentUnit["exposure values"]],
"ApertureValue" ->
Quantity[1485427/500000, IndependentUnit["exposure values"]],
"ExposureBiasValue" ->
Quantity[0, IndependentUnit["exposure values"]],
"MaxApertureValue" ->
Quantity[3., IndependentUnit["exposure values"]],
"MeteringMode" -> "Multi-segment",
"FlashInfo" -> <|"FlashUsed" -> False,
"FlashFiringStatus" -> "No strobe return detection function",
"FlashMode" -> "Compulsory flash firing",
"FlashFunctionPresent" -> True, "RedEyeCorrection" -> False|>,
"FocalLength" -> Quantity[185., "Millimeters"],
"SubSecTimeOriginal" -> "00", "SubSecTimeDigitized" -> "00",
"FocalPlaneXResolution" -> 160, "FocalPlaneYResolution" -> 160,
"FocalPlaneResolutionUnit" -> "Millimeter",
"CustomRendered" -> "Normal", "ExposureMode" -> "Manual",
"WhiteBalance" -> Automatic, "SceneCaptureType" -> "Standard",
"BodySerialNumber" -> "062124001701",
"LensSpecification" -> {70, 200, Indeterminate, Indeterminate},
"LensModel" -> "EF70-200mm f/2.8L USM",
"LensSerialNumber" -> "0000000000"|>, <|"Make" -> "Canon",
"Model" -> "Canon EOS 5D Mark III", "XResolution" -> 240,
"YResolution" -> 240, "ResolutionUnit" -> "Inch",
"Software" -> "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 (Windows)",
"DateTime" ->
DateObject[{2012, 10, 7, 20, 50, 1.}, "Instant", "Gregorian",
None], "ExposureTime" -> Quantity[1/200, "Seconds"],
"FNumber" -> "f/2.8", "ExifTag" -> 214,
"ExposureProgram" -> "Manual", "ISOSpeedRatings" -> 1600,
"SensitivityType" -> "Recommended Exposure Index",
"RecommendedExposureIndex" -> 1600, "ExifVersion" -> "2.30",
"DateTimeOriginal" ->
DateObject[{2012, 2, 14, 17, 56, 7.}, "Instant", "Gregorian",
None], "DateTimeDigitized" ->
DateObject[{2012, 2, 14, 17, 56, 7.}, "Instant", "Gregorian",
None], "ShutterSpeedValue" ->
Quantity[477741/62500, IndependentUnit["exposure values"]],
"ApertureValue" ->
Quantity[1485427/500000, IndependentUnit["exposure values"]],
"ExposureBiasValue" ->
Quantity[0, IndependentUnit["exposure values"]],
"MaxApertureValue" ->
Quantity[3., IndependentUnit["exposure values"]],
"MeteringMode" -> "Multi-segment",
"FlashInfo" -> <|"FlashUsed" -> False,
"FlashFiringStatus" -> "No strobe return detection function",
"FlashMode" -> "Compulsory flash firing",
"FlashFunctionPresent" -> True, "RedEyeCorrection" -> False|>,
"FocalLength" -> Quantity[185., "Millimeters"],
"SubSecTimeOriginal" -> "00", "SubSecTimeDigitized" -> "00",
"FocalPlaneXResolution" -> 160, "FocalPlaneYResolution" -> 160,
"FocalPlaneResolutionUnit" -> "Millimeter",
"CustomRendered" -> "Normal", "ExposureMode" -> "Manual",
"WhiteBalance" -> Automatic, "SceneCaptureType" -> "Standard",
"BodySerialNumber" -> "062124001701",
"LensSpecification" -> {70, 200, Indeterminate, Indeterminate},
"LensModel" -> "EF70-200mm f/2.8L USM",
"LensSerialNumber" -> "0000000000"|>, None}
Its perhaps not a bad idea, to strip all metadata from jpgs before publishing. Its possible to track any camera body in space and time.