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Publishing image classifier as a website or to the cloud

I have made an image classifier by importing images and training my neural network, and I would like to share this classifier with my colleagues that don't have access to Mathematica. However, if I ...
Lewis Ryan MH's user avatar
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Creating an If function for the probabilities of the classes of images after using NetTrain

So I have 3 Classes the model can output after veiwing an image, at the moment it has a 70% accuracy, however this is not an issue as the plan is unless it's 85%+ sure on the Probability of the class ...
Lewis Ryan MH's user avatar
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What is the network structure of Ademxapp Model A1 Trained on Cityscapes Data in the Mathematica?

I want to implement the model (Ademxapp Model A1 Trained on Cityscapes Data) on my data for segmentation, so I need the partial structure of this model, can anyone help?
Erfan's user avatar
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Evaluating a questionnaire from image

I want to evaluate a questionnaire made at school. The survey is made on paper and I will scan it. So I have an image with all the questions (44 questions). What I am looking for is which number was ...
Eisbär's user avatar
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Why does ImageRecognition recognise some concepts in a list of concepts but not others?

Why can I successfully use an option list of the dog and cat entities with the ImageRecognition function but not use a similar option list for two aircraft entities
Nick's user avatar
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Text recognition - extracting table of text from image

I want to extract table from the image bellow as a list of strings. I tried the following but it does not work. ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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Sort symbols or characters by image complexity

As an example, I would like to sort the following characters by some sort of complexity measure: ...
userrandrand's user avatar
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TrainImageContentDetector gives very poor result on GPU compared to CPU

On the doc page of TrainImageContentDetector, there is an example of heart detector training. I tried this example with different TargetDevice and constrained the <...
matheorem's user avatar
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Is it possible to add new concept to ImageContents

I was hoping to use ImageContents to locate some specific objects in a series of images with a bounding box. However, ...
Tomi's user avatar
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Extract ROIs - Machine learning - References

I want to try to extract ROIs from certain images using machine learning and neural networks , granted I know nothing about this field and it may not be the best way to do this, but the goal is to ...
DarkBulle's user avatar
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Wolfram Neural Net Repository Questions

I was a research scientist in the machine learning team, and mostly involved with the neural net repository.
T.B.'s user avatar
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What is the default loss function used by the GradientBoostedTrees classifier?

I've used Classify[...] for a two class image classification problem which has yielded pretty good results. I let Mathematica select an algorithm for me and it picked a GBT model, everything looked ...
dangerfeld's user avatar
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ClassifierMeasurements returns strange errors

I am following the example listed on this page ResNet 50 to train a custom classifier and inspect the outcome with ClassifierMeasurements. My training set has 443 images from more than 30 classes. The ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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extract dynamic values from video frames [duplicate]

I have a video recording the time and temperature during the experiment. I would like to ask whether it is possible for MMA to extract the above two values (highlighted in red boxes) from the frames ...
user avatar
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Trying to build a code to translate handwritten formulas using ML

I'm lazy writing equations in Latex so I want a code to translate handwritten equations. This question is related to an old experiment I'm reviewing during vacations, here. I'm trying to use ...
Gluoncito's user avatar
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how to implement training for UNET implementation on Wolfram Neural Net Repository?

My question is with reference to the U-NET implementation present on the Wolfram Neural Net Repository The construction notebook present on the page (link: http://...
Ali Hashmi's user avatar
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Recognizing letters in grid with TextRecognize

Here is the test image: You might recognize this as a Boggle board. I want to translate the image into a 4x4 array of letters. Not quite sure how to deal with rotated letters and ambiguous letters ...
Mr. G's user avatar
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Find best region to put text onto image

Given an image upon which you want to inset text, the question arises: What is the best sub-region to place text? For example, given a background image I want to find the rectangle in the image (...
M.R.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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Decoding Music in Staff Notation using ImageIdentify

I wrote this Code fragment Which is a E (quarter) note in Treble Clef. Instead Mathematica simply classified it as a "musical note" Can we do better?
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
14 votes
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Importing a grid of numbers from an image (sudoku like)

Can anyone see a way to import a grid of numbers from into Mathematica? TextRecognize doesn't seem ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Image-based reinforcement learning with neural networks

After seeing that "OpenAIGym" is not exactly supported on Windows and playing around with
Cetin Sert's user avatar
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Can LearnDistribution Train and Generate Images Without Defaulting To 256x256?

In spite of anything I try it seems the ConformImages[] function nested in the LearnDistribution[] function resizes images to 256x256. If I convert an image into its "Data" representation before ...
agibilium's user avatar
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Recognising people from photos

I have a large number (probably 10000) of personal photos taken over the last few years, a good proportion of which contain family members. I'd like to put together a photo book of one family member,...
SPPearce's user avatar
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Find Probability that Image Is Text

I can find out whether an image is text: ImageInstanceQ[img,Entity["Concept", "TextualMatter::m7642"]] And if an image is most likely text, I can find out the ...
Nico A's user avatar
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ImageRestyle yielding low-level errors even in example cases

the title covers it. I'm on v11.3.0.0 on a MacBook Pro running Mojave 10.14.2, and trying to run ImageRestyle seems to immediately throw a bunch of errors that aren't related to the input in an ...
Ben Kalziqi's user avatar
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Wha't the meaning of NaN in the descriptor of ImageKeypoints

Bug introduced in 10.3 or earlier and persisting through 11.3 ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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Kernel shut down when use FindFaces with LBP Cascades

I found Mathematica can use OpenCV to improve face recognition in FindFaces: how to improve the results of the face recognition feature. But I tried this way and the kernel crashed. ...
Aster's user avatar
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Why would a symmetric image have an asymmetric PoolingLayer-Gradient Image?

I have a symmetric image img. For simplicity, I would use the below image as my example: ...
H42's user avatar
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How to cluster a set of images?

I have a set of images (imgset) as Clearly, the classification list should be ...
user36426's user avatar
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FindFaces in Mathematica 11.3

I just upgraded to Mathematica 11.3. but now my FindFaces instructions do not work anymore. I guess they changed the syntax in 11.3. Here is the original code: <...
james's user avatar
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Unable to create ClassifierMeasurements for NetGraph

I am trying to check the accuracy of a neural network by using ClassifierMeasurements. I take the MNIST as example:- Code for setting ...
H42's user avatar
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Single Neuron Dream Example (from Markus van Almsick's Presentation WTC 2017)

I'm teaching myself about Mathematica 11.3 Neural Net capabilities, and I can't get a demonstrably previously working example to work. I've been trying for quite a while without success. In Markus ...
Craig Carter's user avatar
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Image Segmentation: (Efficient Graph-Based)

This question is two-fold; First, it is about how to get the speed efficiency this algorithm should provide in Mathematica. In addition, it has a small question about the algorithm (Efficient Graph-...
SumNeuron's user avatar
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Error using accuracy and ConfusionMatrixPlot of ClassifierMeasurements

EDIT: Here is the complete code that i have used: ...
Ashish's user avatar
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Image Generator with a Neural Network (CIFAR-10)

As some of you may know, CIFAR-10 is a data base which has 60,000 images (which are 32x32 in size) of 10 different categories (airplane, dog, cat, frog, deer, bird, horse, ship, automobile and truck). ...
Anna Morales Melgares's user avatar
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How to perform unsupervised texture classification?

Consider a texture mixture (img) from Brodatz. I want to classify the five different texture patterns and segment the corresponding regions. Following this, I ...
user36426's user avatar
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How to ImageRestyle high-res images?

I’m running v12 now and ImageRestyle[] crashes for me on an image of size 1600 x 1200 pixels. All the examples in the documentation use images around 500 x 500 or ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Reducing the size of the training data

My problem is that running Classify on my training data takes too long. First I get 50,000 images such as car, cat, dog, hat, train, etc. ...
sang kim's user avatar
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Rectangular object boundary detection

I would like to find the boundaries of an object: I have looked that the YOLO algorithm but it looks like the results cut off parts of the object a lot. What kind of algorithm can I use to achieve ...
rawsh's user avatar
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Neural network: Line detection in Image

I am playing around with Mathematica's new Neural Network toolbox and am trying to teach a network to detect lines in quite noisy images. An example Input image would look like the following: The ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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Can Mathematica Neural Net make use of the REC file format for images like MXNet?

When using large set of images for training neural networks (>10000, size 250 x 250 each) the time to read the images is quite long. My first approach was to use the DataSet functionality of ...
user2980583's user avatar
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Custom NetEncoder for lower resolution image input in a pre-trained Inception network

I have come across this neat explanation on how to adjust a pre-trained Inception neural net to an arbitrary number of classes by truncating the top layers. However, my input data does not come in $...
FisherDisinformation's user avatar
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Detect numbers on the image [duplicate]

How to detect numbers on the following image I tried: img=Import[""] set = ImagePartition[img, Scaled[{1/20, 1/5}]] // Flatten ...
vito's user avatar
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Handwriting recognition with Mathematica

I am trying to teach Mathematica to read my handwriting. Since I don't want to ruin my reputation by showing my own handwriting, I am going to use a font called blackjack. Lets say this is a ...
Sumit's user avatar
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Geographic text recognition [closed]

I would like to process an image from this Wikipedia page to get the structured data out Like so <| "New York" -> 28, ... |> Not sure where to start.
M.R.'s user avatar
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Noise filtering in images with PCA

I have a stack of images (usually ca 100) of the same sample. The images have intrinsic variation of the sample, which is my signal, and a lot of statistical noise. I did a principal components ...
user9234701's user avatar
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Google Cloud Vision vs ImageIdentify [closed]

Google has recently made their vision API publicly available (in beta release). I was hoping someone who has access to it could speak to how it compares with Mathematica's ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How to avoid crashing with ConformImages?

ConformImages[] is causing a kernel crash when applied to a list of 5k images. Is there any way to apply ConformImages on the list in batches or asynchronously to ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Pattern recognition

I am trying to have Mathematica come up with a simplified version of a real pattern. For the moment I'm trying with handwritten digits, but eventually I want to apply it to more complex photographs. ...
Ziofil's user avatar
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How to ImageIdentify multiple objects in a single image?

Suppose an image has multiple objects: ImageIdentify only finds the banana: ...
ConvexMartian's user avatar