Here is one approach. I take the Fourier transform of your data and then generate time histories with the same spectrum modulus but random phases. This means that the generated time histories have similar frequency content to your original data. Here is an example of that process.
nn = Length@data;
sr = 0.34;
ft = Fourier[data];
ff = Table[(n - 1) sr/nn, {n, nn}];
ListPlot[Transpose[{ff, Abs[ft]}], PlotRange -> {{0, sr/2}, All}]
a = RandomReal[{-π, π}, (nn - 1)/2];
ph = Join[{0}, a, -Reverse[a]];
th = InverseFourier[Table[Abs[ft[[n]]] E^(-I ph[[n]]), {n, 1, nn}]];
ListPlot[th, Mesh -> All]
The first plot is the spectrum and the second the regenerated data.
We now have to find 6 points in the generated data that look like the end of the original data. I do this by using Nearest. There may be better methods. I put the nearest fit onto the original data as the extrapolation.
I now run through this process a number of times to see what happens.
npts = 6;(* Number of points to extrapolate *)
nex = 4; (* Number of extrapolations to try *)
interps = Table[
a = RandomReal[{-π, π}, (nn - 1)/2];
ph = Join[{0}, a, -Reverse[a]];
th = InverseFourier[Table[Abs[ft[[n]]] E^(-I ph[[n]]), {n, 1, nn}]];
de = data[[-npts ;; -1]];
{n} = Nearest[Partition[th, npts] -> "Index", de];
ex1 = th[[npts (n - 1) + 1 ;; npts n]];
diff = ex1[[1]] - de[[-1]];
ex2 = ex1 - diff;
ex = Join[data, ex2];
ListPlot[ex, PlotStyle -> Red, ImageSize -> 6 72],
Plot the extrapolated data and the original data
Show[interps[[n]], ListLinePlot[data]], {n, Length@interps}]]
If you follow the code I have moved the selected extrapolation so that it begins level with the last point of the original data.
I am sure this can be improved. Suggestions please.