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8 votes
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How can I get OSX split screen to work?

OSX on Mac now allows two apps to split the screen. Doesn't seem to work in Mathematica, even though the full-screen button displays an icon suggesting that it ...
abwatson's user avatar
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12 votes
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Reading data from Google Docs

I am working on a personal project involving a CloudDeploy[ ] that reads data off a Google Doc and then works with it. Ideally, the Google Doc is either a text document or a spreadsheet which contains ...
Andrea's user avatar
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DO Button: convert databin entry from String to Reals

I am learning to use the Wolfram databins and DO Button and DO Note apps for a personal project. The sample code I am using as the Recipe is: ...
Andrea's user avatar
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5 votes
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Setting output width for CopyToClipboard

Suppose I have a long string and I copy it to the clipboard: ...
JimB's user avatar
  • 42.9k
8 votes
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Unmodified Clipboard content

How do I get unmodified text content from the clipboard? If you copy the following into the clipboard and use ClipboardNotebook[] ...
William's user avatar
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Does a client need Mathematica kernel to run Mathematica code embedded in Java?

I have built a predictive model using Classify. Its performance is great. Now I want to put it into production, and run it on the client side, where the client may ...
user34018's user avatar
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4 votes
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What is the best way to work with complex number array in librarylink function in terms of C++ and Eigen?

I want to use C++ Eigen library in Mathematica Librarylink function. Currently, I have no problem dealing with real arrays. But I don't know what is the best way to deal with complex array in ...
matheorem's user avatar
  • 17.4k
10 votes
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Call Magma in Mathematica

I've written some code in Mathematica, related to some group theory questions I have. Subsequently, I found that part of the code could be significantly sped up if I could just call a routine in ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use Pandoc in Mathematica 10?

Pandoc can convert documents in markdown etc. to HTML etc.. It can be worked well in cmd or bat file. I want to use Pandoc in Mathematica 10 on Windows7, but it doesn't work. Method 1: ...
Li Xuan's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to continuously run a Python script

I am running this script: script = Import["!python C:\\...python script", "String"]; but I need to run it a few times as it outputs data I need. I run it every ...
user35053's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to bundle JLink with Java application using apache maven

The context: I am planning to visualize some results from my MMA code using D3.js. So I wanted to make a simple REST api using the light weight SparkJava framework. Given my fairly nonexistent ...
PlatoManiac's user avatar
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7 votes
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What´s the best way to COPY/PASTE Mathematica code into Word?

As you can see in the image the code, with a standard copy/paste you obtain squares instead of "Return=New Line". What´s the best way to copy and paste Mathematica code into Word? One choice is a ...
Mika Ike's user avatar
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Example program WSTP Mathematica 10.3

I am writing a Fortran program and I want to use Mathematica functions form within. I know that a C wrapper should be written first, but I do not know how to proceed further. Basically I want to call ...
WoofDoggy's user avatar
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Mathematica interoperability with Max/MSP

A little foreword: I'm an absolute beginner of Mathematica (but I'm a programmer in other languages/software). Now the question: I have a Mathematica Notebook written by a friend of mine which takes ...
kaosmos's user avatar
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16 votes
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Why does Mathematica use a different $PATH than terminal?

I am trying to run bash commands from within Mathematica. Funnily enough, Mathematica seems to use a different $PATH environment than the system environment. If I try ...
freddieknets's user avatar
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Problem with FindDevices["Camera"] [closed]

I have a problem with FindDevices["Camera"] function. When I try to execute it I get this: ...
Tomek Żaba's user avatar
4 votes
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Mathematica Arduino Link [closed]

Has anyone successfully used Arduino Link package to generate code and communicate with the Arduino with Mathematica? I have tried using it but I get "Failed to upload sketch" when I try to connect ...
David's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to respond to password prompt with StartProcess?

Title says it all so let me show it on a Git example on Windows. Let's say you have your git executable on the system PATH: ...
Kuba's user avatar
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How to format convert simple Mathematica expressions into a Maxima-compatible format?

I am trying to compare really long algebraic results from Mathematica with those from Maxima. Maxima can parse the simplest types of expressions output by Mathematica, such as ...
nate's user avatar
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Using Mathematica to connect to Cloudera Impala

I am trying to connect to Cloudera Impala via Mathematica, but so far I have not been able to do so. Has anyone ever done it? I have been able to connect to it via R using the JDBC or ODBC interface ...
bernddude's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I insert an EPS file exported from RegionPlot into MS Word?

I generate a figure using RegionPlot and then Export it as "EPS". When I insert this picture ...
WangFei's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to run Racket in Mathematica

My situation is that I write Racket/Scheme code to run some simulation. Then I'd like Mathematica to call Racket to run that code file. For example: the code file is named ...
Dr Linh Chi Nguyen's user avatar
9 votes
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Launch Front End from .NET MathKernel and return result to .NET

Is it possible to launch a front end and open a notebook from a .NETLink kernel and return a result from the notebook to .NET? In the code below "x" appears in the .NET textbox after 10 seconds but ...
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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Copy/Paste of a plot leaves whitespace

I'm trying to copy Mathematica figures into word, but when I do, I get tons of extra white-space for some reason. Either standard ctrl-c - ctrl-p or "copy graphic" does this. I understand that I ...
aquirdturtle's user avatar
12 votes
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Interfacing Red Pitaya board with Mathematica

[EDIT:July 1st 2016]. I finally did the job by myself and built a (JLink based and limited) redpitaya package that is enough to play with the examples showed on the redpitaya site. I presented it at: ...
Christian Néel's user avatar
1 vote
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Printing problem in our campus lab

We have 12 iMacs in our computer lab at our college. Our students are having problems trying to print (to a black and white printer) their notebooks. Testing one students notebook (about 6 pages with ...
David's user avatar
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16 votes
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What is the best way to transfer arbitrary-precision reals using WSTP?

I'm developing a Mathematica package, inside of which there is a number-crunching function. It uses a list of arbitrary-precision numbers as input and it takes a lot of time to do its job. So I've ...
ktm's user avatar
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17 votes
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Exporting 2D & 3D graphics for use in Adobe Illustrator

I have recently (perhaps since Mathematica Version 10?) encountered a change in how PDF images are saved and how they behave after being loaded into Adobe Illustrator (v16.0.4 under Mac OS X 10.10.5). ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
9 votes
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How can I wrap a C++ object in WSTP?

I am trying to wrap a sophisticated C/C++ API in Mathematica using WSTP, but can't work out how to return a pointer to a C/C++ data structure. This object was created on the C/C++ side of the wrapper, ...
kuperov's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why doesn't Import work with XOWA offline Wikipedia database?

I'm having trouble with importing HTML from XOWA offline wikipedia database. I set up a local server for datamining, but I can't access it with Mathematica. I can request a HTML page with ...
shrx's user avatar
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Mathematica-exported PDFs placed in Illustrator documents keep disappearing

This question is regarding interoperability between Adobe Illustrator and Mathematica. Illustrator has a File → Place... function which can insert complete figures inside Illustrator documents. "...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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12 votes
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How to Copy formatted code without backslashes added?

By default code copied from the FrontEnd is formatted with backslashes added at the ends of lines. For example, evaluating in a Notebook Range[40] and copying ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
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Does Mathematica have a plug-in for communicating with an Android device?

I am trying to take input from an Android device, do some processing in Mathematica and pass the final output back to the device, so I need a plug in to communicate to an Android device.
karthiksankar c's user avatar
6 votes
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How to export images in EPS format that can be opened in CorelDraw

I am preparing a paper. The journal requirements are odd: only eps files for pictures are accepted. All pictures I have drawn in Mathematica and exported in eps format in the usual way: ...
Alexei Boulbitch's user avatar
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How to trigger Emacs to open a file from Mathematica? [duplicate]

I thought Run will do the trick: Run["emacs -q " <> myfile] Run["! emacs -q " <> myfile] But it does not! I'm ...
user13253's user avatar
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Running external program from command line

This command works on Windows: ReadList["!" <> "echo hello", String] Assuming the "!" suggests Windows command shell (verified as ...
kamuli's user avatar
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ExcelLink: "Choose a Mathlink program to launch" after upgrading from 10.0.2 to 10.1

After upgrading to 10.1, I now get a prompt "Choose a Mathlink program to launch" when I call code that uses ExcelLink. This code worked prior to the update. I am wondering if this is a ...
Doug Kimzey's user avatar
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Exchange variable value between Mathematica and Autohotkey script

I have a script written with AutoHotkey and would like to send some data to and from Mathematica. For now I am using the CopyToClipboard[] function in Mathematica ...
Jozef's user avatar
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Using Wolfram Library Reference in Excel VBA

Long time ago I did this question to MathGroup, but without success. In Excel VBA, in Tool/References, there is a option called "Wolfram Mathematica Control 8.0 Type Library" I belive that ...
Murta's user avatar
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16 votes
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Step-by-step instruction to Install C Compiler

I remember using C compiler on my previous computers, and I never had any problems installing them. At this time, however, I failed to work through the instructions provided in Mathematica ...
Artem's user avatar
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How to integrate Mathematica with other software

Mathematica is a fantastic platform for Mathematical analysis, physics, quantitative finance and most realms of scientific work. However, it doesn't serve well for general purpose programming, in ...
user avatar
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Mathpsfrag: failed setup at MathPSfragConfigurationTest (UnPSfrag) line (Windows 8)

I'm trying to follow the documentation on how to get mathpsfrag set up on Windows 8 (64-bit). It failed at the line ...
Hanmyo's user avatar
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Retrieve rendered graphics via WSTP

I am planning on using Mathematica as calculation and rendering backend for an application, i.e., call Mathematica via WSTP and use EvaluatePacket to have it ...
Jinxed's user avatar
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Running PowerShell commands in Mathematica

I'm trying to execute a PowerShell command using Mathematica. Someone has made it before? I tested my command direct in PowerShell, and it worked nice, but no idea on how can I make Mathematica to ...
Murta's user avatar
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Handling error in WSTP program C/C++

I have a program, written in C++, which uses WSTP to communicate with Mathematica 10 (i.e., linked using Install["name_program"]). How should my code report an ...
Igor Alimov's user avatar
3 votes
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Interact with external program

I'm using NMinimize with Mathematica 7 using an external Fortran program to get the target value to minimize. I'm doing it using RunThrough with the variables as ...
siritinga's user avatar
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How can I integrate Open-CV with Mathematica?

I would like to run Open-CV functions from within Mathematica, can anyone figure out how to do this?
M.R.'s user avatar
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Using the variable in the MATLAB workspace using MATLink or any other packages

I have a program in MATLAB and after I run the program, I get some results in MATLAB's workspace. Now, I need to use these results in Mathematica. What I currently do is that I save the workspace as a ...
secluded's user avatar
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Importing sobj sage objects?

I am working with a sage-math object. With some older versions of Mathematica it was possible to send data directly but the function doesn't work with Mathematica 9. What are my options to import a ...
spitespike's user avatar
9 votes
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Is it possible to move .mx file from one server to other?

I have mathematica file in one server along with .mx file. Is there any way to move the .mx file from one server to other such ...
magesh's user avatar
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