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Fitting smooth monotonic function (low number of points, irregular grid)

I want to fit data in the hope of obtaining an estimate for other data points (i.e. a good guess for the last 4 variables as a function of the first). Example data: ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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Fitting a free parameter by matching a an array with another array

I have the following problem that I can't figure out how to solve. I have two measured signals, (data1 and data1), and their measured sum (datasummeasured). I have a theoretical description of how the ...
Niky177's user avatar
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Using Manipulate for initial guess to nonlinear fitt, feed the result back to Manipulate (and repeat) for a general model with indexed parameters

I have been trying to put toghether a visual method to help fit experimental data with peaks. I have stumbled upon this answer which is very similar to where I got. But it is not sufficiently general ...
atapaka's user avatar
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Issues with Exp decay fitting using NonlinearModelFt

I am trying to fit a data set to an exponential decay function. The fit not only looks poor visually, but also the fitting parameters have high standard errors. It seems that the fit is getting stuck ...
user49535's user avatar
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Fitting data to peaks visually with manipulate - how to compactly implement for many peaks

I am trying to create a visual aid for peak fitting. There should be a background profile and on top, I want to place peaks. So far, I am stuck with the following issue. For simplicity, I am using a ...
atapaka's user avatar
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FitRegularization with a user function

I am trying to use FindFit with a user-defined function g[a] for FitRegularizaton as specified in the document. Say, I have parameters a1,a2,a3,a4 and define g[a] as ...
VladM's user avatar
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How to approximate an exponential series?

Consider the following expression $$ y_j= \sum_{k=0}^{L} \frac{e^{-\sum_{i=-k}^k(k-|i|)x_{j+i}}-e^{-\sum_{i=-k}^k(k+1-|i|)x_{j+i}}}{\sum_{i=-k}^k x_{j+i}}\tag{1} $$ for $1\leq j \leq L$. Given smooth ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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SVD decomposition with optimization

Let's suppose there is a matrix A nxn, which will be decomposed into SVD: where ui and vi are singular vectors composing matrix U and V. sigma is a vector that contains the eigenvalues. In ...
Cairo Martins's user avatar
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Parameter Estimation on ODE Using NMinimize (Least Squares Method)

I'm trying to estimate the parameters in this equation using this code: ...
Malanie's user avatar
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nonlinearfit with error message of "not valid" parameters

I am trying to fit a nonlinear function with four parameters to a dataset. It works, but standard errors are very high with the warning message "FittedModel::constr: The property values {...
user49535's user avatar
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Fitting data to a nonlinear model and avoiding warning

I have a complicated model and I want to fit it to my data. I used NonlinearModelFit. The fit quality is very poor (P is infinitesimal) and it comes with a warning ...
Yusra Zabarmawi's user avatar
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Cannot solve a system of linear equations

I have four known functions, $u_i(x)$, and I suspect that all these four functions satisfy an operator, through a common force function, or at least a common force function type $(h(x)$, with some ...
Superunknown's user avatar
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How to properly expand a list with certain numerical elements?

There is a list with 19 elements ...
Mam Mam's user avatar
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Fitting a dataset while keeping the risk of overfitting low

I have the following dataset: data = {{0, 1351.53}, {3, 1087.17}, {6, 1172.23}, {9, 1231.27}, {15, 1476.93}, {18, 1470.70}, {21, 1326.23}, {24, 316.80}} which ...
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Stability of linear fits

Let us consider the function $f(x)$ which has the expansion in fractional powers of $x$ near $x=0$ as shown below. ...
VladM's user avatar
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How can an explicit formula for the envelope to an oscillatory damped function be obained?

So I have the function ...
Luka Vilshansky's user avatar
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Measurement error propagation onto fitting-parameters

I have a dataset consisting of (t,y) Tuples, where each y has a known measurement error (standard deviation). I would like to fit a trapaze-function into the data and obtain the fitting paramaters and ...
Julius Debus's user avatar
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The method to use for MultiNonlinearModelFit

I need to fit a complex function $f(z)$ of the form f[z]=(p1[z]+p2[z]^(1/3)+p3[z]^(2/3))/(1+p5[z]^(5/6)+p6[z]^(19/6)) where all $p_i(z)$ are polynomials of degree ...
VladM's user avatar
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Fitting an exponential system

Consider the following system over a periodic array, where $1\leq j\leq n$, $$ y_j= \sum_{k=0}^m \frac{e^{-\sum_{|i|\leq k}(k-|i|)x_{j+i}}-e^{-\sum_{|i|\leq k}(k+1-|i|)x_{j+i}}}{\sum_{|i|\leq k} x_{j+...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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Forcing NonLinearModelFit to be positive

I've used the NonLinearModelFit function to get the fit for my data. I require the fit to to go through (0,0) (which I have ...
Schaef's user avatar
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Finding a suitable form factor for a given set of conditions

I have the following Mathematica code: ...
codebpr's user avatar
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Non-linear regression simulation

I have a sequence of data: data = {{20, 291}, {21, 440}, {22, 571}, {23, 830}, {24, 1287}, {25, 1975}, {26, 2744}, {27, 4515}, {28, 5974}, {29, 7711}}; The data is ...
yixjia's user avatar
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Plotting natural log equation in 3D plane

I have a natural log equation from excel and I need to plot it on 3D plane at a particular z(for example, z=1) I would expect a vertical plane, but what I am getting is a horizontal plane. This is ...
Seya's user avatar
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How to speedup calling the interpolation function? [duplicate]

Consider the following data: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Fit curve line doesn't extend over the correct domain

I'm trying to plot points as well as a non-linear fit function onto the same image. I used the command: ...
Punchinello's user avatar
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Performing Tobit Regression in Mathematica by Maximum LogLikelihood

I am trying to estimate a tobit model by maximum likelihood method in Mathematica. I can not find the build-in function. So I try to perform it manually. Here is the log likelihood function of Tobit ...
Xiaoge Zhang's user avatar
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Using FindFit for Approximation Fourier Series

I am expecting to have a list of discrete points, which I would like to approximate using Fourier's series, then plot Fourier series approximation alongside with discrete points, then plot terms of ...
Akhvlediani's user avatar
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'NonlinearModelFit' for SIR ODE model, and adding a penalty function (soft constraint)

This is a modification of the question Is it normal that adding constraints on the parameters of NonlinearModelFit increases execution time 100 times?? I want a program that fits a SIR model to ...
florin's user avatar
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How to plot a curve with an experimental plot [closed]

There is an experimental curve in this paper : ( Fig. 21. ) I want to make a new plot of the experimental curve with my theoretical model curve. How to do so by ...
Dr. phy's user avatar
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Is it normal that adding constraints on the parameters of NonlinearModelFit increases execution time 100 times??

Normally, reducing the optimization domain by adding constraints should reduce the time of execution. In my case however, this puts the NonlinearModelFit in a coma. Without constraints, 8 seconds ...
florin's user avatar
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Can constraints on the parameters be imposed in NonlinearModelFit? [closed]

Hi I cannot figure out this from the documentation of this command. For example, take one of the examples in the documentation, where I also added initial guesses for the parameters. ...
florin's user avatar
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How to force fit of the data to exactly match one of its points?

Consider the following data: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Fitting NDSolve solution to data

I have a system of DDEs with 2 free parameters I solved with NDSolve, as you can see below ...
Giovanni Palermo's user avatar
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Finding knot vector for Spline fitting

I have the following code from Mathematica: ...
Kerry 's user avatar
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How to find Specific Fit of a Distribution?

I want to fit a data set: ...
SAC's user avatar
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(Beginner question) How to solve large gradient region from experimental data?

I have a data like this. data ={100, 103, 101, 105, 100, 80, 83, 70, 71, 60, 40, 43, 20, 22, 10, 5, -1, -3, -2, 0, 1, 4, 3, 8, 7, 4, 3, 1, 0, 1, 2, 10, 5, 2} ...
rani's user avatar
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Nonlinear model Fit [closed]

I am trying to fit my data to the function: a + (b*(c/2)^2)/((T - d)^2 + (c/2)^2) I entered nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data, a + (b*(c/2)^2)/((T - d)^2 + (c/2)^2), {a, b, c, d}, T] However it returned [0....
Aice's user avatar
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Fourier series fit doesn't consider different local maxima of the data

I'm trying to appropriately fit a fourier model to experimental data. But the problem is that the resulting fit doesn't consider the varying local maxima of the data. Here's the data: ...
xPigeonDestroyer2000's user avatar
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How to fit piecewise functions with unknown domain?

Thank you for your comments, I will discribe the question in more detail. I have a piecewise function as below and I'm looking for the parameters :...
ZZZ's user avatar
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Fitting a 2D elliptic paraboloid

I have a set of data as follows: ...
WaleeK's user avatar
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How to archive scatterplot with randomly jittered x-values for visualization purpose? [closed]

I want to fit my data or just plot a figure with randomly jittered x-values like this: Here I give an example: ...
Madun's user avatar
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Curve tracing for a given data set

I want to trace the curve for the given data set. This is my code ...
user444's user avatar
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How can I find an intermediate function between a set of functions?

I have 5 nonlinear functions, which are very complex and long. For this reason I will not include them here. But the plots of four of them are given here: I am looking for some functionality which ...
Superunknown's user avatar
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Fitting data with results generated from a numerical model

I have system of 10 equations that I am solving to try and model some data collected. The model using the real world values doesn't produce the best result so I wanted to try and fit the model to the ...
D. Brown's user avatar
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How can we fit a closed curve?

MMA13's user avatar
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Arbitrary shape cut into triangles and packed into rectangle of the same area [duplicate]

I've been trying to code this idea in lots of different approaches but I've reached a wall here. Mathematica isn't my strong suit and I've been unable to find a solution to the RegionMeasure error. ...
Jonathan Vardy's user avatar
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How to efficiently apply LinearModelFit for each column in a matrix

I have a source vector and a matrix of targets that I want to fit a linear model for. What is a more "Mathematica" way of doing this?. Here is my code to do it for the first column in target ...
Igor Binder's user avatar
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Fitting parameter to match a dataset to another dataset

I am using a Module which calculates 3D-data based on 5 parameters and another input dataset. I'd like to fit the result of this modul to another set of data. Since my code became very long I will ...
rumpelstilzchen's user avatar
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Fitting an inverse power law [closed]

Is there any reasonably fast way of finding a function of the type that best fits a given data, for some K and n? For example, the following data closely follows an inverse power law ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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Fitting data with Arrhenius Equation

I have the following data: DataAZ400K = {{293, 1.98}, {313, 1.34}, {326, 1.58}, {344, 2.54}, {358, 3.8}, {373, 6.12}}; I want to fit this data with an ...
Indeterminate's user avatar

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