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Interfacing with a LabJack

I have a LabJack U3-HV and I wanted to use it with Mathematica to interface some hardware. I cannot find any information on the Internet; if I have to use Python, I will, but I would rather use ...
Azathoth's user avatar
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Automatically sending to Print (using CutePDF Writer)

I use CutePDF for creating PDF output, but this requires manually selecting Print (Ctrl+P), with CutePDF Writer as the printer, and pressing OK. Can this be automated?
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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Printing problem in our campus lab

We have 12 iMacs in our computer lab at our college. Our students are having problems trying to print (to a black and white printer) their notebooks. Testing one students notebook (about 6 pages with ...
David's user avatar
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Printing an array such that the values can be copied and pasted to a Excel Row

Given an array I would like to print it in Mathematica such that the values can be simply copied and pasted into an Excel's row. What is the best approach for this? ...
сакиб али's user avatar
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Calling Mathematica from Java

I'm trying to write a Java program that uses Mathematica code, but when I compile it, a window appears asking for MathLink. I enter ...
user11105's user avatar
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Mathematica function into R

I am R user and very new to mathematica. I want to make run a .wl file into R script and using its results into the same R script. Is there any possible way to load and run .wl file into R? Your help ...
Shaami's user avatar
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How to send a function definition to MathLink from C/C++?

In this tutorial some MathLink concepts are introduced. At page 33 in the last lines the author is talking about sending to MathLink a function definition like ...
Andry's user avatar
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Using ExternalEvaluate within ParallelDo

I have had great success using Python in Mathematica (for some computations for which there are very well optimised Python packages but not for Mathematica). I have some Mathematica functions that are ...
wilsnunn's user avatar
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Mathpsfrag: failed setup at MathPSfragConfigurationTest (UnPSfrag) line (Windows 8)

I'm trying to follow the documentation on how to get mathpsfrag set up on Windows 8 (64-bit). It failed at the line ...
Hanmyo's user avatar
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Is there any Mathematica API for Z3?

Z3 has bindings for various programming languages, e.g., C, C++, Java, Python, and so on. Are there any for Mathematica? Or how to implement one?
hengxin's user avatar
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LibraryFunctionLoad with Cool Prop documentation

I use the following command ...
Cezary's user avatar
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ExcelLink stop working after Windows 10 update

After Windows Update KB4508433 & KB4512508, ExcelLink stop to work. If I uninstall these updates, it work again, but windows return to install them... ...
crazzymath's user avatar
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Using MATLink with an interactive MATLAB session on MacOS [duplicate]

I just discovered MATLink and it's awesome. The only problem I have is that using OpenMATLAB[] opens a MATLAB session in the ...
yohbs's user avatar
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Running external program from command line

This command works on Windows: ReadList["!" <> "echo hello", String] Assuming the "!" suggests Windows command shell (verified as ...
kamuli's user avatar
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Why my MATLink must execute the command `OpenMATLAB[]` twice to realize once normal `OpenMATLAB[]` command?

Problem description To use Matlab code in Mathematica I have tried to use the package MATLink. However, everytime I run the code below ...
narip's user avatar
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Repeated calling of Mathematica function from R through system call make it extremely slow

I have the following simple function in test.wls file x = ToExpression[$ScriptCommandLine[[2]]] y = ToExpression[$ScriptCommandLine[[3]]] z = x+y Print[z] I call ...
Ahmed Abdullah's user avatar
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Can OGDF (a self-contained C++ library for graph algorithms) be integrated into Mathematica?

I would like to begin by congratulating IGraphM on the release of its current update (M 0.6.1). This package makes graph calculations on Mathematica much smoother. The specifics are available at the ...
licheng's user avatar
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Copying Bitmaps in

I have just installed and have been copying bitmaps (ListLinePlot) from notebooks (Edit->CopyAs->Bitmap) into various MS applications in Windows 10. ...
OpticsMan's user avatar
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WolframKernel not found when running WolframScript

While attempting to run wolframscript in linux, I get the error "WolframKernel not found. Use -configure to set WOLFRAMSCRIPT_KERNELPATH Or export WolframKernel=/yourpath/WolframKernel" I am ...
BOUNCE's user avatar
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How to call the function calculation result of Magma in MMA

Magma is a very useful abstract algebra calculation software.How to call the function calculation result of magma in MMA? ...
A little mouse on the pampas's user avatar
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Can I use the Gwnum library to accelerate the multiplication in Mathematica?

Is it possible to use Gwnum library to accelerate the multiplication in Mathematica?
Reda.Kebbaj's user avatar
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OpenMATLAB[] hangs

I just migrated my Mac from one machine to a new one and it seems like MATLink is broken now. When I call OpenMATLAB[] in Mathematica the command hangs forever. I ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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Instant detection of digital or analogue variation of a variable with Mathematica in Windows 8.1

I am using an assembly that contains two acquisition board (PCI-1742U-AE and PCIE-1816H-AE) and an external circuit, connected to boards. The computer uses Windows 8.1, and the communication is done ...
rosu_constantin's user avatar
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Call NAG subroutine in Mathematica 10

Is there any package or any other way to call or use NAG library? It was possible in old mathematica?
NRS's user avatar
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Mathematica on Chromebook? [closed]

I'm thinking of getting a touchscreen Chromebook, is there any way to run or install desktop Mathematica on it?
M.R.'s user avatar
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DO Button: convert databin entry from String to Reals

I am learning to use the Wolfram databins and DO Button and DO Note apps for a personal project. The sample code I am using as the Recipe is: ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Mathematica interoperability with Max/MSP

A little foreword: I'm an absolute beginner of Mathematica (but I'm a programmer in other languages/software). Now the question: I have a Mathematica Notebook written by a friend of mine which takes ...
kaosmos's user avatar
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Problem with FindDevices["Camera"] [closed]

I have a problem with FindDevices["Camera"] function. When I try to execute it I get this: ...
Tomek Żaba's user avatar
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How to format convert simple Mathematica expressions into a Maxima-compatible format?

I am trying to compare really long algebraic results from Mathematica with those from Maxima. Maxima can parse the simplest types of expressions output by Mathematica, such as ...
nate's user avatar
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Using Mathematica to connect to Cloudera Impala

I am trying to connect to Cloudera Impala via Mathematica, but so far I have not been able to do so. Has anyone ever done it? I have been able to connect to it via R using the JDBC or ODBC interface ...
bernddude's user avatar
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Exchange variable value between Mathematica and Autohotkey script

I have a script written with AutoHotkey and would like to send some data to and from Mathematica. For now I am using the CopyToClipboard[] function in Mathematica ...
Jozef's user avatar
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Retrieve rendered graphics via WSTP

I am planning on using Mathematica as calculation and rendering backend for an application, i.e., call Mathematica via WSTP and use EvaluatePacket to have it ...
Jinxed's user avatar
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Load a Mathematica Notebook using .Net code

I have gotten a tremendous amount of information from the question posted at (Load a Mathematica Package via .Net code), which my application is very similar to. Specifically in that thread, the ...
Josh's user avatar
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calling mathematica code in Python [duplicate]

I am wondering if there is any working example of calling mathematica 9 outputs in python? or plotting mathematica output in python?
Thomas's user avatar
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C interface for Mathematica

I would like to write a small C program which starts a Mathematica session, executes some user defined code and retrieves the output and finally quits the session. Basically I like to have a simple ...
highsciguy's user avatar
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How to copy Mathematica code into Microsoft Word?

Is there a way to copy my mathematica code (with preserved formatting) as text into microsoft word? Below is part of my code. ...
Johnson's user avatar
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Transform a table in Mathematica into one in MS Word

How does one transform a table in Mathematica into one in MS Word?
Bendesarts's user avatar
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How to make the words in pictures from Mathematica into MS Word can be edited?

I find that when I export graphics to PDF format from Mathematica, the words in pictures can be copied. However, when I save the pictures from Mathematica and then insert those pictures into MS Word, ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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using Mathematica's matrix multiplication in C++

Is there any way that I can utilize Mathematica's matrix multiplication in a C++ program? I'm making a 3D graphics engine (for class) in C++ and I would really like to use Mathematica for all of my ...
Sponge Bob's user avatar
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How to make an executable?

I made a program in mathematica and I want to know if Mathematica permits to generate an executable code (*.exe) for running it on a machine where Mathematica is not installed. This is my program: <...
user41178's user avatar
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Using and executing the missing complex functions of Mathematica in Wolfram script *.wls

I have the following Mathematica notebook on this link notebook I was told that the binary wolframscript couldn't understand some complex functions of Mathematica. First, I would you like to convert ...
youpilat13's user avatar
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Run Mathematica notebook using VBA

I want to run mathematica notebook using excel vba, can someone help me with a sample code?
AGS's user avatar
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Does a client need Mathematica kernel to run Mathematica code embedded in Java?

I have built a predictive model using Classify. Its performance is great. Now I want to put it into production, and run it on the client side, where the client may ...
user34018's user avatar
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Making a C++ callable .lib or .dll file from a Mathematica notebook [duplicate]

MATLAB supports conversions of their function files into C++ callable libraries. I was wondering if the same feature is also available in Mathemathica? If yes, can you please guide me where I can ...
Michio kaku's user avatar

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