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62 votes

How to Make a Sankey Diagram

Here's the start of a SankeyDiagram function: ...
Carl Woll's user avatar
  • 132k
45 votes

Create the source image for this cool animated illusion

TUTORIAL Import Image img = Import[""] Split into Components Using this approach (credit: nikie): ...
corey979's user avatar
  • 24.3k
38 votes

How can we produce a graph layout with hierarchical edge bundling in Mathematica?

Update: I wrapped all this up into a small package for those who don't want to go through all the steps but would like to try this out anyway. Warning: There's not a lot of error checking and it may ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 236k
33 votes

How to create diagrams using Wolfram / Mathematica?

kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
31 votes

Can we make human skeleton walk? Attaching a natural human gait (model or data) to anatomic skeleton

Edit: Mapping BVH Data. BVH data points are mapped to graph vertices, which are then manually assigned to corresponding bones. Using the BVH archive from
vindobona's user avatar
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30 votes

How to make a circular heat map or diagram in Mathematica?

A more flexible approach: Pre-process input data to construct a data set for SectorChart. To inject an angular gap in the chart, we add a last column to input data ...
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
29 votes

Sampling "nice" mandelbrot sets?

Excellent question. First I show the result where fractals are sorted from more to less "nice" or "interesting" by going from left to right and top to bottom. This is obvious to the naked eye. In my ...
Vitaliy Kaurov's user avatar
29 votes

visualizing a normal mode vibration of a molecule in mathematica

Using a few undocumented functions that have been discussed here on the stack exchange before, ...
Jason B.'s user avatar
  • 70.1k
28 votes

How can I handle graphics or artworks with millions of points?

As you note, dealing with millions of points in Graphics will be slow to render. The usual approach for dealing with strange attractors of this sort, is to bin the ...
George Varnavides's user avatar
25 votes

Visualizing a holomorphic bijection between the unit disc and a domain

I would like to visualize this function by plotting the images of some horizontal lines inside D. I believe you can gain more insight if you circumvent this ugliness of your mapping completely and ...
halirutan's user avatar
  • 113k
24 votes

How to solve the tsunami model and animate the shallow water wave?

The most hard part of OP's questions is the latter half of 1st one i.e. solve the problem in a little faster or not so demanding-in-memory way. I've found 2 solutions, one is easy but hard to extend,...
xzczd's user avatar
  • 68.4k
23 votes

Plot many curves on the same graph

Update 2: We can combine a toggler-bar legend and FlipView to control curve visibility by clicking on curves and/or legends. (Naturally this approach is less ...
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
21 votes

How to visualize a Cayley graph in this style?

The simple way: g = CayleyGraph[ PermutationGroup[{Cycles[{{1, 2, 3}}], Cycles[{{1, 5}, {2, 4}}]}]] ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 236k
21 votes

Plotting the Star of Bethlehem

Hint: $Z$ is the Jacobian for the transformation between $(x,y)$ and $(s,t)$ coordinates. No need to even define $Z$, no need to invert polynomials, no branch cuts. ...
Roman's user avatar
  • 49.8k
21 votes

Bridget Riley - Movement in Squares and Circles

Since I like the color image more than the black-and-white... ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
  • 25.1k
20 votes

Multiple reflections of a laser beam in a triangle

Based on some geometric operations such as reflection and line-line intersection (LLI), I wrote up a small code. Hope this could be a starting point to build a more compact ...
Joo-Haeng Lee's user avatar
20 votes

How to Make a Sankey Diagram

EDIT 01: Found some time to package these in a function (see end of post for code). It accepts an association as input, with the following key-value pairs: ...
George Varnavides's user avatar
20 votes

Making an interactive visualization of the eigenvectors of two-dimensional matrices

The following is an attempt to recreate a similar sort of interactive visualization, showing the eigenvectors (when real), and how the various points of the unit circle are transformed by the matrix. ...
glS's user avatar
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20 votes

Plotting the Star of Bethlehem

The noise in the picture given by OP seems to suggest random number has been used, so here's my trial: ...
xzczd's user avatar
  • 68.4k
19 votes

How to improve quality of this Plot3D

You can do it using ListPlot3D, and those effect go away ...
Nasser's user avatar
  • 150k
19 votes

How to create diagrams using Wolfram / Mathematica?

Nasser's user avatar
  • 150k
19 votes

Glowing weighted graph (network): vertices and edges

You can get an overall glow effect by an ImageAdd with a blurred copy of the image mask. Admittedly it's a bit basic, but the effect is compelling. I chose to make ...
flinty's user avatar
  • 25.9k
18 votes

Finding and visualization of branch cuts and branch points

Perhaps you can make use of the internal functions ComplexAnalysis`BranchCuts and ComplexAnalysis`BranchPoints. First, use a ...
Carl Woll's user avatar
  • 132k
18 votes

WordCloud: do not eliminate duplicates

Make it render the same but be a different thing: RawBoxes @ TagBox[ToBoxes[#], Unique@#] & /@ {foo, foo, foo} // WordCloud Or shorter but less documented: <...
Kuba's user avatar
  • 138k
18 votes

WordCloud: do not eliminate duplicates

lst = {"foo","foo","foo"}; WordCloud @ MapIndexed[Interpretation] @ lst Also ...
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
18 votes

Generating set partition diagrams

I need to reproduce this diagram ... We can use the function blobF from this answer to generate blobs around subsets: ...
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
18 votes

Plotting the Star of Bethlehem

A compiled version of @Roman's idea (binning code adapted from this answer): ...
George Varnavides's user avatar
17 votes

How to plot planar graphs in a visually pleasing way?

One possibility is to first lay out the graph using Mathematica's "PlanarEmbedding". This ensures no edge crossings, but the output is not pleasing. Then use the ...
17 votes

Bridget Riley - Movement in Squares and Circles

We use the Bump function ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 84.1k
17 votes

Bridget Riley - Movement in Squares and Circles

I suggest to use Texture together with Plot3D. This results in a rather short code and allows for many generalisations. ...
yarchik's user avatar
  • 19.7k

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