I am currently working on a project using SnIa data and using Mathematica I have obtained the following points (in degrees) through the maximum likelihood process
point1 = {72.85 \pm 60.6242, 210.26 \pm 136.593};
point2 = {-25.17 \pm 10.23, 104.70 \pm 32.47 };
point3 = {25.17 \pm 10.22, 284.70 \pm 48.32};
point4 = {18 \pm 10, 309 \pm 23};
point5 = {-18 \pm 9, 129 \pm 23};
point6 = {-15.1 \pm 11.5, 309.4 \pm 18};
where \pm=$\pm$ and corresponds to the 1$\sigma$ error of the l and b. Mapping the best fit values of the data as follows:
GeoGraphics[{AbsolutePointSize@5, RGBColor[0.09, 0.35, 0.11],
Point[GeoPosition@point1], AbsolutePointSize@5, Purple,
Point[GeoPosition@point2], AbsolutePointSize@5, Purple,
Point[GeoPosition@point3], AbsolutePointSize@5, Red,
Point[GeoPosition@point4], AbsolutePointSize@5, Red,
Point[GeoPosition@point5], AbsolutePointSize@5, Blue,
Point[GeoPosition@point6]}, GeoRange -> {{-90, 90}, {0, 360}},
GeoGridLinesStyle -> Directive[Black, Dashed],
GeoProjection -> "Mollweide",
GeoGridLines -> {Automatic, {0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240,
270, 300, 330, 360}}, GeoBackground -> White, Axes -> True,
ImagePadding -> 25, ImageSize -> 1000,
Ticks -> {ticksldeg, ticksbdeg}, Background -> White,
AxesStyle -> Black, TicksStyle -> 15]
I have obtained the following picture So I want in the final Mollweide plot that I have uploaded, to include a circle or an ellipse (different color for each point) that corresponds to the errors of l and b, however I am not sure how to do that.
Thank you in advance