
After seeing that "OpenAIGym" is not exactly supported on Windows and playing around with https://www.wolfram.com/language/12/neural-network-framework/train-an-agent-in-a-reinforcement-learning-environment.html, I decided to create a new gym as part of my reinforcement learning studies!

I was progressing smoothly with the first environment Pixels-v1:

  • DeviceFramework API device
  • human interaction joystick

then I got stuck with the actual reinforcement learning using neural networks o__O - training produces results that just drift off screen rather than aim for the center.

Is that perhaps because of picking images as input domain instead of a tiny vector of numbers summarizing the state - please see below for details and help me out?!

I have prepared a notebook to make you see the issue right away.



  1. evaluate all initialization cells
  2. scroll to the bottom of the notebook

(Please make and use your own copy if you can.)


The first environment (Pixels-v1) is going to be that of a few happy pixels surviving against various simple hazards.

  • "ObservedState": a 40*40 Image
  • "ActionSpace": {Left, Right, Up, Down}
  • "Step": I am not sure how to define the reward here for the neural network to converge, intention for the simplest case: Reward == 1 if stepped closer than ever before to center, otherwise 0; also Ended == True if active Pixel hit edges.


I would expect my policy network to use the environment image directly.

policyInput = NetEncoder[{"Image", {40, 40}, "Grayscale"}];
policyOutput = NetDecoder[actionClass];
policy = NetInitialize@NetChain[
    4, SoftmaxLayer[]
   "Input" -> policyInput,
   "Output" -> policyOutput
policy // netSize
  1. Should I change the "ObservedState" from being an image of binary 40*40 image with the active pixel being a single pixel to something more noticable to the neural net?
  2. Should I change the policy network definition (snippet above), how?
  3. Should I change the loss function definition, how?
  4. Should I change the step function definition (snippet below), how, especially with regards to the "Reward"? step function

(where \[Rho][[i]] is the active pixel.)

I would strongly appreciate if someone could provide detailed guidance on what I am missing at this point. I would love to make Mathematica more accessible for beginners of reinforcement learning with neural networks.

Notebook: https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/137b4dd6-937a-47ad-b0b0-10af0ae06ed6

  1. evaluate all initialization cells and
  2. scroll to the bottom of the notebook

(Please make and use your own copy if you can. Same link as above.)

(If this is not the right place / way to pose this question, please tell me how to correct / where to move it and I will oblige.)

  • $\begingroup$ Please do not use the version-xx tags without a good reason (i.e. an issue that could in principle apply to other versions but unexpectedly it does not). $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Dec 18, 2019 at 10:13
  • $\begingroup$ @Szabolcs, I will refrain from doing so in the future and keep my tags more inclusive. $\endgroup$
    – Cetin Sert
    Commented Dec 18, 2019 at 11:46


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