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Questions tagged [broken-code]

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Broken code from 14.0 to 14.1 [duplicate]

why the behavour of nlmf["ParameterTable"] has been changed from 14.0 to 14.1? After a run of ...
Teodoro Marinucci's user avatar
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How to only evaluate this function in the new variables after the derivative has been taken?

I have the following situation. I will first post the code and then explain what I'm trying to do and what is going wrong ...
user1620696's user avatar
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Unsuccessful in parallelizing a string decomposition

I am categorizing a very large set of indexed strings that, due to size and complexity, takes long enough to desire to execute this via parallelization. The below is a simplification, not ...
Alexander B.'s user avatar
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How to compute this limit in a shorter time?

Suppose we want to compute the following limit: \begin{equation} \lim_{\varepsilon\to 0}\lim_{r\to\infty}\frac{\lfloor 1.0101\left(\lceil 6r^2 \pi/{\varepsilon}\rceil-1\right)+1\rfloor}{ \lceil 6r^2 \...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Problem with illustrating pathways

This is slightly different from this and this question. We are focusing on an illustration of all pathways from a specific sample. Suppose we have the following sample: $$\small{\mathcal{S}=\left\{(-1....
Arbuja's user avatar
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Help defining all pathways of a sample from the same start-point

This is slightly different from this question. We are focusing on finding all pathways of a sample rather than partitions of equal area: Suppose we have the following sample: $$\small{\mathcal{S}=\...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Why am I getting this error? Set::setraw: Cannot assign to raw object 73

Here is my code. I tried all modifications to this code but I'm not able to resolve the problem. Can anyone tell me why am I getting this error? ...
user4381753's user avatar
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SoftmaxLayer with one-hot vectors

The quantum physics problem I am looking at is a rotated qubit. The setup involves a y-rotated qubit measured in the z-basis (hence spin-up and spin-down). This scenario typically includes modeling ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Most efficient way of defining the following sets for every step $n$

For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, how do we compute sets $A_n$ and $B_n$ below: Let $A_1=[0,2/3)$. Let $B_1=(2/3,1]$. If $A_n$ is a union of intervals, then for each interval cut out the middle $1/2^{n+1}$ ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Generate all commutators and anti-commutators up to a certain order of a list of matrices

I am given a list of matrices. At first order I want to evaluate the commutators and anti-commutators of all pairs in the list and return a new list that contains two lists: one containing all ...
JohnnyB's user avatar
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Define a function using symbolic constants [closed]

I want to calculate the derivative and find critical points of the following function: $\begin{equation} \frac{(w+w_s)(w^2+w_s^2)L^2C^3}{(wR^2C+(w^2 LC-1)^2)(w_s R^2C+(w_s^2 LC-1)^2)} \end{equation}$ ...
E. Ginzburg's user avatar
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Alternative Representation for Energy Levels and Energy Level Density

I need to show the energy level density around the local maximum of this double-well potential. I can do it using the following: ...
user444's user avatar
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Unicode symbols not encoded properly in BarcodeImage[] in Mathematica 13.3

Bug introduced in 13.2 or 13.3 and fixed in 14.1 Trying to generate a simple QR code with ← or U+2190. I got varying results: the same in Mathematica versions 12.3 and 13.1 but very different in ...
David Caliri's user avatar
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Integrate function differing from RUBI's Int function in version 13.3.0

I had Mathematica Version 12.3.1 Student Edition and Integrate and RUBI's Int functions produced the same answers for my purposes with good results. I updated my version to 13.3.0 Student Edition and ...
Tom00496's user avatar
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Python Code to Mathematica for Classical Map of Kicked Top

I am trying to convert this Python code for Classical map of kicked top to Mathematica. For a single trajectory, I am able to ...
user444's user avatar
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Fixing a code which covers $[-k,k]\times[-k,k]$ for a given $k\in\mathbb{N}$, with smaller rectangles of equal area?

Motivation: From this post we, initially, wanted to cover a rectangle using smaller, non-overlapping rectangles with the same area: the difference between the total area of the smaller rectangles and ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Labeling point coordinates in path graph using VertexLabels

Question: How do we label point coordinates in Pathgraph using VertexLabels. Suppose we have a list of points ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Part specification error

I am doing a solved exercise shared here. However, while running the code, I encountered an error on page-8, under the Dynamics section. with error : I think this error is due to the absence of ...
user444's user avatar
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Colouring stacked 2D in 3D

user444's user avatar
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Why does the following code not change the table?

Consider the following code: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Efficient generation of n-bit base-m Gray code with adjacent bit changes

How can I generate n-bit base-m Gray code in Mathematica, where only 1 bit changes at a time and all possibilities are covered? I have been hitting my head against a metaphorical wall for a few hours ...
More Senne's user avatar
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Why does introducing value of variable for NDSolve via function not work for this problem?

I am very confused and even restarted Kernel several times (Mathematica 13.1 Windows 10). However, I fail to understand why one evaluation of NDSolve works while a ...
Ali Hashmi's user avatar
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Creating an interactive plot that zooms into the function

Suppose we want an interactive plot for the code: ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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What's wrong with this FFT-based Von Kármán vortex street simulation?

About 9 years ago, I came across this interesting website, and found the following paragraph with a broken Mathematica code sample: When fluid passes an object, it can leave a trail of vortices ...
xzczd's user avatar
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How to get rid of 0.000 and change 5.*10^n to 3*10^n on Log Plots?

Using Version (Edit: MacOS BigSur Version 11.6, Hardware M1 chip) In order to show some Log (or LogLog) plot features that I find annoying, here is some code: ...
Carl's user avatar
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How to attach Upvalues to CompoundExpression?

I'm trying to make something like this work: Evaluating someData // Query[whatever...] /* summarizeInPrettyWay /* promptToRemoveCompoundExpression ; should produce ...
joka's user avatar
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Stability classification code for dynamic system

I'm interested in carrying out stability analysis on discrete dynamic systems, as was done in this paper. The Author used their function ...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
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Adding numbers with defined precision produces incorrect result

I've tracked a bug in my code down to the problem of adding two numbers together, with the left argument having machine precision, e.g by 3` . The issue is, if ...
shanedrum's user avatar
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How do we define the function near the end of my post?

Suppose I have two sets $F_{1,n}$ and $F_{2,n}$ written as: ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Problem with ToExpression and TexForm changing two variables multiplied together into one multi-lettered variable

I have a problem where if I multiply two variables a c in Mathematica, then copy as LaTeX (or just use the Mathematica output) to get a c, then put it in ToExpression["a c",TeXForm], I get ...
Tom00496's user avatar
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How to compile sum over the compiled expression?

Consider the following toy code: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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How do we find the limit of my code?

Suppose we have the following: ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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How to fix Mathematica crashing in the following case?

I have a problem with Mathematica when trying to glue two tables together. The tables have the form ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Outputting probability of rolling 6 dice N times, generating a new output each roll

I am looking to output the probability of n classic six-sided dice but I am not sure how to go about starting. This is what I have written out so far, but no way to go about accounting for n dice for ...
Brandon Evans's user avatar
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Possible bug: Wrong differentiation of ParametricFunction inside Parallelize?

In the note RootSearch problem when called from within ParallelDo I described the problem with Ted Ersek's RootSearch package and came to the conclusion that it is ...
Igor Kotelnikov's user avatar
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RootSearch problem when called from within ParallelDo

I have been using Ted Ersek's RootSearch package for Wolfram Mathematica for many years. The package worked great, including inside the ...
Igor Kotelnikov's user avatar
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Euler-method implementation

How can I implement this pseudocode in Mathematica? Algorithm: ...
Birgitt's user avatar
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If definition of elements in table

I need to define a table where the definition of the elements differs if the indices $i$ and $j$ are equal or different. In particular I have to implement the following formula $$(K_1^{(1)}(m_1,m_2))_{...
Davide Morgante's user avatar
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Costly function inside nested Modules [closed]

The function initDataTable simply reset all data to Black first, then set the bottom right quarter to ...
Chris Guo's user avatar
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Reduce method not working for system of equations

I have the following code which sets up a Reduce function call: ...
Blitzkrieg555's user avatar
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Deleting all elements in a list where the output of elements from a function is zero

I tried using DeleteCases to delete elements in r1 where g2==0 to get a defined arithmetic ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Code Producing Power::Infty

I tried computing the following ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Python to Mathematica code bug

I have an assignment in Mathematica, which I've already solved using Python and it's a bit hard to convert the code. Here's what I have done so far: ...
mandella's user avatar
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How to create 2-D or 3-D curves to simulate something like the SIR model

I don’t know what is wrong with my code. I am trying to create 2-D or 3-D curves to simulate something like the SIR model, but with tumor growth instead. It is a proliferation-invasion/ reaction-...
user79647's user avatar
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ParallelTry Hangs on previously working code

When I run the below ParallelTry command, it just sits on it and says its being evaluated, but I cant abort it, it doesn't return what I am expecting, and I have to ...
shanedrum's user avatar
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Errors in loading IGraphM [closed]

I have been using IGraphM without any problem until today. My Codes using IGraphM started to ...
Tugrul Temel's user avatar
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What is wrong with my code for implementing PSOR (Projected Successive Over Relaxation)? [closed]

I have written the numerical scheme of PSOR (Projected Successive Over Relaxation) method of a obstacle program in 1D, which is as follows: \begin{align*} &u_0=u_N=0\\ &u_i^{k+\frac{...
Alice's user avatar
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Having trouble coding my own QR decomposition using Gram Schmidt [closed]

I have this code for Gram Schmidt: ...
John hall's user avatar
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QR decomposition using Gram Schmidt [closed]

First of all I don't want to use the reflection method, only Gram-Schmidt. So here's the program for Gram-Schmidt: ...
John Hall's user avatar
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Help Calculating My "Deviation"

I created a "distribution deviation" where for $\left\{a_1,...,a_k\right\}$ we take all take the mean of all combinations of $\frac{\min\left\{a_{i},a_{j}\right\}}{\max\left\{a_{i},a_j\right\...
Arbuja's user avatar
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