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Questions tagged [linguistics]

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1 answer

How to get a list of all words from an unabridged dictionary?

I wanted to do something that Donald Knuth did. He entered a contest to make as many words as possible out of the phrase/string "Ziegler's Giant Bar". The judges master list had 2 500 words. ...
Peter Burbery's user avatar
4 votes
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Using TextCases to identify prepositions

Syed's user avatar
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5 votes
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Generating language from grammar

To be concrete, consider the following formal grammar: $$S \rightarrow aSb$$ $$S \rightarrow \varepsilon$$ The language generated by this grammar is $L = \{ a^n b^n | n \geq 0 \}$. How can I implement ...
Integral's user avatar
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1 answer

Atomic Concepts [closed]

WordCloud[WikipediaData["model theory"]] That is where it starts. I want to now find a new WordCloud with the center inset from the prevous Wordcloud. ...
Veritas Lux's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Frequency rank of Russian words

Mathematica contains the 31801 most frequent Russian words. These can be obtained using: WordList["KnownWords", Language -> "Russian"] ...
Conor Cosnett's user avatar
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Error in function `WordList` in version 12.1

I want to list the number of different kinds of words in the English dictionary (Version 12.1 for Win10 (64-bit)): ...
A little mouse on the pampas's user avatar
7 votes
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How to remove words added by mistake from spelling check?

In text mode, I mistakenly add a word exx to the dictionary, which makes it impossible to check the spelling of this word. What can I do to delete only the ...
A little mouse on the pampas's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to batch translate a group of words?

I want to translate a group of words into simplified Chinese more quickly: ...
A little mouse on the pampas's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Finding position of specific substring within string [closed]

Is there a simple way of finding the position of a specific instance of a substring within a string? For instance, in the sentence "Bob bought his car at the car dealership". Something like <...
Mualpha7's user avatar
3 votes
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How does the SpellingCorrectionList function work? (with confusing example)

I tried the SpellingCorrectionList function on some chunks of code strings to get translation suggestions. The results are kind of wild. I understand guesses are not going to be great on a string of ...
kleinerde's user avatar
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Making a histogram of a dictionary

I am trying to make a histogram of the dictionary where each bin is how many characters in a word, and the height is the frequency of words with that many characters. I'd like to make one for the ...
Carlos Mario Cabrera's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to find multi-word synonyms?

I’m looking to write a semantic distance function for phrases (5 words or less) that can map multi-word synonyms together. My domain is e-commerce fashion - here are some required examples for a ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

What stopwords list is the Wolfram language using?

The documentation of DeleteStopwords only says that it "uses a standard, built-in list of stopwords". So what is it exactly? Update Now that it is said "standard"...
Αλέξανδρος Ζεγγ's user avatar
11 votes
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How to run GrammarApply offline?

It is a question regarding formal grammar. I have a grammar rule addition as below:- ...
H42's user avatar
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6 votes
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Bigrams and TF-IDF calculation

I want to create a bag of bigrams in a set of documents and calculate the TF-IDF vector of each document. To calculate the bigram of the text I used the following code: The small example of the data (...
Kiril Danilchenko's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Unscrambling jumbled anagrams

I know that we can easily check to see if a string contains any anagrams by the following snippet: ...
Landak's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Checking if a word exists

Probably the simplest way to check a word if it exists is to use DictionaryWordQ[] DictionaryWordQ["color"] True But it ...
Sumit's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Finding the number of syllables in a string of text

To implement a readability algorithm, I need to find the number of symbols in a long string of text (almost 5000 words). There doesn't seem to be a built-in Mathematica function that can count the ...
jxmorris12's user avatar
1 vote
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Is WordStem available for German?

The WordStem function looks very useful to me. Is there a way to use it for non-English words?
Karsten W.'s user avatar
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Can WordFrequencyData be used with phrases?

Can WordFrequencyData be used with phrases? I'd like to look up words/phrases like "cell phone" instead of "cellphone". ...
hmode's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to transform traditional Chinese string into simplified Chinese string in Mathematica?

There are two type of written Characters in Chinese: traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese. Is there a way to transform traditional Chinese string into simplified Chinese string in Mathematica? ...
matheorem's user avatar
  • 17.4k
7 votes
2 answers

How to apply profanity filter

What is the simplest way to filter out profanity from Word Data without manually removing the words?
eliott's user avatar
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Filtering word data nouns by subfield?

I am making string combinations using WordData and would like to filter all nouns that come from a specific professional specialization. For example, the nouns in ...
tdgutierrez's user avatar
10 votes
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How do I translate a list of English words into another language using an online translation service with Mathematica?

As far as I know, there are two posts on this topic: Can I use Mathematica to translate a English word to a Chinese characters? and *How can I use Mathematica to get the translated result from the ...
matheorem's user avatar
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9 votes
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Why does WordList["KnownWords"] include so many non-words?

I was going through the Wolfram Language book in Mathematica and in one chapter had the following exercise to pick out palindromes: ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Why does WordData fail to find "PartsOfSpeech" when given a list of two words?

I have the following sample code. StringSplit["a test string", " "] Thread[WordData[%, "PartsOfSpeech"]] The output I get is: ...
Simon O'Doherty's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

Can Mathematica determine part-of-speech for each word in a text?

I've found that WordData has a database of English words and their possible parts of speech. But some words are ambiguous, e.g. result can be a verb or a noun: <...
F'x's user avatar
  • 10.9k
7 votes
2 answers

DictionaryLookup very slow

I'm trying to plot, given a list of words, how many words belongs to each language. I'm using the following code: ...
José D.'s user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

WordData for other languages

Mathematica already includes dictionaries for a lot of languages. What I am looking for is a handy semantic/grammatic database for Hungarian, just like WordData for ...
István Zachar's user avatar