Predict["NameAge", "Claire"]
distribution = Predict["NameAge", "Claire", "Distribution"]
dataRaw = distribution[[2]]
Length /@ dataRaw
Let's see this distribution, its domain is from 7 to 99, which means there would be no age below 8 will be given, since the first interval is [7,8)?
data // Length
If we use PDF to extract data, we can see there is a zero in the end of list.
pdf[x_] := PDF[distribution, x]
list = Table[pdf[x], {x, 0, 99}]
list // Length
Some confusions like:
If we maximize the pdf function, we can get 7.
Maximize[pdf[x], x]
In the HelpPage of ref/predictor/NameAge The default result is 7! But re-run, it gives 8.