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Training a neural network on two dataset simultaneously

I have my neural network model and want to train it at the same time on 2 datasets that share the same structure. What I have done so far does not work. This is my code ...
Ruth Lazkoz's user avatar
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Is this a reasonable way to transform simple MSE loss function to weighted MSE for neural networks?

The idea is tested on a dataset with a clear outlier (see picture below) ...
Ruth Lazkoz's user avatar
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Combination of decoder and encoder for VAE interpolation

To get VAE interpolation I need decoder and encoder to be combined. Can you make a suggestion? ...
aynaz's user avatar
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Scheduled Updating of LossFunction Scaling in NetTrain

I'm looking for a way to externally manipulate (hyper)parameters of a network during NetTrain training, as a function of the training progress. Specifically, I want ...
user136848's user avatar
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Use of ports on basic machine learning regression

I have this simple code to do a regression on a list of points very close to a parabole. It is purely anecdotal that I happen to know the exact underlying trend, the idea is just to have simple/nice ...
Ruth Lazkoz's user avatar
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How to evaluate text-to-speech models in WL

There are a many solid options for text-to-speech (TTS) now in SpeechSythesize and from API providers in general. How might I use Mathematica to compare the quality ...
user5601's user avatar
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Neural Network erros in NetEncoders?

I'm making a fairly complex neural network, and I've listed all the ports, the network flow, and the layers well. However, when I tried to run the NetGraph, it gave me the error message ...
Alex Rosenzweig's user avatar
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Using NetMeasurements for basic neural network

I have a neural network that works fine, but I would like to obtain some results on the Validation Set which provides some metrics on the performance of the training. I am obtaining some strange ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Neural network that augments the input with constants

Suppose we have a simple neural network as follows: ...
Math Gaudium's user avatar
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SoftmaxLayer with one-hot vectors

The quantum physics problem I am looking at is a rotated qubit. The setup involves a y-rotated qubit measured in the z-basis (hence spin-up and spin-down). This scenario typically includes modeling ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Using CrossEntropyLoss function for basic neural network

Hi I am interested in understanding how to use the neural network functions in Mathematica. I have just started learning hence this is a basic query. The simple example I am looking at is as follows: ...
John Doe's user avatar
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TensorProduct in a FunctionLayer cannot compile correctly

My network can output an array of 6x512x512 size at the end, now I want to multiply an array of length 3 for each of these 6 channels to get the color of the different channels, I am using the ...
Schwarzer's user avatar
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How to import huggingface dataset files?

The .hf file from HuggingFace's datasets library is a very popular format: Is there an easy way to import these from either files on disk or their webportal?
user5601's user avatar
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Modeling with different outputs size

I have lists of input and output. I want to perform the prediction operation but my outputs are different for each input and this causes an error. Can someone help me to write the model in such a way ...
Erfan's user avatar
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Gradient of tensor expressions

I would like to compute gradients of tensor expressions without having to instantiate particular tensors and for arbitrary sizes. Example 1 : For example, let's say I want to minimize $C=\sum_j(\sum_i ...
Nichola's user avatar
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Error following upgrade to Mathematica 14.0: Classify: TargetDevice -> GPU requires restart [duplicate]

I recently upgraded Mathematica from 13.3 to 14.0 on my workstation. When I attempted to execute a script that ran without any issues on 13.3, I suddenly get an error associated with the Classify ...
Max's user avatar
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How to do BayesianMinimization in 2D?

Studying a new experimental BayesianMinimization command in 14.0 and following an example from the documentation ...
user64494's user avatar
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StandardizedVector returned by FeatureExtract/FeatureExtraction is not the same as Standardize

The documentation would suggest that the "StandardizedVector" option of FeatureExtract and FeatureExtraction should give the same results as Standardize ("numeric data processed with ...
Joshua Schrier's user avatar
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What will be the next backend for machine learning?

Apache MXNet has been the choice of Mathematica Neural Network backend, but it has long since been mostly ignored by the ML community and now is finally in the attic (
t-smart's user avatar
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Decision tree in Mathematica

I have data like these: ...
Teodoro Marinucci's user avatar
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Publishing image classifier as a website or to the cloud

I have made an image classifier by importing images and training my neural network, and I would like to share this classifier with my colleagues that don't have access to Mathematica. However, if I ...
Lewis Ryan MH's user avatar
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Why does ridiculous error information appear in Classify with Method GradientBoostedTrees?

The data could be classified correctly by method like LogisticRegression, NearestNeigbors. The dataset is quiet simple, ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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FeatureSpacePlot output differs in documentation vs. a notebook

I was exploring this first example of FeatureSpacePlot and it shows some strange behavior. On the left is the documentation window and to the right is the notebook. ...
Syed's user avatar
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How to extract images from Information?

class = Classify[ ExampleData[{"MachineLearning", "UCILetter"}, "Data"]] Information@class I have queried the Information function, ...
我心永恒's user avatar
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Creating an If function for the probabilities of the classes of images after using NetTrain

So I have 3 Classes the model can output after veiwing an image, at the moment it has a 70% accuracy, however this is not an issue as the plan is unless it's 85%+ sure on the Probability of the class ...
Lewis Ryan MH's user avatar
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Living or Non-Living?

Syed's user avatar
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How to treat small numbers in order to gain efficiency and precision in neural network algorithm?

Unfortunately I won't be able to provide a MWE, as it would be too big and complex, and this question will be based on pure semantics, basically (and I understand if this is impossible to answer in ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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How do I make Predict function accept a sequence of data inputs as a feature while training?

How do I make Predict function accept a sequence of data inputs as a feature while training? I am unable to use this : trainingdata = { 5 -> {{1,4},{2,3}}, 6 -> {{2,4},{3,3}} , .... } as ...
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
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What is the network structure of Ademxapp Model A1 Trained on Cityscapes Data in the Mathematica?

I want to implement the model (Ademxapp Model A1 Trained on Cityscapes Data) on my data for segmentation, so I need the partial structure of this model, can anyone help?
Erfan's user avatar
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NetGraph won't accept EmbeddingLayers of different n

Why doesn't this work: ...
user233932's user avatar
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How to use NetChain to obtain a fit that is at least accurate on the training data

How do I use NetChain to obtain a fit that is at least accurate on the training data? I am trying to get a hopefully predictive fit for some data (see my question ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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Using AI to get the geographic locations of a list of banks

I have a list of banks from Bloomberg, and am looking to locate them on the world map, ...
apg's user avatar
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Evaluating a questionnaire from image

I want to evaluate a questionnaire made at school. The survey is made on paper and I will scan it. So I have an image with all the questions (44 questions). What I am looking for is which number was ...
Eisbär's user avatar
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Fourier neural operator using wolfram mathematica

Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) is a neural network-based approach that combines deep learning with the Fourier transform to solve partial differential equations. It leverages the power of neural ...
Baoxiang Pan's user avatar
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Does Mathematica have a LogSumExp function that's numerically stable?

I searched "Mathematica LogSumExp", and literally nothing is coming up. It's a relatively important function in machine learning and for numerically stable computation. Will I just have to ...
chausies's user avatar
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How to identify and select the first name from a string containing a first name and a last name?

Is it possible to identify and select the first name in a string that is made up of a first name and a last name, e.g.: ...
Wolfgang123's user avatar
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Using Mathematica ML models in another application

Using Mathematica, I trained and exported some machine learning models with the suggested file extension .wmlf. However, I noticed that these files are stored in HDF5 format. How can I import these ...
Jeremy L's user avatar
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Sentiment analysis function (not using Classify)

I am looking to create a function that will take a text and parameter strings "neg","pos", and "sum" and calculate a sentiment value for the text. I want to use ...
keith's user avatar
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Prediction Algorithm [closed]

Trying to identify what algorythm I need to use to predict a battery full time (100%), based on historic data (charge rate is variable). I suspect it's some form of linear regression of a sort, ...
user13239021's user avatar
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Why does ImageRecognition recognise some concepts in a list of concepts but not others?

Why can I successfully use an option list of the dog and cat entities with the ImageRecognition function but not use a similar option list for two aircraft entities
Nick's user avatar
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Generating molecules using a GAN in Mathematica

I have been unable to find any tutorials or examples of creating molecules using a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) in the Wolfram language. It appears that the Selfies paclet was created to ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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Target Device->"GPU" Not Working For Machine Learning: LibraryFunction error

I'm running Wolfram Desktop version 13.2.1, and after downloading Visual Studio, Nvidia Toolkit version 12.1 and 11.2, and verifying that ...
Daniel Berkowitz's user avatar
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Machine learning for symbolic mathematics

I came across a meaningful article about the use of machine learning (in particular, with Mathematica) to solve ODEs and find undefined integrals. Are there any other works, especially done with ...
user64494's user avatar
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Neural network: Segmentation of water and not water area

Good morning everyone. I have a large dataset of photographs similar to the one attached. It would be my intention to train a neural network to recognise water and "non-water" zones. How ...
Ramiro dell'Erba's user avatar
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What is that neural network?

I am teaching my comp to add naturals by creating a neural network: ...
user64494's user avatar
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Mathematica, ML and TensorFlow

I am currently studying a specialization on Coursera in Machine Learning and am investigating various tools to help me out with the maths and with visualisations and so on. Although I have many ...
serlingpa's user avatar
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Performance Problems with Number-Recognizing AI Functions

I created an AI function that recognizes numbers using MNIST. ...
Milk's user avatar
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Why Mathematica's Classify gives 100% accuracy on FashionMNIST dataset

Tested on Mathematica 13.2 ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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Training stuck problem about SVM in Classify

fashion MNIST dataset You can download the FasionMNIST and unzip the data, you'll see that train-images-idx3-ubyte. You may also use official ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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How can I get a mean ROC curve from multiple Classify iterations?

I'm running a classifier on some data using Classify. Because the classifier results depend on the data used for training, I decided to run the classifier in a loop ...
LNah's user avatar
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