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Questions tagged [geodesy]

For questions about the geodetic functionality of Mathematica, including the functions FromDMS, GeoPosition, GeoDistance, GeodesyData, and FindGeoLocation.

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Construction of numerical solution of differential equations geodesic on the sphere

I have differential equations of geodesics. I need to solve them numerically and the solution must be on a sphere.This is what the equations looks like The geodetic on the sphere should look like ...
206 группа's user avatar
6 votes
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How to measure the volume of a 3D point cloud - not using ConvexHull or RippleyRassonRegion. Rather like "boundary" function in MatLab

RipleyRassonRegion and ConvexHull provide the smallest convex region enclosing all points in the set. For regions with real concavities, the volume of this region overestimates the actual volume. For ...
neurosci 's user avatar
4 votes
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Extracting georeferenced GIS raster data as a function of coordinates

When importing geospatial raster files, the coordinates seem to be lost, if I am not mistaken. I am not sure how to get the values of raster based on the coordinates (in whatever projection the raster ...
MathX's user avatar
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How can I get the GeoVisibleRegion of a space-based camera sensor given it's altitude, lat, long, and pointing view vector with respect to nadir?

GeoVisibleRegion by itself provides the largest view attainable based on the curvature of the earth from a given altitude above the surface. How do I set up the problem for a narrower field of view ...
Joe Sauvageau's user avatar
12 votes
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Why two computations for distance half way around the world don't agree?

I understand WGS84 models the equator as a circle with radius=GeodesyData["WGS84","SemimajorAxis"]. So I expected the two computations below to be the same. Where is my mistake? <...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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Approximate implementation of GeoDestination [closed]

I need an implementation to approximate GeoDestination without an internet connection. This is described here which says: I need to solve "1. the direct geodesic problem". Later that ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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Do you agree GeoDirection should return 90 degrees in this example?

GeoDirection[{38,-76},{38,-75}] (* 89.6922 Degrees *) I am using version 12.0.0.
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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How can I make this rectangle in GeoGraphics look like a rectangle?

I evaluated this. ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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Geodesics on arbitrary 2D surfaces

Geodesics on 2D Function Surfaces I am trying to approximately find the shortets path between two point on a surface defined as z=F[x,y]. I am solving for X,Y as function t. However, when trying to ...
Dheemanth Kiran's user avatar
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What fraction of a mountain parcel has slopes over 15%?

Update: The original error was not from the elevation data, but from the use of "Degree". See below. An agency interested in purchasing heavily sloped land has decided to use a criterion ...
Matt F.'s user avatar
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Maximizing the interior angles of a triangle on the Earth [closed]

Gauss once surveyed a triangle in the Harz mountains formed by Inselberg, Brocken, and Hoher Hagen to check if the sum of the interior angles really added up to $\pi$ radians. With the precision ...
Diffycue's user avatar
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Error of Points in Mollweide Projection

I am currently working on a project using SnIa data and using Mathematica I have obtained the following points (in degrees) through the maximum likelihood process ...
Smaug's user avatar
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Geodesate extract angles and edges length of a polyhedron

I'm using Mathematica 11, don't have access to new functions in Geodesate. Edited to clarify my question What I aim to do, it is to extract the angles and length of edges of a polyhedron (also in ...
user305883's user avatar
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Mollweide Projection of a Sphere [duplicate]

I want to recreate the following picture for a project. However, I am not sure how to do this with Mathematica. Is there an easy way to obtain just the "background" picture of the sphere without the ...
Smaug's user avatar
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Converting from UPS(x, y) to geodetic latitude/longitude

I'm trying to create a program which converts latitude/longitude (wgs84) to UPS (Universal Polar stereographic) coordinates, and then UPS(x, y) to WGS 84. I mean Given UPS(x, y), be able to compute ...
adi123's user avatar
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GeoPosition of a point a specified GeoDistance away

I am trying to plot text on a GeoGraphic[] at a certain distance from a defined point (located at Interpreter["Airport"]["KEWR"] ...
Reedinationer's user avatar
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Area of countries given by GeoBoundaries does not equal area in database

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Project map to a particular shape

I want to project a map to a particular shape, like a circle or ellipse. For example, let's imagine we want to project a map of the continental United states so that its outline is that of a circle. ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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Historical Weather Data for every Country in the World

I am trying to create a list of the average global temperatures per-year for the last 18 years using the WeatherData function. You can input a set coordinates ...
hwhorf's user avatar
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GeoArea of an Intersection

I am looking to calculate the geographic area of an intersection of a GeoDisk with a geographic entity such as a county. I was hoping for a simple construct like: ...
Stephen Wilkus's user avatar
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Which Question about plotting a location on a map.

I am plotting the wind speed vectors of hurricane Harvey on a graph and I want to add a dot located at coordinates of Dallas. ...
hwhorf's user avatar
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Hurricane Graphics: Help with Coloring a Graph

So currently I have a graph of latitude, longitude, and Max Rainfall generated from the code below. ...
hwhorf's user avatar
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Trying to plot points of rainfall during Harvey on a map of Texas and color code points

I am trying to plot lat, lon, and maximum rainfall of hurricane Harvey on a Map of texas. I have gathered all the data inside Mathematica using station names and the WeatherData function. This is the ...
hwhorf's user avatar
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DynamicGeoGraphics misplaces dynamic Points

Bug introduced in 10.4 and persisting through 11.2 CASE:3971576 I need to highlight a selected point in a DynamicGeoGraphics. I use a ...
Edmund's user avatar
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How to obtain the distance (in Km/Miles and in minutes) by road ?. for example using googlemaps

How to obtain the distance between 2 geographical points (knowing the latitute and longitude) One easy way in the web is,-8.4912382/42.\ 8659508,-8.6709907/@...
Mika Ike's user avatar
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Orthogonal Geodesics to Solar Eclipse Geopath

I'm trying to find the perpendicular geodesics to the path the upcoming solar eclipse will take: Path: ...
Peter Roberge's user avatar
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use of GeoDistance on WGS84 spheroid

The reference WGS84 describes the Earth as oblate spheroid with semi-minor axis (radius to poles) of 6356.752 km and semi-major axis (radius to equator) of 6378.137 km. I am considering the distance ...
Martin's user avatar
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Find the GeoArea of overlapping GeoDisks

Given a set of GeoDisks, how can one determine the combined region area, presumably through GeoArea? ...
Alan's user avatar
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How to calculate the maximal GeoDistance and TravelDistance in a geo-region

This is current method to find the maximal EuclideanDistance in American ...
yode's user avatar
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GeoHistogram does not plot all data when points are spaced out

GeoHistogram appears to be leaving out some of the data given to it. A minimal example follows. ...
Edmund's user avatar
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How to speed up geographic entity lookup (reverse geocoding?)?

I have a very large set of coordinates (40,000+) that I need to categorise in a hierarchy of geographic entities; region, country, administrative divisions, city. I only have the coordinates and no ...
Edmund's user avatar
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How can I show the relative size of two GeoGraphics objects?

I've created a GeoGraphics object from data I collected on a recent trip across part of Michigan, like so: I'd really like to overlay another country to scale in the center of this image to give a ...
rayhem's user avatar
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GeoPosition coordinates from Shape file (.SHP) with unknown Datum

The City of Amsterdam supports an Open Data policy. Much information can be retrieved at the level of boroughs (stadsdelen). Unfortunately, GeoGraphics does not ...
Romke Bontekoe's user avatar
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GeoGraphics with GeoServer option to fetch Google Maps in Mathematica 11

The GeoServer option in Mathematica 11 can be used to get a Google-Maps satellite background in GeoGraphics; a very useful feature. E.g. ...
hippo3773's user avatar
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GeoPath to list of coordinates

I'm trying to interpolate a GeoPath to an n-size list of GeoPositions. There doesn't seem to be any documentation on this seemingly common operation anywhere. Is this even possible?
Andrew Klofas's user avatar
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Calculate Distance between UTM coordinates?

I know this question looks like a duplicate of this, but in that post, the answer does not give the right answer. So.... Given two UTM coordinates, how would I go about finding the distance between ...
Sham Says's user avatar
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How can I generate an interrupted projection of a world map?

How can I generate a world map like the one here, but for an arbitrary hand-drawn map? For example, starting from scratch, how can I manipulate this world map to get something that looks like ...
user170231's user avatar
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GeoRegionValuePlot not using ColorFunction colours

I have a custom Blend for use with GeoRegionValuePlot's ColorFunction option. ...
Edmund's user avatar
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How to specify image quality for GeoStyling "GeoImage" in GeoGraphics?

I am creating plots (ContourPlot, SmoothDensityHistogram, etc.) that I then need to project onto geographic polygons. When this ...
Edmund's user avatar
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How to align GeoGraphics "GeoImage" with GeoPositions?

I have latitude and longitude locations that I need density (or contour) plot to overlay on a map. For example: ...
Edmund's user avatar
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Is there a Function like Here or FindGeoLocation[] that pulls GPS from an Android device for Wolfram Cloud deployments?

Neither FindGeoLocation[] nor Here really work when deploying to the cloud for a mobile or browser app. ...
vonkohorn's user avatar
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Why does the GeoGraphics Frame show different Latitude than GeoPosition?

The map looks right, but the Latitude in the Frame looks wrong. Am I making a mistake or is this a bug?
vonkohorn's user avatar
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Creating a latitude longitude image

The GeoPosition of Eureka, California is: GeoPosition[{40.7933, -124.155}] Has anyone ever created an image of the world with ...
David's user avatar
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Wrong bearing between two GeoPositions compared to Google Earth

I'm trying to calculate a bearing (degrees, distance) between two points, a and b. From Google Earth I have two points and the ...
Argo's user avatar
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How to control style of GeoScaleBar?

I'm plotting the GeoScaleBar over satellite image and wish it to be white but cannot find an option which controls its styling: ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
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Convert large KML coordinate datasets to UTM [closed]

I was wondering if there are ways to convert massive amounts of KML coordinates into UTM coordinates using Mathematica. Other programs would also be acceptable. Thanks. I have the KML file from ...
Mikel Manzanal's user avatar
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Plot Multibeam bathymetry grid

I don't speak Mathematica very well, but I am sure I could do great things with this programming language! I will delete this question if it is a duplicate, but I will be glad if you could point me ...
Three Shell's user avatar
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How to make geometric intersection faster for geographic borders?

I have developed a solution to identify geographic regions bordering a region in this post (94723). Can this functionality be made to execute any faster? Find which entities in a set border other ...
Edmund's user avatar
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Administrative Divisions bordering a geographic region (e.g. an ocean)

Update 3 I've worked out a solution that is bearable for a small number of subregions in the neighbour and added it as an answer. I'm going to make a post for optimisation help. Update 2 For a ...
Edmund's user avatar
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Does GeoGraphics support Elliptical Mercator projection?

When working on the answer to this question I found that GeoGraphics seemingly uses by default the Spherical Mercator projection (also known as "Web Mercator") ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar