I use the following command
Rhol = LibraryFunctionLoad["CoolProp",
"PropsSI", {UTF8String, UTF8String, Real, UTF8String, Real,
UTF8String}, Real];Subscript[T, 0]=330;
to obtain fluid/vapor properties:
(*rho*)Subscript[ρ, l] =
Rhol["D", "T", Subscript[T, 0], "Q", 0, "Water"]
(*saturation pressure*)Subscript[p, 0] =
Rhol["P", "T", Subscript[T, 0], "Q", 1, "Water"]
(*kinematic viscosity*)Subscript[v, e] =
Rhol["V", "T", Subscript[T, 0], "Q", 0, "Water"]/Subscript[ρ, l]
With "Water"
, everything is OK, but for example "Acetone"
displays viscosity as an infinity sign.
Does anyone have the same problem and know how to fix it?