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Why Spectral Method and GaussianMixture in FindClusters and ClusteringComponents can't set the number of Clusters?

There is an official example, that we can set clusters number. However, when I set the number to run the example, funny thing happens. The same problem in ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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Differentiating matrix function in `Table` from

I am trying to get an analytical expression for derivaives of an algorithm explained here. I usually use automatic diff. a lot, but since this part of function will not change, I thought to implement ...
ipcamit's user avatar
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Error running Classify repeatedly within Manipulate

To create a CDF document, I have to run Classify in Manipulate. However, if the code is executed as follows, Classify continues to run repeatedly. Can it be executed and stopped only once? ...
Milk's user avatar
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Text recognition - extracting table of text from image

I want to extract table from the image bellow as a list of strings. I tried the following but it does not work. ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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Sort symbols or characters by image complexity

As an example, I would like to sort the following characters by some sort of complexity measure: ...
userrandrand's user avatar
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Can Mathematica's Minimize() function be called inside Python code using Python data?

Summary: I would like to use the Wolfram Client Library for Python to invoke Mathematica's Minimize function directly from within Python, passing to it Python data structures. Details: I have a Python ...
Neil Fazel's user avatar
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Implementation of Restricted Boltzmann Machines?

A Restricted Boltzmann Machine is a classical and basic neural net method in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. We can easily find implementation in Matlab or Python, but are there any ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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Stable diffusion models in WL?

Are there any diffusion-based (text + image) -> image generation models available in Mathematica, Wolfram Repositories, or from third parties? In particular, I'm ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Graph Convolution Network, molecule activity

I am trying to translate an example code for graph convolution network from Deep Learning for Physical Scientists: Accelerating Research with Machine Learning. Edward O. Pyzer-Knapp et. al. They have ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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General hyperparameter searching?

I typically use naive random or grid search to choose them, but I'd like to ask if there are built-in or paclet-based methods that can help perform more principled general hyperparameter searches? For ...
user5601's user avatar
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How to reconstruct 3d meshes from 2d images of a scene?

The new ImageStitch was nice functionality added in v13, but is there anything available for constructing meshes (with color textures) from a bag of 2D images (...
M.R.'s user avatar
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5 votes
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Which model behind SequencePredictorFunction?

Is the SequencePredictorFunction based on Hidden Markov Model? If so, how does the model estimate the number of hidden states?
andrea simonetti's user avatar
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Unable to Replicate an ANN Using the Output from Predict Function

I’m working on constructing an ANN. I first used the Predict function with the method “Neural Network” to determine the structure according to my data. This is the given output of the structure: ...
Nicole Gould's user avatar
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FeatureExtraction for TimeSeries giving errors

I'm trying to replicate this example using FeatureExtraction for TimeSeries. However, it's giving errors. Here's the code I've run: ...
rodie9k's user avatar
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Labeling images for TrainImageContentDetector

I want to use TrainImageContentDetector on a directory of ~2k unlabeled images. I'm willing to put in the effort to label them, but I was never good at using "...
user5601's user avatar
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A strategy to create good initial guess for Lorentzian model fit

I was preparing an answer for a question that got deleted, so I will post this anyhow. Given a set of data with a hump ...
rhermans's user avatar
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How to measure a LearnedDistribution?

I would like to measure the qualities of a LearnedDistribution in general and with regard to test sets. The docs say that it takes an option ValidationSet, but ...
user5601's user avatar
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What does standard deviation mean when using Predict[]?

I am using the Machine Learning function Predict[data, Method -> "DecisionTree"], and I am trying to get the most accurate measurement of its accuracy. ...
FelipeAmorim's user avatar
18 votes
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Diffusion probabilistic model in deep generative modeling

Diffusion Models ( and are generative models gaining popularity in the community of deep generative modeling, ...
Baoxiang Pan's user avatar
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TrainImageContentDetector gives very poor result on GPU compared to CPU

On the doc page of TrainImageContentDetector, there is an example of heart detector training. I tried this example with different TargetDevice and constrained the <...
matheorem's user avatar
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Derivation from a network

how can I represent the derivative of a network (e.g. NetGraph or NetChain) as a network? I have tried it with FunctionLayer[] and NetPortGradient, but without success. I would be very pleased to ...
haro21's user avatar
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"MoleculeFeatures" in FeatureExtractor

"MoleculeFeatures" is one possible Feature Extractor method. What molecule properties does "MoleculeFeatures" entail?
Tahiryfr's user avatar
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Identifying and tracking cluster elements in ClusterClassify for multiple time-steps of data

I have multiple time-steps of {x,y,z}coordinates data for some atoms. I would like to cluster the data for each frame and later identify how cluster compositions change and how each atom changes from ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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Predict Function & Generating a Training Set

I am trying to use the Predict[] function to do a regression analysis. I have the data imported from a CSV and based on my past Python experience the libraries I used always have a slick way to take ...
wpilgri's user avatar
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Does RandomArrayLayer implement the reparameterization trick?

I want to backpropagate through random operations (e.g. learn the mean and variance of a Gaussian random variable). I assumed that ...
Ian's user avatar
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Retain Values in new column when Appending a column to an existing dataset

I am working on a basketball data set. I am trying to append a "Class" column which looks at the "Pos" column and assigns a 1 if a forward (C, PF, SF) or a 2 if a guard (PG, SG). I ...
elle_smith's user avatar
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Introductory material on machine learning?

Does Mathematica have a handbook or other introductory material on machine learning? Or are there any books on analyzing machine learning with Mathematica?
user11619's user avatar
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Create "PredictorFunction" with NeuralNetwork

I tried to construct a predictor for a continuous variable using neural networks, something like f(a,b,c,d,e) = x, trying to predict x for a given set of a,b,c,d, and e. The builtin ...
enzo's user avatar
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FeatureExtraction[] for text -- to normalize text or not?

The title pretty much captures my question. When I use FeatureExtraction[] for text, should I normalize text before parsing it through ...
dearN's user avatar
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Is it possible to add new concept to ImageContents

I was hoping to use ImageContents to locate some specific objects in a series of images with a bounding box. However, ...
Tomi's user avatar
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Problem with Mathematica Relationship Building

When I enter the following to get Mathematica to open my pod door I get Could someone try and replicate this? Also, my name is not Dave and I throw my own error... ...
MikeY's user avatar
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How does mathematica generate FinalPlots

It is well known that after using NetTrain[net,dataset,All], a NetTrainResultObject is returned. This is an association, with a ...
t-smart's user avatar
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How to predict the future by machine learning past data?

The following is 1,094 days (Length@btcData) of Bitcoin prices. Among them, data for the first 985 days (Length@btctrain) were used for training, and data for the last 109 days (Length@btctest) were ...
Milk's user avatar
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BasicRecurrentLayer with no bias and linear activation function?

Trying to design a small neural network for modeling a LTI system, I'd like to configure a BasicRecurrentLayer with these particular settings: No bias vector should be used (I've tried the option &...
Danel's user avatar
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How do I generate SMILES using machine learning in Mathematica?

I am wondering if anyone has experience with generating molecules using machine learning in Mathematica. There are a bunch of papers these days with such applications/developments. For example, https:/...
bhopshang's user avatar
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How many nearest neighbours in a classifier by default?

I've been running a classifier on my data with the 'NearestNeighbors' method. I've learned that I can specify the number of neighbours used with the following command: ...
LNah's user avatar
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Unexpected high memory consumption using out-of-core NetTrain

I'm working on training a neural network on an image dataset. There are 14k images and each image contains 3x150x150 pixels. I have built a generator function following the approach in Training on ...
Charmbracelet's user avatar
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How to predict future samples from discrete samples of a low frequency signal?

Suppose I have discrete samples of a low frequency signal as in: For example: ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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How to add doodles and sketches in a mandala

i discovered mathematica yesterday; and i've been playing with RandomMandala since. i also saw this question; and i really liked the second answer; but i like the ...
oussama ghrib's user avatar
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Any competitive speech-to-text models?

SpeechRecognize is not very useful compared to most voice transcription engines nowadays, simply too fragile and prone to errors. I use currently, is there anything competitive to that (or ...
user5601's user avatar
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M1 Apple silicon ML performance

Testing out a new M1 Macbook pro with Mathematica 13.0.0. I verified that I used the correct version and it is running natively on ARM. Mathematica in general runs great, and much fast than on my ...
Edward's user avatar
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Constructing neural networks from Keras example

I am trying to convert neural networks from a book to Wolfram language. The book has this example with the quote two layers of 10 neurons and a dropout of 0.2 for each ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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Reuse same layer of Neural Network

I hope to wrap up ConvolutionLayer in a way so that it takes two inputs, does the same operation on those, and outputs their result respectively. For example, ...
t-smart's user avatar
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How to export the expandable graphs

So in Mathematica, neural network objects appear like this: This is rather boring, but if you click on the plus sign, it expands into a better graph: Which is ...
t-smart's user avatar
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Download Mathematica resource from another source [closed]

I want to do machine learning on Mathematica, however when I use obj = ResourceObject["CIFAR-10"]; to load the dataset, it shows errors after the ...
t-smart's user avatar
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How to export a ContentDetectorFunction for use in Python?

For text and images v13 introduces the ability to train detectors easy which result in ContentDetectorFunction's. To use these IRL we need to export to python's ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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CrossValidate for image classification with NetTrain

I am trying to set up transfer learning using instructions from this repository page on EfficientNet. I am able to perform a stand-alone training and testing using the instructions on that page. The ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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Exporting a DimensionReducerFunction

I need to run my DimensionReducerFunction in a standalone fashion outside of MMA. That is, without calling into a kernel or through an APIFunction. For example, ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How is posterior distribution computed for various values of `Method` in the `Predict` function?

Assume I have some dataset to train a machine learning model on using Predict along with a test point x. ...
dmh's user avatar
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Automated mapping between input and output columns of FeatureExtractorFunctions

This problem is about FeatureExtraction. It arose in the course of training a neural network where the data contains a mixture of nominal and numeric variables. Basically, my code looks like the ...
Seth Chandler's user avatar

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