I'm going to take the interpretation that you want to apply the transverse Mercator projection to an image you have to produce something like the one in the Wolfram page you linked to. One only needs to make a few changes to the code in that link. I will be using a different image, since the one in the OP is awkwardly cut off, which will mess with the mapping.
With[{Δ = 30},
earth = Import["https://i.sstatic.net/jteWq.jpg"];
GeoGraphics[GeoBackground -> GeoStyling[{"GeoImage", #2}],
GeoRange -> {{-90, 90}, #1[[1]]},
GeoProjection -> {"TransverseMercator", "Centering" -> #1[[2]]},
ImageSize -> Large],
ImageSize -> Large] &,
{Table[{{λ, λ + Δ}, {0, λ + Δ/2}}, {λ, -180, 180 - Δ, Δ}],
First @ ImagePartition[earth, Scaled[{Δ/360, 1}]]}]]]
Here is a slower method that uses ImageTransformation[]
and formulae 22-23 from here to directly transform the map (note that I took the liberty to work directly in radians instead of degrees):
With[{Δ = π/6},
earth = Import["https://i.sstatic.net/jteWq.jpg"];
Module[{x = #[[1]], y = #[[2]], h = Δ/2, λt},
λt = ArcTan[Cos[y], Sinh[x]];
If[-h <= λt <= h,
{λ + h + λt, ArcSin[Sin[y] Sech[x]]},
{π, π/2} (* dummy value for off-range pixels *)]] &,
Background -> White, DataRange -> {{-π, π}, {-π/2, π/2}},
Masking -> All,
PlotRange -> {{-InverseGudermannian[Δ/2], InverseGudermannian[Δ/2]},
{-π/2, π/2}}],
{λ, -π, π - Δ, Δ}]]]