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36 votes
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RNN in Mathematica?

Recurrent neural network is an important part of machine learning and its improved version: LSTM network is widely applied, but Mathematica seemingly is in lack of these two features and in my opinion,...
Wjx's user avatar
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Increase the speed of Machine learning based on 'Predict'

I am training a ANN model with a large dataset (~million level) using Predict or NetTrain function. I do not have a GPU machine but have a server equipped with 16 CPU cores. How can I maximize the ...
Miaoxiao Wang's user avatar
28 votes
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Frown for a sex change, or, how do I unbork the "FacialGender" classifier in 11.2?

The limits of machine learning. I thought the new "FacialGender" option for Classifier would be an amusing thing to ...
Verbeia's user avatar
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28 votes
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How to export an MXNet?

I was hoping there was some way to generate the .params and .json file needed to define an MXNet model, from a network trained using NetTrain[] in Mathematica. I ...
user5601's user avatar
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21 votes
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Inefficient memory storage for Dataset

Why Dataset doesn't serialize its contents, isn't it the whole point? I expect it to behave similar to python's pandas.DataFrame,...
swish's user avatar
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36 votes
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Using a Convolutional Neural Network for time series classification

In the recent new in Mathematica 11 webinar one user asked during the Q&A session wether the current implementation of neural networks in Mathematica 11 could be used for processing time series. ...
Sascha's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to find explicit hyperplane in SupportVectorMachine

I am using the SupportVectorMachine classfier: e.g., (* let me use Linear kernel for simplicity *) ...
James Khan's user avatar
1 vote
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How to solve ODEs using deep learning in Mathematica [closed]

I have a number of ODEs (58) with 16 parameters and 9 variables. I want to solve the ODEs to obtain the analytical relationship between the parameters and variables. It is obviously that the ODEs ...
Miaoxiao Wang's user avatar
0 votes
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How to avoid one-hot encoding for LinearModelFit and NonlinearModelFit

This code works: ...
Artem Vorozhtsov's user avatar
6 votes
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Extracting information from Classify

I have used Mathematica's automated Classify function: ...
ngc1300's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to find similar words from the provided list?

Let's say I have created a list of words that are acceptable in a certain context. list = {...}; Now given a new or some existing word from the list I want to ...
user13892's user avatar
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I'm not sure how to use Predict[]

In my university I got an assignment: I need to predict the stock price using two of machine learning methods with imported data. (I've chosen Linear regression and Decision tree). I tried to make a ...
Yamobura's user avatar
2 votes
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How to build an RNN with input as character but output a sequence of tokens?

Let’s assume I have “abbcab”-> {“Apple”,”Banana”}, “Bibb”-> {“Carrot”} so the output is a sequence of various length, but I can pad it to be the same length. My problem, how do I create a ...
user3825890's user avatar
1 vote
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How to assemble layers to perform different linear transformations on each column of matrix?

I have a matrix $A_{m×n}$ and I want to assemble a network that performs $n$ different trainable linear transformations $T_{p×m}(i), i\in {1,2,...n}$ on its corresponding columns, (i.e. $B^i = T(i)A^i)...
user79372's user avatar
4 votes
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How to use classify to separate lines and circles

I generated lines and circles: ...
holistic's user avatar
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Preprocessing data\[Ellipsis]. or Preprocessing data..... error in ParallelTable in Mathematica

I am working on Machine Learning. My purpose in the code is to repeat calculation a few times and average the results. While using Table command, following message pops up for ClassifiersMeasurements ...
forumcash's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Noise filtering in images with PCA

I have a stack of images (usually ca 100) of the same sample. The images have intrinsic variation of the sample, which is my signal, and a lot of statistical noise. I did a principal components ...
user9234701's user avatar
5 votes
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ClusteringComponent and FindClusters are returning the wrong number of clusters and are inconsistent

I am trying to find the optimum number of clusters in a correlation matrix. To do this I run a clustering algorithm that loops through 3 variables ( number of clusters, ...
IntroductionToProbability's user avatar
9 votes
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How to implement BlazeFace?

BlazeFace is a lightweight and well-performing face detector tailored for mobile GPU inference. It runs at a speed of 200-1000+ FPS on flagship devices. How to implement BlazeFace in Mathematica?
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
5 votes
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How to paraphrase text?

I'm looking to train or use pre-trained models in order to re-phrase text. Are there any natural language models in the Wolfram Neural Repository (or elsewhere) that can be used to paraphrase text? ...
user5601's user avatar
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12 votes
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How to inspect the learned ClassifierFunction decision tree model?

Assume I have a ClassifierFunction object learned like this: classifier = Classify[trainSet, Method -> "DecisionTree"] ...
user1747134's user avatar
11 votes
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How to perform UMAP dimensionality reduction?

This new method UMAP looks to be better than TSNE, unfortunately it is not available as a dimension reduction method yet: Does anyone know if there exists an implementation of it in, or accessible ...
user5601's user avatar
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How can image segmentation from UNET be improved?

EDIT 2: code can be found @ EDIT 1: applying Binarize to the masks after resizing helps to ensure the data for mask is binary I have made an ...
Ali Hashmi's user avatar
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Interactive Machine Learning App to make Predictions using Descriptors

I have developed a Machine Learning algorithm that uses 4 chemical descriptors to calculate a chosen chemical property. I would like to create an interactive app on Mathematica (using the manipulate ...
Nawn's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to make Hinton diagrams

I just start studying machine learning with Mathematica and, I want to know how make Hinton diagrams. Can someone give an idea, please?
Ask8's user avatar
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ClassifierMeasurements returns strange errors

I am following the example listed on this page ResNet 50 to train a custom classifier and inspect the outcome with ClassifierMeasurements. My training set has 443 images from more than 30 classes. The ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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20 votes
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Machine learning. SVM algorithm

I want to work with machine learning in Mathematica. Are there any SVM algorithms implemented in Mathematica anywhere? Or any other algorithms for machine learning? With positive and negative database ...
Anton Medvedev's user avatar
4 votes
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Classifier training on a large data set

I am interested in binary classification and I have a huge set of training examples (around 4 millions). Each example is a $10 \times 2$ matrix. When I run the classification after two hour run the ...
Kiril Danilchenko's user avatar
0 votes
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Mathematica accuracy errors when creating data

I created training data for a neural network and below are two errors I got The only code that uses "FindRoot" command is the following ...
Gabi23's user avatar
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Extract details from PredictorFunction object

For training data, the command Predict generates an object PredictorFunction, which can evaluate a prediction from variables. ...
Slepecky Mamut's user avatar
11 votes
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Tutorial example NetTrain fails miserably with a GPU

I have been experimenting with GPU NetTrain on AWS now when Mma 12.2 supports remote batch jobs (I don't have an Nvidia GPU to try these things out otherwise). In ...
kirma's user avatar
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25 votes
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How can I detect if an image is of poor quality?

I need to filter out blurry or otherwise bad quality images from a set. I would like an efficient method to detect images that have any of the following three attributes: Out of focus or motion blur ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Simulated Cartpole Example in Mathematica

I am interested in modifying the code underlying the reinforcement learning example SimulatedCartpole in Mathematica 12. This example is still listed as Experimental. The help function indicates that ...
Murali's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can NetNestOperator take a non pre-defined number of iterations?

I'd like to Nest a particular NetChain inside a larger NetGraph for a random number of ...
George Varnavides's user avatar
7 votes
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Decoding Music in Staff Notation using ImageIdentify

I wrote this Code fragment Which is a E (quarter) note in Treble Clef. Instead Mathematica simply classified it as a "musical note" Can we do better?
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
6 votes
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Neural network: Line detection in Image

I am playing around with Mathematica's new Neural Network toolbox and am trying to teach a network to detect lines in quite noisy images. An example Input image would look like the following: The ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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7 votes
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Specifying mean and kernel function in Gaussian Process

As part of the Improved Machine Learning in Mathematica 11, Wolfram advertises the Method "GaussianProcess" which can be used with Predict[] to obtain smooth Gaussian random fields. The screenshot ...
Alexander Erlich's user avatar
9 votes
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How do I implement masked Softmax?

Consider: input = {1, 2, 3}; mask = {1, 0, 1} Classic Softmax: SoftmaxLayer[]@input {0.0900306, 0.244728, 0.665241} ...
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
13 votes
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t-SNE visualization

Is there an implementation of “t-SNE” for dimension reduction in mma? This technique visualizes high-dimensional data by giving each datapoint location in a two or three-dimensional map. It generally ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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13 votes
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How to change NeuralNetwork options?

How can I manipulate the architecture and problems of a NeuralNetwork in Predict or Classify? For example, running the following ...
mdeceglie's user avatar
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How to implement a triplet network with NetSharedArray?

In v11.3, NetSharedArray[] and NetInsertSharedArray[] give us a mechanism of sharing weights and biases across neural networks, ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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1 vote
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Derivative of predictor function

Given some data dat, we would like to generate a predictor function. Therefore we use ...
pawel_winzig's user avatar
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Separating objects into a constrained number of groups where data is known about all object pairs

In Frequency Planning, we may know the interference between one cell and another cell. You may be a able to operate a specific number of frequencies. How would one separate them into the best groups. ...
NigelKg's user avatar
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3 votes
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How can I normalize a dataset relative to data already given previously?

Some scientific libraries, like Scikit-Learn for Python are able to create normalizing/standardizing functions based on data that is previously given. Looking at the documentation for ...
Jmeeks29ig's user avatar
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How do I create & train a neural net to predict a stock closing price at T+5min using OHLC and other data?

I'm trying to create a neural network and train it to test predictability of short term stock price movements. I've collated a 1-min open, high, low, closing and volume dataset for a particular stock....
CuriousDudeFromEgypt's user avatar
0 votes
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Binary Classify a Large Data Set using Deep Learning

I tried training this model: All even integers map to T and all odd ones map to F. I used 100 million training examples with Support Vector Machine as the method yet I got garbage for the test cases. ...
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
0 votes
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NetGraph/Model for BERT?

Does anyone know of a way to get the BERT model working for word embeddings in Mathematica? Doesn’t seem to be available on GitHub or the Wolfram Net Repo...
M.R.'s user avatar
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2 votes
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Copying Weights using NetTrain in Mathematica

I would like to implement the PPO algorithm - Reinforcement Learning - in Mathematica. And for that, I need to be able to copy network weights from say subnetwork NN1 to subnetwork NN2 as an update ...
Terrell N.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Classify/NetTrain run indefinitely without output when using GPU

I am experimenting with Mathematica's Classify/NetTrain functions for the first time. When I don't set a TargetDevice option, Mathematica defaults to the CPU and everything works as expected. When I ...
Ruben's user avatar
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9 votes
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Why is SVM unable to separate linearly separable data?

I have two sets of data, namely blue and yellow. I manually added a point {8, -3} to the blue data. ...
H42's user avatar
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