
I use the following command

Rhol = LibraryFunctionLoad["CoolProp", 
   "PropsSI", {UTF8String, UTF8String, Real, UTF8String, Real, 
    UTF8String}, Real];Subscript[T, 0]=330;

to obtain fluid/vapor properties:

(*rho*)Subscript[ρ, l] = 
 Rhol["D", "T", Subscript[T, 0], "Q", 0, "Water"]
(*saturation pressure*)Subscript[p, 0] = 
 Rhol["P", "T", Subscript[T, 0], "Q", 1, "Water"]
(*kinematic viscosity*)Subscript[v, e] = 
 Rhol["V", "T", Subscript[T, 0], "Q", 0, "Water"]/Subscript[ρ, l]

With "Water", everything is OK, but for example "Acetone" displays viscosity as an infinity sign.

Does anyone have the same problem and know how to fix it?

  • $\begingroup$ Be aware that because most people don't have CoolProp readily installed, it might take a while for your question to get answered. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 17, 2020 at 12:02

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately the Mathematica wrappers don't expose any error handling and so this is all you get:

In[7]:= pathToCoolProp = 

In[8]:= PropsSI = 
   "PropsSI", {"UTF8String", "UTF8String", Real, "UTF8String", Real, 
    "UTF8String"}, Real];

In[9]:= PropsSI["V", "T", 300., "Q", 0., "Acetone"]

Out[9]= \[Infinity]

But if you use python you get a better message:

enter image description here

It would be interesting to modify the wrapper code to catch errors and return them in a meaningful way, but I'm not sure how to do that. Wrapping this line in a try-catch block doesn't do anything.


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