Original question can be seen in the edit history....
A simpler example - same problem.
i =
Labeled[{Re[5 Exp[I 5/2 t]], Im[5 Exp[I 5/2 t]]},t, {Right, Top}],
{t, 0, 6}]
{Labeled[{5, 0}, 0, {Right, Top}], Labeled[{5*Cos[5/2], 5*Sin[5/2]}, 1, {Right, Top}], Labeled[{5*Cos[5], 5*Sin[5]}, 2, {Right, Top}], Labeled[{5*Cos[15/2], 5*Sin[15/2]}, 3, {Right, Top}], Labeled[{5*Cos[10], 5*Sin[10]}, 4, {Right, Top}], Labeled[{5*Cos[25/2], 5*Sin[25/2]}, 5, {Right, Top}], Labeled[{5*Cos[15], 5*Sin[15]}, 6, {Right, Top}]}
Without PlotMarkers
as an option, it will not work.
ListPlot[i, PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, Large}]
With PlotMarkers
it works but the labels are offset to the reverse of the specified coordinates. Is this not unusual behaviour?
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
I'm running
will acceptLabeled
coordinates? $\endgroup$Labeled
here. That answer was upvoted 9 times but it won't evaluate! Also,see update. Thanks. $\endgroup$BubbleChart[i, ChartElementFunction -> ({Disk[Most[#2], .3], White, Text[Last[#2], Most[#2]]} & ), Axes -> True, Frame -> False]
:) $\endgroup$