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NonLinearModelFit giving unidentifiable error message

So I am relatively new at fitting data on Mathematica, but I am currently trying to do a Nonlinear model fitting to the data below, but it keeps giving me the error "...
Dave2627's user avatar
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How can I fit a set of points to the form $y = a(b-x)^c$?

I have a list of points $(x, y)$, and I expect them to be related as $$y = a(b-x)^c,$$ where $a$, $b$, and $c$ are unknown constants. I also know the approximate values of constants, which can be used ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
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Fitting data to a nonlinear model and avoiding warning

I have a complicated model and I want to fit it to my data. I used NonlinearModelFit. The fit quality is very poor (P is infinitesimal) and it comes with a warning ...
Yusra Zabarmawi's user avatar
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Error when fitting experimental data containing zero with a log model [closed]

I am trying to fit a set of experimental data with a model using NonlinearModelFit, but I receive an error message that I have been unable to fix. The error message I receive is shown below. Please ...
Inomi Anjala's user avatar
5 votes
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LogitModelFit to predict a categorical variable

I am trying to predict life expectancy based on GDP per capita and literacy rate. Life expectancy is coded as low and high, and the two predictor variables are numerical. Here is some sample data: <...
Julia Ballester's user avatar
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Even though the fit seems correct, NonlinearModelFit throws a failed convergence error

Consider the following data ...
David's user avatar
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Plot Styling Errors (PlotLabel, PlotTheme, Inset not appearing)

Question: I'm trying to pull together a graph with labelled axes, a title, and an inset box with information relating to the plot such as the y-intercept (A in this code) and it's uncertainty. However,...
Epideme's user avatar
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NArgMin with Root functions

I'm trying to minimize an error function sumt to find some parameters S, s0, si : ...
J.A's user avatar
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Confusion about EstimatedProcess::ntsprt error

Given the data as follows, ...
step-by-step's user avatar
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Nonlinearmodelfit with integral or nintegral as constrain

Until now I have been using the Nonlinearmodelfit without any issues, but I want to add a new constrain (Integral or NIntegral) to my modelfit. My fitting function is ...
Jose's user avatar
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Why do I keep getting these error messages?

I am trying to fit a parametric differential equation system to the data of the infection cases in Hungary. I keep getting the error messages: ParametricNDSolveValue::ndcf: Repeated convergence ...
ibroni's user avatar
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General::ivar: 1 is not a valid variable

Hanqi Yu's user avatar
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NonlinearModelFit error: nrlnum [closed]

I use NonlinearModelFit: ...
2336's user avatar
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What does "Solved to an acceptable level" mean in the context of NonlinearModelFit in M12

I made a simple cosine fit to some data: ...
user27119's user avatar
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Understanding and solving a problem with FindFit

I have a set of data which I give here ...
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How to resolve Overflow error in FindFit method?

I am using FindFit function in order to fit my data and get two parameters: c and m. The function that I am using has the following form: ...
Cro Simpson2.0's user avatar
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Getting error General::munfl from NonlinearModelFit [duplicate]

I am trying to fit data to a sum of Gaussians. This data is found in a file called lpeff.txt. So I write the following code: ...
Otto's user avatar
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Getting errors from ParametricNDSolveValue

I am a newcomer to Mathematica (use ver 9.0). I just want to fit the experimental data to a system of odes' by using NonlinearModelFit. The data, contains time in the first column and product ...
Irrrr's user avatar
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Finding a fit with a specific mean squared error

I have a fit a data set to the following equation ...
Houndbobsaw's user avatar
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Estimation of the error for zero degree of freedom fit with error bar

I am performing a fit on experimental data with zero degree of freedom but with error bar using NonlinearModelFit: ...
Dalnor's user avatar
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Problem with fitting square root-like function

I have following data: ...
TGram's user avatar
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What is wrong with my fit?

I am trying to fit the following data: data = Import["", "Table"] I use the following code: ...
mattiav27's user avatar
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ParametricNDSolveValue::nlnum error in conjuction with NonlinearModelFit

I am trying to use ParametricNDSolveValue with NonlinearModelFit in order to fit a differential model to some data. I am following the documentation here under Applications/Parameter Fitting: http://...
Kaquel's user avatar
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What am I doing wrong in calculating the mean square error? [closed]

I am trying to compare the results of estimators from least squares and quantile regression from the perspective of the mean square error (MSE). The steps for performing this Monte Carlo approach are: ...
Thadeu Freitas Filho's user avatar
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Error of ReplaceAll while using non linear fit model

while trying to fit a function with nonlinear fit model I get the error of ReplaceAll::reps. The function itself works (checked it while printing the function with ...
saar's user avatar
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Calculating standard deviation of power law regression going to infinity

So, i have a dataset which behaviour could be approached by the power law: $$ N(x)= a - bx^{-1/c} $$ So i am doing this to get the regression: ...
Chopin's user avatar
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Failed to converge to the requested accuracy or precision within 100 iterations for NonlinearModelFit

So I have a lot of data, from the following type: ...
Chopin's user avatar
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How do I specify the uncertainty of a parameter when using NonlinearModelFit?

I have to fit many large datasets into a linear equation. I am using the following code, employing NonlinearModelFit to avoid the Gaussian error propagation since ...
LowKi's user avatar
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Need advice on how to use FindFit

I have written the following code in Mathematica ...
SF.AF's user avatar
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NonlinearModelFit error messages

I am trying to fit the Strohmeyer equation to some fatigue life data using Mathematica 11.2 but I am receiving an error that I do not understand. Below is a MnonWE using a subset of the data: ...
Bruce Crawford's user avatar
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An error when use FindFit to fit data

I was using FindFit (also NonlinearModelFit) to fit my data with an power law function: ...
Ogawa Chen's user avatar
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FindFit is throwing a "Power: Infinite expression 1/0 encountered" error

I am attempting to fit a function with three free parameters to a set of data points. I get the error: "Power: Infinite expression 1/0 encountered." The function in question is: ...
Aaron Rea's user avatar
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How to interpret LinearModelFit error messages?

I'm trying to do multiple linear regression and having a hard time understanding the error messages I'm getting because web search doesn't find them or because the messages use terminology that isn't ...
Brad Cox's user avatar
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Why is NonLinearModelFit giving me a (significantly) more accurate result than LinearModelFit for a linear model?

I am working with a fairly large dataset, and at one point I need it to be fit to a complicated model (along the lines of ...
cmm0052's user avatar
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Is it possible to get same answer from NonlinearModelFit with and without errors on data? - How to insert errors in NonlinearModelFit?

I want to use NonlinearModelFit with the following data. I tried it firstly without inserting any error bar. ...
Sørën's user avatar
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getting a following error,large data points,desired output-best fit to expt. data sets

I am trying to carry out list operation but running into a following error I have large data sets(more than 0.2 million data points) and desired output will be a best fit (numerical data points ) to ...
avinash's user avatar
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What is the source of error in the following fitting procedure in Mathematica 8.0? [closed]

I am trying to fit the following data with a user-defined model. A priori, we know that this model is supposed to be the best fit for the given data. But, I do not know why I am receiving many error ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Quartic function from data [closed]

I am studying something about interpolation. I have a function that is a power x function (f[x_]:=17000 x^-1.85). From this function I got a list with coordinates ...
LCarvalho's user avatar
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Fitting Data when both Variables Have Uncertainties [duplicate]

Does there exist a method in Mathematica for fitting some function f(x; a, b)=y (with parameters a, b) to data of the form {x, y} when both x and y have different uncertainties? It seems like it would ...
Steve's user avatar
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NonlinearModelFit::nrnum error [closed]

I'm trying to fit data (including some small negative numbers at both extremes) to a normal distribution. ...
fluberbuton's user avatar
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FindDistributionParameters gives an error for a mixture of user defined sinh-arcsinh distributions

I have some data (1593 values). I first binned it using the Knuth rule and fitted a function that is a linear combination of two sinh-arcsinh functions. I then ...
corey979's user avatar
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Using Check[] on multiple statements

I am using a loop to run run multiple fits. If a fit fails, I don't want it to either appear in my data or to affect later fits so I am using the Check[] function to catch if any errors occurred (I'm ...
mikefallopian's user avatar
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FindFit::nrlnum: error with FindFit

I am trying to write a code to fit actual data of the orbit of a star with Mathematica 8. First I tried to write a code to fit a mock orbit, using the Application with differential equations (the ...
mattiav27's user avatar
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Error associated with parameters in Minimize (or NMinimize) in discrete fitting

my problem goes as follows: I need to a discrete fit of a discrete function. Say I have the following made up data points, which are generated by the parabola ...
LeFerret's user avatar
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How to use this Lorentzian function fit my data, I tried NonlinearModelFit, it always resulted with an error

The data is uploaded to Ideone , my code is : ...
Hang  Yang's user avatar
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Trouble fitting an explicitly complex model with the TransformedFit package

This is follow up from a previous question in which @Oleksandr R. suggested the use of a package he developed for splitting a model and data into real and imaginary parts to avoid a problem with ...
Pete in Perth's user avatar
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FindFit::nrlnum What am I doing wrong?

I have a model called qobs: ...
Pete in Perth's user avatar
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How to find local minima of a multivariate function with singularity?

I am working on a logistic regression problem which requires minimizing a cost function J[{theta0, theta1, theta2}, X, y] to find the optimal value for fitting ...
user13253's user avatar
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NonlinearModelFit::cvmit: Failed to converge to the requested accuracy or precision within 100 iterations

I have got a problem in my program with NonlinearModelFit: ...
Maxime de prins's user avatar