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Questions tagged [version-11]

Version-specific issues for Mathematica 11 (other than bugs).

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Export the real roots of an equation

I wish to find the roots of y (with only its real part) for different values of r in range 1(0.01)30. I have tried the following: ...
Math_student's user avatar
1 vote
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Execute .nb from command prompt on Windows 10

I have a file script.nb which outputs a .png that I need to run regularly from command prompt on Windows 10. From searching ...
diomedesdata's user avatar
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Error: General : {x,y} is not a valid variable

I'm trying to use this function in mathematica 11: ...
Teo7's user avatar
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Can one run Mathematica 11 on macOS Catalina using Retroactive?

I know that only Mathematica 12+ runs on macOS Catalina. However some apps that supposedly do not work (like Aperture) can work using the Retroactive app. Has anyone tried that? Successes? Thanks
A.G.'s user avatar
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URLSave in Mathematica 10 and 11 on Linux [closed]

It seems that URLSave doesn't work as expected with https links in Mathematica 10.4 on Linux. At least in my case (Fedora 30) for ...
vsht's user avatar
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27 votes
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Does Mathematica 11 work with MacOS Catalina 10.15

I just upgraded my macbook to 10.15 and could not open Mathematica 11. I am wondering are there any workarounds to use Mathematica 11 without upgrading to 12? Thank you!
Jiang Xiang's user avatar
0 votes
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Different result in ContourPlot function using different version of Mathematica (?)

I tested "Elasticity with Mathematica" notebook (Mathematica 6) in Mathematica 11.3 and tested C05_stress_kirsch.nb, I added some trigger code to protected function in the tensor2analysis.m file, and ...
Earth's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why does NSolve give different results in different version of Mathematica?

I am working on a problem with a colleague who uses Mathematica v.10.2 while I have v.11.0 Student Edition. We are solving the exact same equations but get two slightly different results. Why would ...
Kai's user avatar
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18 votes
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What functions work in which version of Mathematica

Is there any good documentation on which version will work (remained the same) in which version of Mathematica? Or at least an overview of when functions were introduced? In this instance for example ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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Significant performance differences with "Predict" function between v10 and v11

So I am very new to ML. I tried running this code in Mathematica ...
aquarkydude's user avatar
0 votes
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Warning? Export [""] not downward compatible from Mathematica 11.1.1

Since I have some quite memory expensive calculations to do, I exported my results as lists in the .mx format. Now our office has upgraded to Mathematica 11.1.1. While before 11.1.1 it was also ...
user3526475's user avatar
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Wolfram Script as a Scheduled Task on Windows Server

I have a wolfram script file (.wl) that processes a csv file and generates a PDF output. I have written a PowerShell Script which checks for new input data files and runs the wolfram script file over ...
Paul Warren's user avatar
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Parallelization STOPS using all CPU power

I'm still not sure how to reproduce this, but it is certainly NOT a code-issue. I just hope I'm missing something easy, or this is a known issue with a known workaround. I have a script that uses <...
Rafael's user avatar
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How to prevent checking internet at startup

Every time I start Mathematica 11.1, or restart a session after Quit, it takes about 20 seconds on my rMBP 2014 MacOS X 10.10 for the kernel to start up. I just ...
QuantumDot's user avatar
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Dealing with cache file locks when using EntityValue in ParallelMap

I'm trying to run the following (naturally, I have FAR more zip codes and a much longer list of properties, both truncated for speed of the example): ...
Gregory Klopper's user avatar
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How can I make NDSolve in version 11 use the same methods as version 9?

Sorry for the lack of a minimal working example but the code I am concerned about is rather large and I have no idea what the problem is. All I know is that when I run the code in Mathematica versions ...
user41147's user avatar
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How can I speed up Mathematica calculations? [closed]

I am using Mathematica 11.1 to deterministically test the primality of a set of very large numbers (i.e. more than 1000 digits). Some of these calculations (understandably) take a lot of time (several ...
Klangen's user avatar
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Thickness destroys Dashing for some platforms/versions

EDIT: I posed this as a version issue but now I think it's (also?) an OS issue. Problem exists on both v10.1 and v11.0 on macOS Sierra, but does not exist on Mr.Wizard's post which is v10.1 (OS ...
Max's user avatar
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24 votes
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Why Mathematica introduced so many bug after version 10 [closed]

Well, this post has nothing to do with code, but relate to Mathematica. This query is deep in my mind for so long time. But when I ask Wolfram support, I am always told some official words, which is ...
yode's user avatar
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How to generate docs with the new style?

Is there a way to make the Wolfram Workbench generate HTML with the new documentation styles of version 11.1?
M.R.'s user avatar
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Tooltips of data points in DateListPlot render dates as real numbers

Last year (in V10.x) I created a DateListPlot of commodity price data. I used Tooltip to display the date and the data value ...
serbach's user avatar
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Why does plotting a PolyLog function yield 1/0 error? (Intentional bug?)

Bug introduced in 11.0 and fixed in 11.1.1 In Mathematica 11.0, the following Plot[Re[PolyLog[2, 1/(1 - x)]], {x, -3, 3}] generates a ...
QuantumDot's user avatar
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Problem upgrading SphericalPlot3d to V11

I am converting some code, which ran under V10.2, into V11. However, the results is different and undesirable. Here is a simplified version of the code: ...
Spencer Rugaber's user avatar
7 votes
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TargetDevice->"GPU" fails even though a CUDA GPU exists

Similar question has already been asked, but in that case, the method didn't work due to OpenCL compatibility. I have an older CUDA card. Worked great with CUDALink in Mathematica 8: ...
Gregory Klopper's user avatar
14 votes
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Is ExportString defective in V11?

Mathematica doesn't do the best job of exporting figures with shading or transparency to vector graphics formats such as PDF. A common trick employed here and elsewhere on the web to workaround this ...
Quantum_Oli's user avatar
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Problem in Mathematica 9 code in Mathematica 11 [closed]

I can't use my Mathematica 9 code in Mathematica 11 - it works in Mathematica 9, but when I execute it in Mathematica 11 it shows a lot of errors. Also, the code executes very slowly in Mathematica 9. ...
Farshid's user avatar
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Boxes in EPS output after PDF -> EPS conversion in Mathematica 11

When I used Mathematica 9, I used to Export to .eps using a .pdf Export, followed by import like the following: ...
Peeter Joot's user avatar
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DateDifference problem in v11

Bug introduced in v11, fixed in v11.1 I have recently upgraded to Mathematica 11. Here is a simplified version of code that worked in v10.2: ...
Spencer Rugaber's user avatar
7 votes
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Vertical GridLines do not show in version 11 when using Ticks

I googled this and do not see it. I noticed when I use Ticks -> with GridLines, then the vertical ...
Nasser's user avatar
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Wrong behavior of Inverse Fourier Transform of DiracDelta[x]/x

The following fails to compute: InverseFourierTransform[DiracDelta[w]/w, w, x] But if we add a, ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Clicking on a Demonstration doesn't open CDF Player for Mac OS X

I have Mathematica 10.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (December 4, 2014) When I click an item on the Demonstrations site, it says "Iteract Now! Get the free Wolfram CDF Player >>". So I ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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Does Mathematica work on 2016 MacBook Pros?

I ordered a new MacBook Pro with the touch bar, but before I retire my current laptop I'd like to know if v11.0.1 is stable on it. Has anyone got it working? If so, what is the user experience like ...
M.R.'s user avatar
  • 31.8k
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FindClusters versus ClusteringComponents

[Cross-posted on the Wolfram Community.] I just found out that there's a difference in the number clusters retrieved when using FindClusters and ...
JM Baetens's user avatar
6 votes
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RegionPlot of TransformedRegion still broken in Mathematica 11? [duplicate]

This question confirms that RegionPlot of a TransformedRegion is broken in version 10. One year later, is this problem still ...
qwr's user avatar
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Converting types of administrative data

I want to aggregate the data that Wolfram has on ZIP codes and administrative divisions. I know that administrative divisions have a ZIPCodes property, but it always seems to be empty. Is there a ...
soandos's user avatar
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Possible bug in PlotRange output [duplicate]

I see strange behaviour of PlotRange in the latest Mathematica: PlotRange/.AbsoluteOptions[Plot[Sin[x] x, {x, 0, \[Pi]}, PlotRange -> All]] gives ...
Alx's user avatar
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Why plotting a NIntegrate function gives errors in v11? [duplicate]

Example code: f[y_] := NIntegrate[x, {x, 0, y}] Plot[f[y], {y, 0, 1}] It works in v10.4, but in v11.0, even though Mathematica shows the plot, it also gives (the ...
luyuwuli's user avatar
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Mathematica 11 fonts in Linux are messed up

This is not a duplicate of Mathematica versions 10 and 11 fonts are broken on Linux. There the issue is with PDF export and printing. The fonts in Mathematica on my system are all messed up, see the ...
Henri Menke's user avatar
11 votes
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Warning in version 11.0 when loading package Combinatorica

After the usual and well-known warning General::compat: "Combinatorica Graph and Permutations functionality has been superseded by preloaded functionality..." ...
Wouter's user avatar
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Strange bug with "MessageName[a,b] is not of the form symbol::name ", Debugger & cursor location

Can someone confirm/disconfirm this? Start Mathematica 11, blank notebook, blank init.m Start the Debugger/make sure it is running. It doesn't seem to matter whether you have the Stack and ...
masterxilo's user avatar
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WolframScript never exits (v11 only)

after updating to version 11, I came across a problem with the execution of package files via bash. The WolframScript program runs the entire code, but frequently it does not exit properly and as a ...
fabio.hipolito's user avatar
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Image processing issue in Mathematica 11 on Mac

c = CurrentImage[] returns an image. Now I try: FindFaces[c] it gives: FindFaces::imginv: Expecting an image or graphics ...
user42530's user avatar
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How make the default fonts of v11 like in v10: Courier for .nb AND sans serif for .m/.wl editor

I would like to make the default font of .m/.wl editor in Mathematica 11 to be that of Mathematica 10 (a smaller narrower fixed width sans serif font). Simultaneously, I would like to make the ...
QuantumDot's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to use woframscript (Mathematica 11) on Win 10 console command line?

I was trying to understand how to use wolframscript (new in Mathematica 11) in a console window on Win 10. I set my Path environment variable to point to the ...
david's user avatar
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18 votes
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How to get rid of new default Version 11 and 12 Input/Output fonts -> and keep the traditional Courier font

Since version 11 (and 12), the default font for Input/Output cells has changed. As @J.M. has commented below, the font changes are system specific: Default font changed Source Code Pro on Mac ...
wolfies's user avatar
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Mathematica 11 introduced strange autocomplete bug

today i upgraded from MM 10.4.1 (which run without any problems) to MM 11. But for me, it introduced a strange autocomplete-bug. When i try to type in "Plot" i get a huge (>5seconds) lag when i come ...
Julien Kluge's user avatar
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14 votes
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What's the name of the default font used in Mathematica 11?

There are a few user interface changes in Mathematica 11, and the new font is what I'm interested in. Unfortunately, the official document doesn't say what the font's name is. I attempted to find the ...
btwiuse's user avatar
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RandomPoint crashes kernel

Bug introduced in 11.0 and fixed in 11.1 Reported as CASE:3686963, 12 Aug 2016 I attempted to determine whether the problem with RandomPoint identified in my ...
bbgodfrey's user avatar
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Images import slowly in V11

I need to import 40 images from a folder into Mathematica, and I find the new version imports them slower than previous versions. Does anyone else experience the same? ...
matrix42's user avatar
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5 votes
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What's the icon of Mathematica 11?

Mathematica 11 trial has been released now, and I'm eager to know what's the icon of it as Mathematica's icon is always interesting. I can only get access to Web Mathematica platform and I cannot ...
Wjx's user avatar
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