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How to find a fit for the following data?

Consider the following function: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Normal Distribution of random plot

I have the following data, ...
a019's user avatar
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How to find Specific Fit of a Distribution?

I want to fit a data set: ...
SAC's user avatar
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Parameter distribution from NonlinearModelFit result

Is it possible to construct a parameter distribution (e.g. Normal or StudentT) from the Estimate and Standard Error of a NonlinearModelFit result? The SE is the square root of the variance but what is ...
cadeFoster's user avatar
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3 answers

How to restrict FindDistribution to real-valued distributions

The following seems buggy to me, but perhaps I'm confused about something. Or maybe there's a workaround that makes it moot? First, I ask Mathematica to find a distribution that describes a dataset ...
dreeves's user avatar
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Fit function to histogram

I have a list: histx={-56.6335, -57.2327, -57.8607, -57.9682, -57.0061, -57.1872,-56.9209, -56.1284,...}; I managed to create the histogram that I wanted to: But ...
Paweł Chmolewski's user avatar
2 votes
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Can the CopulaDistributions be fitted?

This is an immediate follow-up to DoAny--which I did consider editing, clarifying and correcting in some respects. But perhaps here I can put the immediate question at hand more directly (the emphasis ...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
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Do any of the Mathematica CopulaDistributions (or others) fit well this sampled bivariate copula with uniform marginals over [0,1]?

I'm currently developing a data set that consists of two $50 \times 50$ matrices, which I designate as q1 and Q1. I strongly believe (bordering on formal proof [cf. Corollary 1 in marginalinvariance]) ...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
4 votes
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Polynomial fitting to obtain the growth rate

We -- my friend -- had asked a question here, which was not completely related to Mathematica, however, in a hope that someone familiar with the topic could help. There are still some aspects which we ...
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How to fit a skewed normal to the data and obtain the corresponding parameters? [closed]

I have: data = {0.00677966, 0.0677966, 0.335593, 0.308475, 0.213559, 0.0440678, 0.0237288} Although, the normal fit to the data is not bad: ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Any suggestions for improving my fitting?

This is not a completely Mathematica question, but I hope people who are familiar both with Mathematica and statistics could help me on this. I have a set of data as ...
An eternal student's user avatar
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How to find the appropriate fit?

Imagine we are given this set of data: data = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {3, 2}, {5, 4}, {6, 4}, {7, 5}}; We fit the data with: ...
user avatar
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Histogram (automatic binning)

There are different methods for choosing widths of bins for a histogram, like Freedman-Diaconis rule. In Mathematica, without choosing a specific method, with the command ...
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Fitting Method to generate a gaussian distribution

Bora's user avatar
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Finding a Distribution

I'm trying to find the optical distribution for the following data As there are a lot of points, the only way to ...
sined's user avatar
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Can I impose some a priori constraints on a distribution found by SmoothKernelDistribution?

I use SmoothKernelDistribution (with no options and a single argument — a list of values) to get an approximate reconstruction of a continuous distribution based on ...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
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Fitting data to left skewed gamma distribution

How can I fit the following two set of data to a left skewed gamma function, which I what I think should fit the data best?: data 1 is here: data 2 is here: https://...
John's user avatar
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Using NonlinearModelFit with NIntegration

Before actually elaborate my question, just a little bit of contextualization: i'm trying to reproduce a result published in a paper. The experimental data presented by the paper's author are as ...
José Augusto Devienne's user avatar
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Does FindDistributionParameters have any inbuilt parameter error estimation available?

FindDistributionParameters is super useful for extracting parameters and using them for other things, like defining random variables. However I can't find any ...
user27119's user avatar
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How we fit our own generated probability distribution on real data

I want to fit derived distribution on real data and I need MLE parameters, standard errors of the estimated parameters, AIC, Loglikelihood, Goodness of fit test (Chi-square, Anderson etc), PDF, CDF, ...
Amin's user avatar
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Fit Gaussian to a custom histogram

I have written a small program that performs a Monte Carlo simulation to calculate the uncertainty of a quantity. I store all the results of this quantity in a list and from this list I generate a ...
Zorg's user avatar
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How to fit a Weibull distribution function to histogram with unequal bins?

Whenever the function "FindDistributionParameter" is used in Wolfram Mathematica, it needs two inputs: raw data and distribution function. I have a problem where I have have data and I need to use ...
Cro Simpson2.0's user avatar
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How to fit data with superposition of CDFs?

With the help of @JimB, I could fit some experimental data with a CDF using NonLinearFitModel. The set of data is the following: ...
José Augusto Devienne's user avatar
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Fitting tail of distribution to Generalized Pareto Distribution

Hello, I have a problem in Mathematica and I don’t know if you could help me. I’m trying to compare the “performance” of a Laplace distribution and a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) for the tail ...
Juan Carlos Herranz Ramos's user avatar
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Fitting a mixture of two normal distributions for a data set?

EDIT: Raw data can be found here: Consider the following binned example data: ...
Kagaratsch's user avatar
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Can Mathematica be used to fit these functions related to the Riemann Xi function $\xi(s)$ to a known probability distribution type?

This question is related to my Math Stack Exchange question at the following link: Question on Probability Distributions Related to the Riemann Xi Function $\xi(s)$ The definitions below are for $x&...
Steven Clark's user avatar
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Getting a PDF from a NonlinearFitModel

With the help of @JimB, I could fit some experimental data with a CDF using NonLinearFitModel. The set of data is the following: ...
José Augusto Devienne's user avatar
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How to generate two non-overlapping LogNormalDistribution and their CDF?

I'd like to know how to generate two LogNormalDistribution with the same standart deviation and, if possible, get the associated CDF. To contextualize, I'm trying ...
José Augusto Devienne's user avatar
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How to fit experimental data with by numerical integration?

folks. I'm a begginer with Mathematica and all I know is just a few basics commands and i'm trying to improve it. I have this list of experimental data taken from a paper which describes the ...
José Augusto Devienne's user avatar
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Creating a prediction/distribution based on several years of data

So I have several years of data from a survey. For each year I've used FindDistribution and Predict to see if I can fit the data. Here's one example Where I used FindDistribution to get ...
Illari's user avatar
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How to pass starting values in matrix form?

Consider the following MWE, where I try to pass starting values to FindDistributionParameters[]: ...
CFW's user avatar
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Partitioning Mixture Distribution Dataset into constituent Distributions

Suppose I have a dataset that is derived from a random sampling from a mixture distribution ...
tquarton's user avatar
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Model fitting for concave curve: test if asymptote or convergence exist

I am asking a double check if conceptually I set up proper model and proceeding in good direction to drive conclusions. I have a distribution that looks like this: I want to test if for increasing x ...
user305883's user avatar
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Why does the PearsonChiSquare from FindDistribution and DistributionFitTest differ by a factor of $10^{20}$?

This is similar to the unanswered "Why the results of FindDistribution and DistributionFitTest are not consistent?" My more specific question is: Why do the PearsonChiSquare values for ...
Michael B. Heaney's user avatar
4 votes
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How to apply assumptions to parameters for FindDistributionParameters?

Say I have data that I want to fit to a distribution while applying assumptions on one or more of the parameters. For example, for ParetoDistribution[k, α, μ] <...
Edmund's user avatar
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Fit to Binomial Function

I have the following data, and need to fit a binomial distribution to this data. I have already done so for a gaussian fit (this is the example code I have below), but I am having trouble using a ...
Ike C.'s user avatar
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Using EstimatedDistribution with custom circular ProbabilityDistribution

Basic Idea I'm attempting to estimate the distribution of a set of angle measurements. I have a custom probability distribution that I believe explains the measurements accurately and am attempting ...
nben's user avatar
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Mixture distribution fitting containing a uniform distribution

I have a dataset that is clearly the mixture of 3 known distributions which can be generated as follows: ...
tquarton's user avatar
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Mean and Distribution of Data

I am having a difficult time fitting my data to a distribution and finding the mean of the distribution. The data set is large, but here is a small sample ...
Haff's user avatar
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How to get and plot confidence bands for a FindDistribution fit

NonlinearModelFit gave a bad fit to this data, but FindDistribution gave a good fit. This code does the fit and shows the ...
Michael B. Heaney's user avatar
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What are the "Internal" and "Score" quality of fit numbers for FindDistribution?

This code: ...
Michael B. Heaney's user avatar
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Why do my attempts to fit data to a Gaussian curve fail?

I have some data and want to fit it with a Gaussian distribution. The problem is that Mathematica only fits it partly. I have tried to write the code in three different ways, but none of them worked. ...
Andra's user avatar
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Confusion on using LognormalDistribution in Mathematica

I would like to fit a LogNormalDistribution[μ,σ] based on some data that I have. Roughly speaking, would I need to take the Log ...
Thomas Moore's user avatar
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Plotting confidence interval from P values (from DistributionFitTest) for 2 parameters

I have a data set I'd like to adjust with 2 parameters, then compare that to another set of data. By using NMaximixe with ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
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FindMaximum for LogLikelihood fails for multiple parameters

I need to fit a non-analytic data set to another data set using at least 2 parameters: shift and scale. For my 2 data sets (data1 and ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
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Varying values of parameters and sample size won't work

1.Hello , I have customized a distribution, and then trying to estimate the parameters for smaller values of sample size say n=10,30,40,50 and 60.It runs for n=10 and n=1000 and then it does ...
nutan's user avatar
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Force symbolic usage in PDF or distribution

I want to create a custom distribution based on a SmoothKernelDistribution or KernelMixtureDistribution as so: ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
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Finding parameters of custom distribution with no analytical function

I need to shift one distribution to another using a simple positional correction parameter. For illustrative purposes, I will create a "double hump" or "twin peaks" distribution here, but my actual ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
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Plot moments as a function of bin size?

I need to plot moments of a distribution as a function of bin size to show whether or not the tails of this data set are Gaussian. My data is in [][1] Here is how I've plotted ...
K. Schneider's user avatar
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Fitting of statistical data points by Normal distribution

The data is given below: ...
Rohan's user avatar
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