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Is this a reasonable way to transform simple MSE loss function to weighted MSE for neural networks?

The idea is tested on a dataset with a clear outlier (see picture below) ...
Ruth Lazkoz's user avatar
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Combination of decoder and encoder for VAE interpolation

To get VAE interpolation I need decoder and encoder to be combined. Can you make a suggestion? ...
aynaz's user avatar
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Scheduled Updating of LossFunction Scaling in NetTrain

I'm looking for a way to externally manipulate (hyper)parameters of a network during NetTrain training, as a function of the training progress. Specifically, I want ...
user136848's user avatar
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How to evaluate text-to-speech models in WL

There are a many solid options for text-to-speech (TTS) now in SpeechSythesize and from API providers in general. How might I use Mathematica to compare the quality ...
user5601's user avatar
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Neural Network erros in NetEncoders?

I'm making a fairly complex neural network, and I've listed all the ports, the network flow, and the layers well. However, when I tried to run the NetGraph, it gave me the error message ...
Alex Rosenzweig's user avatar
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Using NetMeasurements for basic neural network

I have a neural network that works fine, but I would like to obtain some results on the Validation Set which provides some metrics on the performance of the training. I am obtaining some strange ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Neural network that augments the input with constants

Suppose we have a simple neural network as follows: ...
Math Gaudium's user avatar
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SoftmaxLayer with one-hot vectors

The quantum physics problem I am looking at is a rotated qubit. The setup involves a y-rotated qubit measured in the z-basis (hence spin-up and spin-down). This scenario typically includes modeling ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Using CrossEntropyLoss function for basic neural network

Hi I am interested in understanding how to use the neural network functions in Mathematica. I have just started learning hence this is a basic query. The simple example I am looking at is as follows: ...
John Doe's user avatar
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TensorProduct in a FunctionLayer cannot compile correctly

My network can output an array of 6x512x512 size at the end, now I want to multiply an array of length 3 for each of these 6 channels to get the color of the different channels, I am using the ...
Schwarzer's user avatar
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Modeling with different outputs size

I have lists of input and output. I want to perform the prediction operation but my outputs are different for each input and this causes an error. Can someone help me to write the model in such a way ...
Erfan's user avatar
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How to treat small numbers in order to gain efficiency and precision in neural network algorithm?

Unfortunately I won't be able to provide a MWE, as it would be too big and complex, and this question will be based on pure semantics, basically (and I understand if this is impossible to answer in ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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What is the network structure of Ademxapp Model A1 Trained on Cityscapes Data in the Mathematica?

I want to implement the model (Ademxapp Model A1 Trained on Cityscapes Data) on my data for segmentation, so I need the partial structure of this model, can anyone help?
Erfan's user avatar
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NetGraph won't accept EmbeddingLayers of different n

Why doesn't this work: ...
user233932's user avatar
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Fourier neural operator using wolfram mathematica

Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) is a neural network-based approach that combines deep learning with the Fourier transform to solve partial differential equations. It leverages the power of neural ...
Baoxiang Pan's user avatar
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Generating molecules using a GAN in Mathematica

I have been unable to find any tutorials or examples of creating molecules using a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) in the Wolfram language. It appears that the Selfies paclet was created to ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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Target Device->"GPU" Not Working For Machine Learning: LibraryFunction error

I'm running Wolfram Desktop version 13.2.1, and after downloading Visual Studio, Nvidia Toolkit version 12.1 and 11.2, and verifying that ...
Daniel Berkowitz's user avatar
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Neural network: Segmentation of water and not water area

Good morning everyone. I have a large dataset of photographs similar to the one attached. It would be my intention to train a neural network to recognise water and "non-water" zones. How ...
Ramiro dell'Erba's user avatar
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What is that neural network?

I am teaching my comp to add naturals by creating a neural network: ...
user64494's user avatar
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Why Mathematica's Classify gives 100% accuracy on FashionMNIST dataset

Tested on Mathematica 13.2 ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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Text recognition - extracting table of text from image

I want to extract table from the image bellow as a list of strings. I tried the following but it does not work. ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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Implementation of Restricted Boltzmann Machines?

A Restricted Boltzmann Machine is a classical and basic neural net method in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. We can easily find implementation in Matlab or Python, but are there any ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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Stable diffusion models in WL?

Are there any diffusion-based (text + image) -> image generation models available in Mathematica, Wolfram Repositories, or from third parties? In particular, I'm ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Unable to Replicate an ANN Using the Output from Predict Function

I’m working on constructing an ANN. I first used the Predict function with the method “Neural Network” to determine the structure according to my data. This is the given output of the structure: ...
Nicole Gould's user avatar
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Diffusion probabilistic model in deep generative modeling

Diffusion Models ( and are generative models gaining popularity in the community of deep generative modeling, ...
Baoxiang Pan's user avatar
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Derivation from a network

how can I represent the derivative of a network (e.g. NetGraph or NetChain) as a network? I have tried it with FunctionLayer[] and NetPortGradient, but without success. I would be very pleased to ...
haro21's user avatar
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Does RandomArrayLayer implement the reparameterization trick?

I want to backpropagate through random operations (e.g. learn the mean and variance of a Gaussian random variable). I assumed that ...
Ian's user avatar
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Create "PredictorFunction" with NeuralNetwork

I tried to construct a predictor for a continuous variable using neural networks, something like f(a,b,c,d,e) = x, trying to predict x for a given set of a,b,c,d, and e. The builtin ...
enzo's user avatar
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BasicRecurrentLayer with no bias and linear activation function?

Trying to design a small neural network for modeling a LTI system, I'd like to configure a BasicRecurrentLayer with these particular settings: No bias vector should be used (I've tried the option &...
Danel's user avatar
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Unexpected high memory consumption using out-of-core NetTrain

I'm working on training a neural network on an image dataset. There are 14k images and each image contains 3x150x150 pixels. I have built a generator function following the approach in Training on ...
Charmbracelet's user avatar
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Constructing neural networks from Keras example

I am trying to convert neural networks from a book to Wolfram language. The book has this example with the quote two layers of 10 neurons and a dropout of 0.2 for each ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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Reuse same layer of Neural Network

I hope to wrap up ConvolutionLayer in a way so that it takes two inputs, does the same operation on those, and outputs their result respectively. For example, ...
t-smart's user avatar
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CrossValidate for image classification with NetTrain

I am trying to set up transfer learning using instructions from this repository page on EfficientNet. I am able to perform a stand-alone training and testing using the instructions on that page. The ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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Automated mapping between input and output columns of FeatureExtractorFunctions

This problem is about FeatureExtraction. It arose in the course of training a neural network where the data contains a mixture of nominal and numeric variables. Basically, my code looks like the ...
Seth Chandler's user avatar
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Increase the speed of Machine learning based on 'Predict'

I am training a ANN model with a large dataset (~million level) using Predict or NetTrain function. I do not have a GPU machine but have a server equipped with 16 CPU cores. How can I maximize the ...
Miaoxiao Wang's user avatar
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Issue with Transfer Learning using VGG16 NetModel

I am trying to use the VGG16 architecture available in the Wolfram Neural Network Repository to classify the Fashion MNIST dataset. The VGG 16 by default accepts images of size 3x224x224. However the ...
A. Mustafi's user avatar
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How to calculate a PDF of a neural network output?

I have to find the probability density function of the output of an internal layer in a neural network. I wanted to do it using NetMeasurements adding a layer like <...
user40532's user avatar
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Wolfram Neural Net Repository Questions

I was a research scientist in the machine learning team, and mostly involved with the neural net repository.
T.B.'s user avatar
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Mathematica accuracy errors when creating data

I created training data for a neural network and below are two errors I got The only code that uses "FindRoot" command is the following ...
Gabi23's user avatar
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Error Using NetMeasurements (assessing neural network performance)

I am trying to assess how well a neural network regression model performs on test data. To do this I have used NetMeasurements command. ...
Gabi23's user avatar
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Building multilayer perceptron Neural Network

I’m new to machine learning and am a bit confused about how to create a neural network (multilayer perceptron) with a specific design. I would like to create a neural network with 40 features/neurones ...
Gabi23's user avatar
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How can I free GPU memory allocated with NetTrain

When I train a neural network with NetTrain[..., TargetDevice->"GPU"], wolfram's neural network code automatically allocates memory on my GPU for my ...
Alec Graves's user avatar
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Generating a sequence from a number using RNN

Can someone please provide me with a neat example about generating a sequence from a number using RNN? (Possibly without using NetGraph[].) Edit: I'm trying to ...
Terry Chin's user avatar
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Does NetChain have a "Distribution" property like PredictorFunction?

PredictorFunction has an incredibly useful "Distribution" property. In the past, this has helped me filter out bad predictions, like this: ...
Eric William Smith's user avatar
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Simulated Cartpole Example in Mathematica

I am interested in modifying the code underlying the reinforcement learning example SimulatedCartpole in Mathematica 12. This example is still listed as Experimental. The help function indicates that ...
Murali's user avatar
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Is Parallelization of NetTrain possible?

I was planning to build a Neural Network model and create a list of the same model with the elements of the list being different Initializations of the same model. Is it possible to Train the entire ...
Illlusion5's user avatar
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Should this Dataset be Transposed for best Neural-Net Performance?

I've been working with this Kaggle dataset and intend to use it to make some time-series predictions from it. I've preprocessed it to the point where now I need to start making some decisions about ...
BBirdsell's user avatar
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How to assemble layers to perform different linear transformations on each column of matrix?

I have a matrix $A_{m×n}$ and I want to assemble a network that performs $n$ different trainable linear transformations $T_{p×m}(i), i\in {1,2,...n}$ on its corresponding columns, (i.e. $B^i = T(i)A^i)...
user79372's user avatar
7 votes
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Running Mathematica in 'SpouseMode'

In this previous question I looked into a deprecated capability of Mathematica from Version 2. Mathematica command that allows it to read my intentions Thanks to all for your answers. I note that ...
MikeY's user avatar
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How can I rescale data by a learnable constant in a neural network?

I'm working on a class of machine learning problems which fit functions from scalars to vectors. Let's suppose the output of this function is just a set of two-component vectors. I have found that my ...
miggle's user avatar
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