There is a mysterious "LogisticRegression" method in MMA, which could be applied as a substitution for missing multinomial logit functionality.
In version 11.3 I had the following simple 3-category classifier, which returns reasonable logit probabilities:
data = {{1, a}, {2, a}, {3, b}, {4, a}, {5, b}, {6, c}, {7, c}, {8,
b}, {9, c}};
cls = Classify[Rule @@@ data, Method -> "LogisticRegression"];
Quiet @ Plot[(Evaluate@
Table[cls[x, {"Probability", i}], {i, {a, b, c}}]), {x, 0, 10},
PlotLegends -> {"P(y=a | x)", "P(y=b | x)", "P(y=c | x)"}]
The same code produces weird results in version 12 (Windows 10, 64-bit).
As one may see, it does classify somehow, though with PlotRange -> {0,1}
this guy looks as follows:
Question. Can someone reproduce this behavior? If yes, is it a bug?
The relevant question is also 163662