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What algorithm is BayesianMaximization using?

The docs show the following options for BayesianMaximization's Method: "MaxExpectedImprovement" maximize expected improvement over current best value "MaxImprovementProbability" maximize ...
user5601's user avatar
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Create ClassifierFunction

Is there a way to create my own ClassifierFunction? I would like to combine predictions from multiple independent classifiers into a single ensemble ClassifierFunction and be able to use things like ...
Abel Brown's user avatar
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How can I change the distance function in Classify when using NearestNeighbor?

Issue not present in version "10.4.1 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (April 11, 2016)" ...
BetterEnglish's user avatar
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How to perform Bayesian optimization with Mathematica? [duplicate]

Does Mathematica have any Bayesian optimization methods for learning hyper-parameters? Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms Jasper Snoek, Hugo Larochelle and Ryan P. ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How to build a NetChain by the information of ClassifierFunction?

NetChain provides a method NetExtract. I want to see how standClassify = Classify[trainingData, Method -> "NeuralNetwork"] works,beacause it has a better ...
erow's user avatar
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SoftmaxLayer Incompatible types

Trying to create U-Net similar to this paper from this GitHub project but keep getting "incompatible type" error on the final softmax layer. Any ideas for how to organize data to satisfy Softmax layer?...
Abel Brown's user avatar
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How to generate names with a GAN?

I'd like a tutorial for text generation using GANs, specifically for names. I have a list of company names and would like the network to generate novel ones. This is one of the only few examples of ...
user5601's user avatar
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How can I plot this one-dimensional Self Organizing (Kohonen) Map?

Mathematica used to have a package called NeuralNetworks that is not currently working. With that package, you could create a Kohonen or Self Organizing Map (
Juan Carlos Herranz Ramos's user avatar
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Using AI to get the geographic locations of a list of banks

I have a list of banks from Bloomberg, and am looking to locate them on the world map, ...
apg's user avatar
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Single Neuron Dream Example (from Markus van Almsick's Presentation WTC 2017)

I'm teaching myself about Mathematica 11.3 Neural Net capabilities, and I can't get a demonstrably previously working example to work. I've been trying for quite a while without success. In Markus ...
Craig Carter's user avatar
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Inexplicable results from ClusteringComponents Agglomerate in version 11.1

I have data like this: data = {5, 12, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26}; On Mathematica 11.1, clustering produces a variable final choice of clusters. For example: ...
Simplex's user avatar
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Using a classification Neural Net and parameter to ClassifierMeasurements[]

I created and trained a simple neural net, which takes some inputs and produces a 3-class classification. Then I feed it to CM[] function with some test data, and... nothing. Haven't been successful ...
Gregory Klopper's user avatar
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Updated: Correct Formatting of Dataset (labeled columns and rows) for Predict v NetTrain?

Problem I can not seem to figure out the correct way of formatting Dataset to be used with predict. I am providing Mathematica's example, which works fine. I also am including an abitrary "dataset" ...
SumNeuron's user avatar
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Sort symbols or characters by image complexity

As an example, I would like to sort the following characters by some sort of complexity measure: ...
userrandrand's user avatar
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Which model behind SequencePredictorFunction?

Is the SequencePredictorFunction based on Hidden Markov Model? If so, how does the model estimate the number of hidden states?
andrea simonetti's user avatar
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How to cluster a set of images?

I have a set of images (imgset) as Clearly, the classification list should be ...
user36426's user avatar
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Response of Dynamic is slow

I wrote the following code to make an interactive GUI for Mathematica's Neural Network example of Digit Classification Here is the Code ...
Dip773's user avatar
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Why would a symmetric image have an asymmetric PoolingLayer-Gradient Image?

I have a symmetric image img. For simplicity, I would use the below image as my example: ...
H42's user avatar
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Custom Loss Layer to ignore ordering

I am trying to train a net that takes a sequence of numbers and gives a sequence of numbers. For example: ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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How to make similar objects have similar embedding weights?

In the read world, there are many many phones(aa ae ah ao ar aw ax ay b ch d dh ...). But for brief,I only use three phones(aa ah ae) to illustrate my question.And it only need training Data,no Test ...
partida's user avatar
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Vector-valued output from Predict

I have a list of 3D points, and I'd like to run a Predict on them just to test. It should be fairly straightforward. Here's a simple example: ...
Sham Says's user avatar
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Does Mathematica have a LogSumExp function that's numerically stable?

I searched "Mathematica LogSumExp", and literally nothing is coming up. It's a relatively important function in machine learning and for numerically stable computation. Will I just have to ...
chausies's user avatar
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Loss function with regularization

The ML framework has a limited set of loss functions available. How can I extend this by creating my own custom ones? For example, for L2-regularized training, Mathematica recommends ...
sra's user avatar
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How to avoid crashing with ConformImages?

ConformImages[] is causing a kernel crash when applied to a list of 5k images. Is there any way to apply ConformImages on the list in batches or asynchronously to ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How can I train a binary classifier to find a logo?

So I'm trying to contruct a simple binary classifier. Problem: Classify an image as containing the apple logo, or not. I'd like it to be distortion, color, size and rotationally invariant. I'm sure ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How to paraphrase text?

I'm looking to train or use pre-trained models in order to re-phrase text. Are there any natural language models in the Wolfram Neural Repository (or elsewhere) that can be used to paraphrase text? ...
user5601's user avatar
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Error during training neural network: input is not an integer between 1 and 100 although it is

I imported my data from Matlab in matrix form and tried to use it in a neural network as given below but I get the error that says the input is not an integer between 1 and 100 although it is. <...
Gizem Y.'s user avatar
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ClusteringComponent and FindClusters are returning the wrong number of clusters and are inconsistent

I am trying to find the optimum number of clusters in a correlation matrix. To do this I run a clustering algorithm that loops through 3 variables ( number of clusters, ...
IntroductionToProbability's user avatar
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Predict on Raspberry Pi is incredibly slow or simply hangs

I'm testing the latest Mathematica available on the Raspberry Pi (10.3.1 for Linux ARM (32-bit) (January 11, 2016)) for machine learning but I'm having issues with the default behaviour of Predict. ...
siritinga's user avatar
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How to perform convolutions on this complicated pdf?

For a known pdf f[x], I need to calculate integrals over the probability density of the sum of Log[f[x]] over independent samples: $$Q[t,n]\equiv P(\sum_{i=1}^{n}...
Jerry Guern's user avatar
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Predict expand training data

Disclaimer: I have edited this question to provide my MWE, since it seems, I have a very similar question. -- LLlAMnYP 21.03.2018 Lets say I have a small set of training data and have calculated a ...
meneken17's user avatar
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How to write a RCNN (region-cnn)?

Has anyone end-to-end trained a single net that can find the location of objects in an image (with v11.1)? Here's an example of a region-cnn in action, and this is a good description of the approach.
M.R.'s user avatar
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Target Device->"GPU" Not Working For Machine Learning: LibraryFunction error

I'm running Wolfram Desktop version 13.2.1, and after downloading Visual Studio, Nvidia Toolkit version 12.1 and 11.2, and verifying that ...
Daniel Berkowitz's user avatar
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Derivation from a network

how can I represent the derivative of a network (e.g. NetGraph or NetChain) as a network? I have tried it with FunctionLayer[] and NetPortGradient, but without success. I would be very pleased to ...
haro21's user avatar
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Modern topic modeling?

This question was asked in 2014: How to perform document classification (i.e. extracting topics from text)? At the time user @V.E. gave a great little tutorial on LDA, but today, there's still no ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How to train each layer in a Neural Network so they optimize different loss functions in an adversarial network?

Example NetGraph to illustrate the idea (Input is an online signal with a value between -1 and 1, Noise is Gaussian Centered at 0 and standard deviation 0.1, EvilNet is constrained to output a value ...
Dropped Bass's user avatar
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Seq2Seq RNN with an AttentionLayer

In many Sequence to Sequence machine learning tasks, an Attention Mechanism is incorporated. Before Transformer Networks, introduced in the paper: Attention Is All You Need, mainly RNNs were used to ...
Maria Sargsyan's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the decision trees used by machine learning methods like `RandomForest`?

I was looking at a tutorial of SimFin, a new German-based financial data provider. There is a nice example of machine learning using sklearn in python. The package ...
user13892's user avatar
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Image-based reinforcement learning with neural networks

After seeing that "OpenAIGym" is not exactly supported on Windows and playing around with
Cetin Sert's user avatar
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Recognising people from photos

I have a large number (probably 10000) of personal photos taken over the last few years, a good proportion of which contain family members. I'd like to put together a photo book of one family member,...
SPPearce's user avatar
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Reverse Engineering of MMA `Classify[]` Output?

Update: as @AntonAntoniv rightly noticed in his comment the case of DecisionTree is already discussed. Now it would be great to also have an equivalent answer for LogisticRegression. MMA is really ...
Picaud Vincent's user avatar
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Can I extract symbolic expression of neural network loss function?

Once we create a neural network with NetChain in Mathematica, can we extract the loss function in the symbolic form for Mathematica to play with symbolic manipulations using Mathematica's built-in ...
dbm's user avatar
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How to make the clustering result of version 11.2 and 11.3 same?

I was doing clustering analysis in version 11.2, with codes like below, and then got 12 clusters as the output: ...
H42's user avatar
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How to explain overfitting?

SeedRandom[0]; X = RandomInteger[{1, 5000}, {100000, 50}]; Y = RandomInteger[{0, 1}, 100000]; For net1 and ...
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
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What's BayesianMinimization and related functions based on?

Is it specified anywhere what the backend is for the Bayesian optimization related functionality in Mathematica v11? I'm specifically referring to the Bayesian* ...
Mohammed AlQuraishi's user avatar
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How to train further in Predict?

Training further means we can get much smaller loss in the training set,and maybe get the smaller loss in the validation set,so this is useful. For example ...
partida's user avatar
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GPU Acceleration and the Predict function [duplicate]

With the Mathematica Predict function, does it automatically use GPU acceleration? For example, with NetTrain, one has to specify TargetDevice->"GPU" to show they want to perform the calculation on ...
Jmeeks29ig's user avatar
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Is Mathematica a good choice for a scientific project with Machine Learning?

I'm a chemist with some rudimentary programming skills and in the middle of the year I'll be starting a project concerning machine learning, so, I'm sorry if I'm going to ask two questions in this ...
HCSthe2nd's user avatar
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How to train a visual attention model?

In version 11.1 there is a new layer type SequenceAttentionLayer[]. I'm interested in how might this be used to train a recurrent visual attention model (see the ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How to use PredictorMeasurements without a PredictorFunction?

I have the output and target values computed already from a model applied a test set, but it's not a PredictorFunction. Is there any way to force feed these to <...
M.R.'s user avatar
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