I am training a ANN model with a large dataset (~million level) using Predict or NetTrain function. I do not have a GPU machine but have a server equipped with 16 CPU cores. How can I maximize the speed of this training? Is it possible to apply parallel Computing to make full use of all the cores? (A existing method: https://www.wolfram.com/language/12/neural-network-framework/train-a-net-on-multiple-gpus.html.zh?product=mathematica. However, the 'Target service' option is only applicable to speed up the training in a GPU machine). Should I give up MMA and switch to Python?
Predict[ExampleData[{"MachineLearning", "BostonHomes"}, "TrainingData"], PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", TargetDevice -> "CPU", Method -> "NeuralNetwork"]
will use more than one core on my machine for example. $\endgroup$