I have a set of images (a few hundred) that represent a certain style and I would like to train an unpaired image to image translator with CycleGAN.
I'm looking for a tutorial on how one would do this with NetTrain
For example, in the Wolfram Neural Net repository there is a NetModel for Photo-to-Van Gogh Translation, but the construction notebook is missing any details about training:
Ok, so I'm trying to piece this back the missing training section. From the construction notebook we have these functions:
convIN[args___] := {ConvolutionLayer[args],
InstanceNormalizationLayer["Epsilon" -> 0.00001]}
convINRamp[args___] := {ConvolutionLayer[args],
InstanceNormalizationLayer["Epsilon" -> 0.00001],
residualModule = NetGraph[
Join[{PaddingLayer[{{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}},
"Padding" -> "Reflected"]},
3], {PaddingLayer[{{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}},
"Padding" -> "Reflected"]}, convIN[128, 3]],
{NetPort["Input"] -> {1, 2}, 1 -> 2}
cycleGAN = NetChain[
{ElementwiseLayer[2 # - 1 &],
PaddingLayer[{{0, 0}, {3, 3}, {3, 3}},
"Padding" -> "Reflected"]},
convINRamp[32, 7],
convINRamp[64, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1, "Stride" -> 2],
convINRamp[128, 3, "PaddingSize" -> 1, "Stride" -> 2],
ConstantArray[residualModule, 9],
{DeconvolutionLayer[64, 3, "Stride" -> 2],
PartLayer[{All, 2 ;;, 2 ;;}],
InstanceNormalizationLayer["Epsilon" -> 0.00001],
DeconvolutionLayer[32, 3, "Stride" -> 2],
PartLayer[{All, 2 ;;, 2 ;;}],
InstanceNormalizationLayer["Epsilon" -> 0.00001],
PaddingLayer[{{0, 0}, {3, 3}, {3, 3}}, "Padding" -> "Reflected"],
ConvolutionLayer[3, 7],
ElementwiseLayer[0.5*Tanh[#] + 0.5 &]}
"Input" -> NetEncoder[{"Image", 512}],
"Output" -> NetDecoder[{"Image"}]
Now let's grab some data in order to try training it:
styleFolder = "~/Downloads/style";
randomFolder = "~/Downloads/random";
CreateDirectory /@ {styleFolder, randomFolder};
URLDownload[#, styleFolder] & /@
WebImageSearch["monet", "ImageHyperlinks", "MaxItems" -> 5];
URLDownload[#, randomFolder] & /@
WebImageSearch["outdoors", "ImageHyperlinks", "MaxItems" -> 5];
styleImages = File /@ FileNames["*.jpg", styleFolder]
randomImages = File /@ FileNames["*.jpg", randomFolder]
This is where I'm stuck, and there are two main questions:
- How to write cycle-consistency loss
- How to format/feed the training data to the GAN
But I'm still a long way from filling in these last two lines:
trainingData = (* ? *)
NetTrain[cycleGAN, trainingData]
- The code and full results for the CycleGAN paper can be viewed at https://github.com/junyanz/