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Questions tagged [projection]

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2D Projection of a 3D Region via Variable Change (Direct Plotting Fails)

The solutions for plotting the 2D projections of a 3D region defined by ImplicitRegion is here. However, the 3D region of my interest fails to be plotted using <...
YYing's user avatar
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Projection a image onto a 3d plot [duplicate]

The follow example created by software grasshopper3d, I cann't reproduce it using ColorFunction or Image3DProjection or other way. Limited to my ability, I can only provide very little useful ...
babyK's user avatar
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How to plot (2D) the projection of two planes in a 3D graph?

I have a 3D data set that I have represented in a graph. Subsequently, I have defined two planes that intersect the obtained figure at x and y, intersecting the data with a minimum value of z. I would ...
Marina Nebot's user avatar
7 votes
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GeoProjection - Spilhaus Projection of 1942 or Adam Square II

How can I make a GeoProjection like this? The best I could get was: ...
Tomi's user avatar
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Find perspective projection matrix under constraints

I have taken a photo (with a rectilinear lens) of a house's outside wall that sits on top a roof, from which I wish to take measurements from. However, to do so I would need to correct the perspective ...
小太郎's user avatar
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How to draw a curve projection?

I want to draw the following projection picture for the cuspidal cubic curve in Mathematica. Does anybody know how to do this?
eloparti's user avatar
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What is simpler way to find projection of a point on a plane?

This is my code to find the coordinate of projection of the point pA = {2, 3, 5} on the plane -284 + 14 x + 2 y + 5 z == 0. <...
minhthien_2016's user avatar
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Interpreting the coordinates in a shapefile

I am trying to interpret the coordinates in the shapefile downloadable from here (Dataset 1). We can extract coordinates like so: ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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Projecting the stationary points of a function below its 3D Plot

I have the following Mathematica code: ...
codebpr's user avatar
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How to project point in Graphics3D to the plane of the screen?

The code bellow depicts two black points {0,0,0} and {2,1,-1/2}. Projection of the point ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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How can I draw projection?

I am trying to draw this figure. I tried Graphics3D[{Polygon[{{-3, -3, -2}, {-3, 3, -2}, {3, 3, -2}, {3, -3, -2}}]}, Boxed -> False]
Thuy Nguyen's user avatar
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Oblique perspective changes PlotRange of Plot3D

I am currently trying to adapt the example of Mathematica's documentation for ViewMatrix to Plot3D. This should implement an oblique/cavalier perspective for the 3d ...
Wraith of Seth's user avatar
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Combining ReliefPlots with GeoGraphics/Converting ReliefPlots into GeoGraphics

I want to use .DEM files with GeoGraphics[]. For example, adding labels, or changing projections. In my attempt, I import the example data from Wolfram. ...
Tomi's user avatar
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Plotting projections of curves and surfaces in 3D

I would like to adapt the following code to generate two pictures: the first one is identical to the one it generates, but with the projections on the $xy$ plane of the caps that appear on the ...
ibr_'s user avatar
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Most convenient way to visualize the internal structure of a three-dimensional manifold

Let's say we have a 3D spherical shell specified by the command: Regionplot3D[1/2<x^2+y^2+z^2<1,{x,-2,2},{y,-2,2},{z,-2,2},BoxRatios->Automatic] When ...
ayr's user avatar
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Transforming the axes of a Contour Plot

I have contours of the following function $$\Psi(\nu,\mu) = -\frac{1}{4} e^{-2 \mu} \cos{2 \nu} - \frac{1}{2} \mu$$ in terms of $(\nu,\mu)$: I need to obtain the contours for $\Psi$ in terms of a ...
Arnav Das's user avatar
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How to plot the projection of the flat surface of a truncated sphere on a plane?

I would like to see how the projection of the flat surface of a truncated sphere (as shown in the image) change when rotating the sphere. I would also want to know the area of the projection. Could ...
Nick W's user avatar
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How to project a 2D region from one plane to another?

I have one of a general set of 2D regions (Disk, Rectangle, Polygon, etc.), as well as 3D origin points and normal vectors defining two reference planes/coordinate systems. I want to find a series of ...
CacophonyofVoices's user avatar
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Is it how you do a projection? Is it a Projection? I don’t know what this is

I don't really know, if this is a projection. Maybe you can tell me. . . From the parametric equations ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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ParametricPlot3D Curve and ImplicitRegion: Projections and Intersections

There is a parametric 3D-Curve: ParametricPlot3D[{Sin[t], Cos[1 - 3 t], Sin[2 t - 1]}, {t, 0, 10}, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}] And ...
ayr's user avatar
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How can I use Mathematica to convert a Mollweide projection map to Equirectangular?

So, disclaimer, I have zero experience with Mathematica, and I apologize in advance. I'd been looking for some software capable of converting between map projections for some time (in order to convert ...
weefeewill's user avatar
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Use Inverse Stereographic Projection for a logarithmic spiral onto a sphere - 3d printing

I have the idea to use ResourceFunction["InverseStereographicProjection"] to project various plane curves onto a sphere for the purpose of 3d printing. This would require that the plane ...
shoggananna's user avatar
4 votes
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2D projection of a 3D plot [duplicate]

how we can obtain a 2D projection of 3D plot. I would to have a plot like this : PS: the plot is a publication paper.
Radia B's user avatar
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how to obtain a plane projection of a `StreamPlot3D`

StreamPlot3D are rather difficult to decipher. Is there a simple way to obtain the projection of such a plot onto a given plane? Ideally, I am looking for a method which does not even create the ...
florin's user avatar
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On orthographic projection

Writing: ...
Monster's user avatar
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Vector function projection raises an error

Working on ODE systems solution with NDSolve[] I decided to try to replace system of equations like: ...
Cpp Nosavvier's user avatar
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How could we take projections of an ellipsoid on $x$, $y$ and $z$ axes?

Given the quadratic form ...
Sahabub Jahedi's user avatar
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Projections of set on coordinate planes

I want to take the projection of this ellipsoid into x-y, y-z and z-x plane. How can I do it? ...
Sahabub Jahedi's user avatar
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Rotate 120-Cell Animation

I have seen some code ( to create an animation of a hypercube rotating, but I'm really struggling to understand how it works. I find it quite complicated. ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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How to get the coordinates of a 3d graph when I have two variables and a constant?

f[p_, q_, c_] := -p*Log2[p] -q*Log2[q] - (1 - p)*Log2[1 - p] - (1 - q)*Log2[1 - q] + (p*q + (1 - p)*(1 - q))*Log2[c] + (1 - p*q - (1 - p)*(1 - q))*Log2[1 - c] ...
user07's user avatar
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Analytical Solution for Scattering Cross-Section of Randomly Oriented Cylinder (or Improved Brute Force)

I'm trying to calculate the sum of the shadows that a cylinder can make when rotated through both theta and phi. I have the following code: ...
BesselFunct's user avatar
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How to plot countries with accurate area?

Are there any projections that use the true size of countries, like this?
M.R.'s user avatar
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How do i get the Mollweide projection of a sphere?

I have defined three angular functions F1[θ_,ϕ_] := (1/2) (1 + Cos[θ] Cos[θ]) Cos[2ϕ] F2[θ_,ϕ_] := -Cos[θ] Sin[2ϕ] F3[θ_,ϕ_] := F1[θ,ϕ]^2 + F2[θ,ϕ]^2 So I can "...
Ligury's user avatar
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Adding graphics showing $\pm\Delta_{c^1}$, $\pm\Delta_{c^2}$, $\pm\Delta_{c^3}$ to a plot

I have a ellipsoid equation given bellow. I want to find $\pm\Delta_{c^1}$, $\pm\Delta_{c^2}$, $\pm\Delta_{c^3}$ around the point $(81.32, 10.62, 17.17)$ ...
Sahabub Jahedi's user avatar
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Error of Points in Mollweide Projection

I am currently working on a project using SnIa data and using Mathematica I have obtained the following points (in degrees) through the maximum likelihood process ...
Smaug's user avatar
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Testing visibility and projecting in Graphics3D

I'm trying to create a version of Alberti's window, a figure that represents the projection of a three-dimensional figure onto a two-dimensional plane. Here are my steps: 1) Create the three-...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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Plots in Hammer projection [closed]

I have a function $f[\theta,\phi]$ defined on the surface of a sphere that I would like to plot in an equal-area projection ellipse. Surely there's a straightforward way to do this, but so far all I'...
gilonik's user avatar
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How to calculate a projection of x,y,z data to x any y plane?

I have a List containing x,y,z data, which I can plot nicely in a ListContourPlot: ...
WolfiG's user avatar
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How to construct — based on physics-type notation — a magical simplex $\mathcal{W}$ of bipartite qutrits?

I have a short Mathematica program: ...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
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Orthogonal projection of line onto plane

I have already read the post Orthogonal Projection of vector onto plane, but I have a different task. I need to make a notebook in Mathematica so that users are able to manually add parameters of an ...
Anđela Todorović's user avatar
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Get the 2d plot of the intersection of 3d surfaces

I am trying to find points $(x,y)$ which satisfy the following constraint: $$1000F_r(x,y)=\frac{1000x\sqrt{1/y^2-1/A^2}}{1+x\sqrt{1/y^2-1/A^2}}=1/2$$ Where $A\simeq0.0008$. My idea was to plot $z=...
tbfr416's user avatar
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Plotting 2-dimensional polytopes embedded in n-dimensional Euclidean spaces

My minimal working example is Graphics3D[Polygon[{{0, 0, 2}, {0, 3, 4}, {0, -1, 2}}]] How can I plot the polygon I have listed above on a 2-dimensional plane (...
Felix Garner's user avatar
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Projecting 3D Mesh Region onto 2D Plane

For vizualization purposes in a beamer presentation I would like to project a 3D MeshRegion like ConvexHullMesh[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {50, 3}]] onto a 2D plane. How ...
Robert Rauch's user avatar
19 votes
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Project map to a particular shape

I want to project a map to a particular shape, like a circle or ellipse. For example, let's imagine we want to project a map of the continental United states so that its outline is that of a circle. ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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How to project a 2D shape (Triangle) at a given angle

I am trying to take an equilateral triangle and get it's projection at an angle of 60 degrees. I have the triangle already (SSSTriangle[6, 6, 6]) and I have tried ...
KDodd's user avatar
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Fine-tuning stereographic stream plots

I would like to present Möbius transformations on the Riemann sphere. Having found the masterpiece answers to Mapping StreamPlot onto spherical surfaces, I am trying to adapt it to my case (those ones ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
15 votes
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2D projection of a 3D surface

The following post (Projection of a 3d curve to 2d) explain how to project a 3D curve on 2d. Now there is a command which permit the Porjection of ImplicitRegion. But I have a function ...
cyrille.piatecki's user avatar
8 votes
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Exporting 2D projection of 3D graph in SVG form

For 3D, Mathematica does not export SVG as vector graphics, it just puts an encoded png image inside svg file. Same happens if one exports as .eps or .pdf This question does not address the problem ...
Lagrangian's user avatar
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How to plot a color consistently in Plot3D with 2D projection curve?

I use this code to draw three-dimensional surfaces and show the curves at the bottom. But does not give me the result required: ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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Building Projection Operators Onto Subspaces

Intro In quantum mechanics one uses projection operators in many problems / derivations. At the problem at hand I need to build projection operators (matrices) onto a subspace of my Hilbert space. I ...
Yair M's user avatar
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