
I have plot a list of points by ListPlot, and I want to be able to label these points.

Basic codes:

ListPlot[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {6, 2}] -> ToString /@ Range[-1, 4], PlotStyle -> {Red}]

Now I want the label style like "a1, a2, ..."(Subscript is best), I changed the codes

ListPlot[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {6, 2}] -> StringJoin["a", #] & /@ Map[ToString, Range[-1, 4]], PlotStyle -> {Red}]

but there is no point was labeled, I don't know why, the String list length still 6 (Length[StringJoin["a", #] & /@ Map[ToString, Range[-1, 4]]]), how does it show the labels?

  • $\begingroup$ replace StringJoin["a", #] & /@ Map[ToString, Range[-1, 4]] with (StringJoin["a", #] & /@ Map[ToString, Range[-1, 4]])? $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Feb 17, 2020 at 9:17

1 Answer 1

rr = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {6, 2}];
ListPlot[rr -> (Subscript["a", #] & /@ Range[-1, 4]), PlotStyle -> Red]

enter image description here


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