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Opening notebooks from Workbench on Mac OS X?

I recently switched from Windows 7 to Mac OS X 10.9.2 for Mathematica development, and have set up Mathematica 9.0.2 and Wolfram Workbench 2 (running under Eclipse Kepler). Most everything works ...
Pillsy's user avatar
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My plot is cut off if a frametick is "0" but resized if a frametick is "0." Why?

I have been trying to customize the frame ticks and frame label around a certain contour plot and am running into very strange behavior where the graphics will get cut off by ...
j.c.'s user avatar
  • 145
5 votes
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InstallR on OS X with external R installation

How do I InstallR on OS X to use my already installed and configured R? Simply using ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
3 votes
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Mathematica 9, Mavericks, Java

I've been trying to get a clear story regarding the interaction of these three components before upgrading my system from Lion to Mavericks --- I can't afford a Mathematica disaster. What I think is ...
rogerl's user avatar
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Can Mathematica automatically take advantage of the GPU on the new Mac Pro?

I'm upgrading my Mac to one of the new Mac Pro R2D2 Darth Vader models that have just been released. They come standard with twin AMD FirePro D300 cards, or twin D500 cards. I don't need that much ...
wolfies's user avatar
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4 votes
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Mesh and ParametricPlot [duplicate]

Is this a bug, or something going over my head? When using the following code, nothing "special" happens: ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Why are fonts in my notebooks grainy after transferring to a new machine? [duplicate]

After transferring Mathematica (and successfully transferring my license) to a new machine (a Retina MacBook Pro) all the fonts in my documents look jagged: How do I get Mathematica to show smooth ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
6 votes
2 answers

How to import a ".numbers" spreadsheet?

Does Mathematica support importing a ".numbers" spreadsheet file (from the "Numbers" '09 (ver. 2.3 554) spreadsheet program in Apple's OS X iWork office suite)? A ".numbers" file is actually a zip ...
ConvexMartian's user avatar
21 votes
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Kernel inexplicably hangs if I define a pure function without suppressing output

Bug introduced in 9.0 and fixed in 10.0.2 Save any unsaved work before trying as it may crash Mathematica and other programs by filling up the memory! In v9.0.1.0 on OSX 10.8.5, if I start a new ...
gpap's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Does mathematica 9 on mac depend on these dynamic libraries?

The Mac package installing program "brew" suggests I remove some of these dynamic libraries, but I am worried that mathematica 9 might depend on them. As far as mathematica 9 is concerned, is it OK to ...
user1416227's user avatar
5 votes
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Is Mathematica 8 compatible with Mac OS X 10.9?

Does anyone know if Mathematica 8 works with OS X 10.9?
biker of the apocalypse's user avatar
2 votes
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Error message from V6.0.3 on Mavericks

With Mavericks, everything works fine except saving documents -- then I get this error: Internal self test error MacDialog | c | 2 Fixes? Ideas? Any help appreciated.
Dean Rosenthal's user avatar
11 votes
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MathLink linking error after OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) upgrade

After macosx 10.9 mavericks upgrade i have a compilation problem, you can see below. Even the examples given in /Applications/
Nasuf SONMEZ's user avatar
6 votes
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Why does Mathematica stop when run in the background in command line mode?

If I try to start a Mathematica script in the background from the command line, like this: math -script someFile.m & then the process gets automatically ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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Exported PDF figure looks different in Apple's Preview than in Adobe PDF Reader

I'm trying to export figures into pdf, and the results looks good in Preview, but very bad in Adobe pdf reader. I'm using Mathematica version 8 on Mac 10.8.5. The Preview version is 6.0.1 (765.6) and ...
xslittlegrass's user avatar
5 votes
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Add blank line before end of file with export

I have a list of points (e.g. {1.2,0.4}) which I export to a file using ...
Jorge Leitao's user avatar
9 votes
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How to use MacPorts' gcc with CreateLibrary?

Short version: What's the simplest way to use MacPorts' gcc with CreateLibrary? Long version: CreateLibrary uses ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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CUDA* commands are very slow on OS X and Mac

I have Mathematica installed on my new MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8. I also have the latest CUDA drivers (and even the CUDA SDK) from nVIDIA. I've noticed that commands like CUDAQ[] take a ...
Sean Wall's user avatar
3 votes
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Weird behaviour from ListSurfacePlot3D

Looking at Documentation for ListSurfacePlot3D, I follow the basic example presented there. ...
user5131's user avatar
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31 votes
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Mathematica performance on Mac

I recently got a trial version of both Mathematica 9 and MATLAB 13a for Windows. I was stunned by the performance difference in the Windows and the Mac version. It was a simple test in matrix ...
Code Different's user avatar
4 votes
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How to fix MIDI playback on OS X?

Sometimes sounds specified using SoundNote (i.e. things played using MIDI) don't play properly on OS X. Some notes are missing and some are stuck. At least this ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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Duplex Printing from button inside DialogNotebook on Mac

All, I have the following code which generates a window containing the variable PrintOut and a Print button. When the print button is pressed the contents of the window are sent to the printer and ...
Christina's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why ImportString[ExportString[, "PDF"], "PDF"] sometimes gives an extra point

Consider this code: ...
xslittlegrass's user avatar
6 votes
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Exporting twice crashes Mathematica on Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity

I'm trying to work out if it's a Mathematica, Ubuntu or setup specific bug. I've asked some colleagues to try it on other Linuxes. This also crashes on OS X with Mathematica 8.0 and fails with 9.0, ...
Russell Jones's user avatar
6 votes
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Problem with SerialIO package and Lego NXT

I'm following a guide from The Mathematica Journal that describes how to use Mathematica with the Lego Mindstorms NXT but have some trouble getting started and got stuck with the SerialIO package. I ...
norq's user avatar
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Precision of rendered Rectangles in stiff-scale graphics

The attchd graphics called chromograms represent a set of discrete-state, continuous-time - ie, discrete-event signals, generated with Mathematica 9 on OSX with a Cinema display. • Top 2 rows are ...
alancalvitti's user avatar
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6 votes
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Using transparency in ContourPlot makes mesh visible [duplicate]

I am trying to use a ColorFunction with Opacity in ContourPlot. Here's my code: ...
Guillochon's user avatar
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11 votes
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Can one affect the appearance of components of a control?

I'd like to control the appearance of the components of a TabView[] control. Such a control appears constructed of Buttons, <...
Jagra's user avatar
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44 votes
8 answers

How can I improve Mathematica's resolution on a macbook retina display?

Mathematica 9.0 looks a bit fuzzy on the retina screen, how can I increase the resolution? Here another screenshot showing a direct comparison between the browser and Mathematica
Tom Wellington's user avatar
3 votes
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How to create an executable notebook in Mac OS X

All, I am looking for help to create a notebook to be executed via terminal in MAC OSX. The notebook uses the front end. This is what I have so far ...
Christina's user avatar
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Pasting external PDF vector graphics without losing ability to export them

Update: Problem persists in version 10.2 on Mac OS X 10.9.5 As in previous versions, Mathematica 9 on Mac OS X (10.7.5 here) still has a problem with pasted PDF ...
Jens's user avatar
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7 votes
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Where does Mathematica install command line tools on OS X Lion?

I've read the documentation and tutorials on using Mathematica and the kernel from the command line, and all of these materials suggest that I ought to be able to simply type either ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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Citation and Bibliography mac with Mathematica 9

Insert bibliographical note doesn't appear on the insert menu for Mac. However if I right click the mouse this option does appear: i tried to use a standard bibtex file with it, but it doesn't seem ...
isk's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How do I "start a reference system"?

When I attempt to insert a citation or specify a database to use as a bibliography, I get a message that I need to "start" the "reference system" "manually": I have no idea what a references system ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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Why does OS X need permission to allow JLink connections each time it starts?

I understand that JLink loads each time Mathematica launches or each time a kernel starts, and that this can require permission from the firewall, if it is enabled but OS X provides settings the ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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Insert EndNote citation in Mac OS

I'm trying to insert citations in a notebook. I found a thread that goes back to 2010 saying that the Endnote plugin for Mathematica is not supported on Mac OS. Does anyone know whether this is still ...
PFD's user avatar
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Mathematica 8 and window names for modified files

I do not know if this is particular to Mac OS, but with version 8, the window name of a notebook no longer changes (with an appended *) when it is modified, as it used to do with version 7 (as well as ...
ogerard's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to force native styling of controls?

While preparing a dynamic module, I discovered a weird behaviour of Mathematica's controls when you rotate them: ...
F'x's user avatar
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Limiting the use of discrete graphics card on Mac

Apple's laptop running Mac OS have a pretty nice feature to make the battery last longer: the dynamically switch between the low-power integrated graphics card and the higher-performance dedicated ...
F'x's user avatar
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5 votes
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Creating a Tooltip that knows what platform is currently being used

I have Mathematica 8 on my PC. I also have a new Mac with CDF-player, but not Mathematica. I want a Tooltip that shows one thing if running on a PC, and something ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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How to switch between different CDFs in CDF Player?

I recently got a Mac. It has CDF Player, but not Mathematica. How do I get CDF Player to switch between different CDFs on OS X Lion? Edit I forgot to mention that I want to know how to switch ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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Any way to prevent Mac firewall from asking to allow connections all the time?

Whenever I start Mathematica 8 on my Mac the built-in Mac OS firewall asks if I want to allow JLink to accept incoming connections. Then, during running, I'll get the same question about Mathematica....
Tim's user avatar
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Drag & drop path info into front end?

On OSX at least, it's possible to quickly retrieve a folder/file path by dragging & dropping the folder/file into the terminal, eg: Is it possible to program Mathematica's front end enable ...
alancalvitti's user avatar
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10 votes
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Launch a specific notebook automatically when Mathematica starts

I run Mathematica on an iMac running OS X 10.6.8. I have set the OS's "Launch Items" to include Mathematica so that the application opens when the computer boots. Now I want to go further and ...
Jagra's user avatar
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Color ramp banding in PDFKit when exporting Raster image Inset to PDF

Here I produce a Raster image with large uniformly colored rectangles and put it in an Inset: ...
Jens's user avatar
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Can't run 2 CDF documents at a time on a Windows computer

I've rolled out a few CDF's to end users. See earlier posts: suppress message and which player platform. Now, an end user reports that they can't open more than one CDF document at a time. The ...
Jagra's user avatar
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How do I run scripts on networked computers directly from Mathematica?

The answer to an earlier question, Computers running Wolfram Lightweight Grid Manager won't fall asleep, left me with a new problem. To review, I have a computing environment comprised of: 27" ...
Jagra's user avatar
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Compatibility of Mathematica Notebooks written on Mac with Windows

I wrote a notebook on Mac OS 10.7.4 and run it on Windows XP at work. On my Mac I use a full version of Mathematia, whereas on the Windows-system only a trial version (Version ...
John's user avatar
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MathLink compile errors

Don't you just love it when your computer is working fine, you work with some good examples, everything is wonderful and your relationship with your computer is the best? I do. But what happens when ...
jmlopez's user avatar
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CUDALink not working on Mac OS X

On my MacBook Pro, I have a CUDA enabled video card, yet Mathematica does not seem to recognize this. For example, following the CUDALink Setup, I get ...
rcollyer's user avatar
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