It seems the model file in MXNet (checkpoint) is defined by two files: a ".json" file and a ".params" file. The json file contains the definition of the network, and the params file contains the actual weight and bias of each neuron. The params file is in the binary format of MXNet's NDArray representation.
Thus, to export a network in Mathematica to MXNet, we need to generate these two files. The json file can be generated easily with the NeuralNetworks``ToMXNetJSON
. The param file can be generated using the MXNetLink``NDArrayExport
. Here is an example of this process using MNIST example in the documentation.
We first load the packages
<< MXNetLink`;
<< NeuralNetworks`;
<< GeneralUtilities`;
and define the network
net = NetChain[{
ConvolutionLayer[20, {5, 5}],
PoolingLayer[{2, 2}, {2, 2}],
ConvolutionLayer[50, {5, 5}],
PoolingLayer[{2, 2}, {2, 2}],
"Output" -> NetDecoder[{"Class", Range[0, 9]}],
"Input" -> NetEncoder[{"Image", {28, 28}, "Grayscale"}]
Then we train the network
resource = ResourceObject["MNIST"];
trainingData = ResourceData[resource, "TrainingData"];
testData = ResourceData[resource, "TestData"];
trained =
NetTrain[net, trainingData, ValidationSet -> testData,
MaxTrainingRounds -> 3]
We will now export the trained network into the MXNet's model files.
The json file can be exported using ToMXNetJSON
jsonPath = "~/Downloads/MNIST-symbol.json";
Export[jsonPath, ToMXNetJSON[trained][[1]], "String"]
(* "~/Downloads/MNIST-symbol.json" *)
The second part of ToMXNetJSON[trained]
contains the weights of our network. However, the weights are in Mathematica's RawArray
format, so we need to convert those into MXNet's NDArray format. Also we will drop the encoder layer, and change the names of the layers to comply with the convention
paraPath = "~/Downloads/MNIST-0000.params";
ass = KeyDrop[ToMXNetJSON[trained][[2]], ".Inputs.Input"];
f[str_] :=
If[StringFreeQ[str, "Arrays"], str,
StringSplit[str, ".Arrays."] /. {a_, b_} :>
StringJoin[{"arg:", a, "_", b}], {"Weights" -> "weight",
"Biases" -> "bias"}]]
NDArrayExport[paraPath, NDArrayCreate /@ KeyMap[f, ass]]
(* "~/Downloads/MNIST-0000.params" *)
Now the two files "MNIST-symbol.json" and "MNIST-0000.params" can be used to load the network in MXNet.
To verify that the files are correct, we can use ImportMXNetModel
to import MXNet model files we just generated.
trained2 =
NetGraph[{ImportMXNetModel[jsonPath, paraPath]}, {},
"Input" -> NetEncoder[{"Image", {28, 28}, "Grayscale"}],
"Output" -> NetDecoder[{"Class", Range[0, 9]}]]
And we see that the network from the MXNet's model files produces the same predictions as our original network:
testsample = RandomSample[testData, 100];
(trained[Keys[#], "Probabilities"] & /@
testsample) == (trained2[Keys[#], "Probabilities"] & /@ testsample)
(* True *)
Edit for version 11.1
It seems that the structure of the implementation of neural network has been updated in 11.1. The trained weight is no longer in the NeuralNetworks``ToMXNetJSON
. The trained weight can be accessed using NeuralNetworks``ToNetPlan
plan = ToNetPlan[trained]
So to export the weight, we can do
NDArrayExport[paraPath, NDArrayCreate /@ KeyMap[f, plan["WeightArrays"]]]
? It can be found in the Neural Networks guide. It is not JSON but is a way to serialise the net. $\endgroup$