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Logistic Regression classifier in Versions 12 vs 11.3

There is a mysterious "LogisticRegression" method in MMA, which could be applied as a substitution for missing multinomial logit functionality. In version 11.3 I had the following simple 3-category ...
garej's user avatar
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Importing a grid of numbers from an image (sudoku like)

Can anyone see a way to import a grid of numbers from into Mathematica? TextRecognize doesn't seem ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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How to run least confident based uncertainty sampling

This is a rather open-ended question. I am currently using Classify to run a Random Forest and I would like use an active learning algorithm on it. The most conducive would be least confident based ...
Tim B's user avatar
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Rounding the output Vector of a Neural Network layer to prepare it for the next layer

I am attempting to Round up the output Vector of a Neural Network layer to prepare it for the next layer Ex. Layer output {.1.,2.2,3.3} and I need it to be a Vector of Integers for the next layer. I ...
Michel Mesedahl's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I normalize a dataset relative to data already given previously?

Some scientific libraries, like Scikit-Learn for Python are able to create normalizing/standardizing functions based on data that is previously given. Looking at the documentation for ...
Jmeeks29ig's user avatar
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How to find similar words from the provided list?

Let's say I have created a list of words that are acceptable in a certain context. list = {...}; Now given a new or some existing word from the list I want to ...
user13892's user avatar
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What's wrong with FindFormula after I set the value of x from 100 to 1000?

The first code here. x = 100; list4 = Table[i^2, {i, 3, x}]; list5 = Table[3 i, {i, 3, x}]; Transpose[{list4, list5}] // FindFormula Output: ...
kile's user avatar
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Machine Learning with Manipulate [closed]

My code pops up error, and it take lots of time before Mathematica finish this. What's the problem here? Can anyone improve my code here? ...
kile's user avatar
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Deep learning outperforms in symbolic integration and ODE?

There comes a new paper on arXiv (arXiv 1912.01412, Deep Learning for Symbolic Mathematics by Guillaume Lample, François Charton) claiming that a deep learning model outperforms Mathematica a lot in ...
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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Generating "fake persons" with Mathematica?

Similar to this site, does Wolfram have some capacity to generate "fake humans" (for a cool demonstration)?
George's user avatar
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Image-based reinforcement learning with neural networks

After seeing that "OpenAIGym" is not exactly supported on Windows and playing around with
Cetin Sert's user avatar
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Re-train a neural network discarding its memory?

Cetin Sert's user avatar
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Transform function {a,b} ->{x,y} ; how to?

I have a 2D list of values that I want to transform/calibrate to another 2D list. I thought of using a predict function but I couldn’t get it to output 2 values. —...
CuriousDudeFromEgypt's user avatar
2 votes
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Mathematica classify NeuralNetwork default parameters

We have trained a Neural Network on Mathemetica classify with one hidden layer and received good classification results. We would like to know the default parameters beside it has one hidden layer? ...
Tracey Zhang's user avatar
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How to train custom objects using YOLO in Mathematica?

I want to train few custom object using YOLO V2 architecture but not sure how to do this. I know that with the NetTake and NetReplace, this is achievable. Can someone point out me in the right ...
Ricky Verma's user avatar
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Net layer that replicates last element

I am trying to design a neural network layer that takes in an array of dimensions n x 100, and produces an array of dimensions ...
Nico A's user avatar
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Is there a way to predict permutations that consist of sets?

SequencePredict is a function that predicts the next value from the arranged data. But I want to use the data for the combination to predict the next combination(...
Milk's user avatar
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How to get features for captioned images?

I have a lots of (image, text) pairs and would like to learn a feature extractor (or maybe a FeatureExtractorFunction) for a combined embedding. It seems that when given a list of these multimodal ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Using a neural net to make predictions

I want to use a neural net to give predictions, but I am not sure where to start. I do know that I don't want to use the high-level Predict function. So what I ...
baker's user avatar
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Can LearnDistribution Train and Generate Images Without Defaulting To 256x256?

In spite of anything I try it seems the ConformImages[] function nested in the LearnDistribution[] function resizes images to 256x256. If I convert an image into its "Data" representation before ...
agibilium's user avatar
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Recognising people from photos

I have a large number (probably 10000) of personal photos taken over the last few years, a good proportion of which contain family members. I'd like to put together a photo book of one family member,...
SPPearce's user avatar
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How to find multi-word synonyms?

I’m looking to write a semantic distance function for phrases (5 words or less) that can map multi-word synonyms together. My domain is e-commerce fashion - here are some required examples for a ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Strange result for decision-tree-classifier. Why?

I'm still in touch with DT-Classification and try to understand how the Mathematica algorithms works and what tree is generated (related: click). I just tested the well-known "playing tennis" (...
mgamer's user avatar
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Output of the trained neural network for a set of inputs

Sorry if this was too trivial but I want to get the output of the neural network I trained for the specific inputs that I feed. The notation I often saw was of TrainedNet[inp] kind. But when I use ...
Gizem Y.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Chaining NetGraphs

I have two NetGraphs, each with 3 different input ports ("Input","Random1","Random2"), the first with 2 outputs ("Output" and "Loss") and the second with one output "Final_Out". All I want to do is "...
Nico A's user avatar
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Using GPU Computation in LearnDistribution

LearnDistribution has an option for RealNVP, which is directly training a neural network for the distribution. It also has an option for TargetDevice, however, it appears to do nothing. Take the ...
Nico A's user avatar
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How to generate names with a GAN?

I'd like a tutorial for text generation using GANs, specifically for names. I have a list of company names and would like the network to generate novel ones. This is one of the only few examples of ...
user5601's user avatar
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ClassifierFunction output dependent on current $ContextPath

I'm trying to use Classify to predict heads in a Mathematica expression from the heads of its arguments, which may be functions whose heads are not on the current <...
lirtosiast's user avatar
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Use FacialFeatures in Python Web API?

Under the hood, FacialFeatures uses the net-model ResNet-101 Trained on Augmented Casia WebFace Data. I would like to see a tutorial-style answer on how one would ...
user5601's user avatar
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Use of Mathematica for Machine Learning Course [closed]

I am interested in others' experience using Mathematica for machine learning and bioinformatics course curricula. Let me first say that I have been programming with MMA for almost 10 years now (out ...
GraphMan's user avatar
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How can one train a Neural Network in Mathematica such as to recognise and count all occurrences of a certain custom category in an image?

I'm trying to use Mathematica for the following task: (1) Get an aereal view of a certain area in Mongolia (2) Count the number of plots that contain houses, and the number of plots that contain ...
guru10at's user avatar
5 votes
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Error during training neural network: input is not an integer between 1 and 100 although it is

I imported my data from Matlab in matrix form and tried to use it in a neural network as given below but I get the error that says the input is not an integer between 1 and 100 although it is. <...
Gizem Y.'s user avatar
6 votes
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How do I create & train a neural net to predict a stock closing price at T+5min using OHLC and other data?

I'm trying to create a neural network and train it to test predictability of short term stock price movements. I've collated a 1-min open, high, low, closing and volume dataset for a particular stock....
CuriousDudeFromEgypt's user avatar
2 votes
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LearnDistribution Vs FindDistribution?

How would you explain the difference between the new LearnDistribution function and the FindDistribution function? or perhaps the overall ML vs Find framework. I would think for a sample size of 1000 ...
user66152's user avatar
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How can import more files simultaneously and clean them in Mathematica?

I would like to import three files in Mathematica (I am using the Import function[]) and try to clean them. I used ...
Math's user avatar
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Hessian of a loss function for a neural netwrok

Is a way to calculate the Hessian of the loss function in Mathematica. It's easy to define a loss function for neural nets but I couldn't figure out how to calculate the Hessian(more precisely I ...
sra's user avatar
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Loss function for an unsupervised neural network

I am trying to use a neural network approach to fit a model based on two sets of data: the "before" set and the "after" set. The "after" set is the subset of "before" examples that have survived to a ...
yannick's user avatar
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Find Probability that Image Is Text

I can find out whether an image is text: ImageInstanceQ[img,Entity["Concept", "TextualMatter::m7642"]] And if an image is most likely text, I can find out the ...
Nico A's user avatar
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NetTrain Freezes Computer

I have a neural network I am trying to train: ...
Nico A's user avatar
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How to create model for classification using SVM methods?

I have a matrix for diseases associated to their symptoms, the columns represent symptoms each row is a disease. the labels 1 and 0 in the matrix data sets represent when a disease i related to ...
Ben Aawf's user avatar
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Export ImageCases to Python?

I’d like a tutorial on how to export a bounding box detector network to mxnet, (for bonus points: convert to Tensorflow), and then get it running correctly in python! Some related questions exist for ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Classifier training on a large data set

I am interested in binary classification and I have a huge set of training examples (around 4 millions). Each example is a $10 \times 2$ matrix. When I run the classification after two hour run the ...
Kiril Danilchenko's user avatar
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Concise way to set input directory

Got this Mathematica ResNet- 50 Code online and has been trying to make run it using the same data set but it seems my directories to the dataset were not correct, keep getting this error: ...
Raymond Confidence's user avatar
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Confusion about Predict Model NameAge

Predict["NameAge", "Claire"] 8 distribution = Predict["NameAge", "Claire", "Distribution"] dataRaw = distribution[[2]] <...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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Reverse Engineering of MMA `Classify[]` Output?

Update: as @AntonAntoniv rightly noticed in his comment the case of DecisionTree is already discussed. Now it would be great to also have an equivalent answer for LogisticRegression. MMA is really ...
Picaud Vincent's user avatar
4 votes
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Two different results produced by Classify

HyperGroups's user avatar
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Setting the number of neighbors in NearestNeighbors algorithm

I am using Machine learning in Mathematica 11 for a specific set of data. When I use p=Predict[data] I get the output model by method of NearestNeighbors, which ...
Nishchal Dwivedi's user avatar
3 votes
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UtilityFunction for actual and predicted values (machine learning)

In machine learning, the utility function for a classifier assigns the utility value to an actual value v(act) and a predicted value v(pred), typically e.g. in form of ...
Wolfgang123's user avatar
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How do I apply a NetChain element-wise during training?

I need to train a Neural network that models a function that takes a single real number, and outputs a real number. x -> y = f[x] However, in the training data, each data point doesn't link a single ...
Dropped Bass's user avatar
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Reccurent neural network

I watched the this video on YouTube and copied the code. Why it does not work in M12? I mean net[inData] and ...
OkkesDulgerci's user avatar

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