NonlinearModelFit and LinearModelFit both work well. The one caveat is setting the scale of the parameters since the Boltzmann constant has such a small numerical value.
Alternatively, you can include kB in the fit by fitting to, e.g., A Exp[-Ck/x]
with fit parameters A and Ck. A good initial guess for Ck is the typical size of your x values, i.e., around 300.
fit = NonlinearModelFit[DataAZ400K, A Exp[-Ck/x], {{A, 1}, {Ck, 300}},x]
This gives a fit with values for A and Ck. The C parameter in your fit equals Ck times kB. Compare fit and data:
Show[Plot[fit[x], {x, 290, 380}], ListPlot[fit["Data"]]]
For linear fit, convert your data to the form {1/x, Log[y]}
linearData = {1/#[[1]], Log[#[[2]]]} & /@ DataAZ400K
and then a linear fit as a function of a variable x1 standing for 1/x:
fitLinear = LinearModelFit[linearData, x1, x1]
and plot:
Show[Plot[fitLinear[x1], {x1, 1/400, 1/290}], ListPlot[fitLinear["Data"]]]
To display the original y coordinates with the linear fit, exponentiate and plot with log scale:
Show[LogPlot[Exp@fitLinear[x1], {x1, 1/400, 1/290}], ListLogPlot[{#[[1]], Exp[#[[2]]]} & /@ fitLinear["Data"]]]
along with a description of any trouble you're having. The documentation on those two functions should be useful. $\endgroup$