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29 votes

Is Mathematica adequately improving?

Update January 19, 2024. added V 14 integration result (differential equations and PDE's update for V 14 will take more time to complete) Update July 12, 2023. added 13.3 integration result (...
Nasser's user avatar
  • 150k
20 votes

Paclets updating awareness and tracking

This posting is not a complete answer. Rather, it is a spelunking report concerning the kernel initialization sequence in version 11.0.1 as it relates to automatic paclet updating. In summary, every ...
WReach's user avatar
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20 votes

Mathematica stuck in "running" for every calculation I attempt, kernel error

For a workaround, launch a standalone kernel and evaluate PacletSiteUpdate /@ PacletSites[] PacletUpdate["EntityFramework"] More detailed instructions can be ...
ilian's user avatar
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16 votes

How to pause a running evaluation (and continue it later)

Prior to version 10 of Mathematica, there was a menu option Evaluation / Interrupt Evaluation... with the hot-key ALT-, (comma). This would temporarily suspend the current evaluation in progress. ...
WReach's user avatar
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16 votes

Detecting kernel initialization

Apparently, Throw is deactivated during kernel initialization. The following function can determine if Throw is inoperative: <...
WReach's user avatar
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14 votes

Detecting kernel initialization

After some spelunking, I found a file which contains a lot of initialization code, including reading the kernel init.m file, loading ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 236k
10 votes

Writing a program that will filter the integer solutions

You can use Solve. Your equation: ...
Carl Woll's user avatar
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9 votes

Mathematica 11 with High DPI 4k screen

Mathematica 11.2 seems to use Qt 5.6 framework which supports DPI scaling override. At least on Linux, it's possible to get bearable results by starting Mathematica as follows: ...
Vladislav Ivanov's user avatar
8 votes

How is the mysterious Raw function used?

The short answer is, you can't. The only function that can really consume these objects is not exposed at the language level but only in the kernel's own C code. To be honest, am not sure why it is ...
Itai Seggev's user avatar
  • 14.3k
8 votes

Transformations of equations into a matrix form

You can use CoefficientArrays ...
Anjan Kumar's user avatar
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8 votes

Mathematica stuck in "running" for every calculation I attempt, kernel error

I have a similar problem this morning. I open a new notebook and as soon as there is an attempt to start the kernel Mathematica freezes with the cell that is evaluating highlighted and "running." I ...
David Keith's user avatar
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8 votes

I believe Beep uses the system sound which is obnoxious and rude. How does one create a friendlier less intrusive sound?

It's not too hard to make your own Beep[] and change the definition. You may have to let Mathematica download the Marimba sound the first time you use it, or ...
flinty's user avatar
  • 25.9k
7 votes

Complete list of FrontEndResources

Leaving this open for a bit in case someone has an internal way to do this So kglr found that all of these resources are in the .tr files and a quick glance at the files suggests that they are in ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
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7 votes

Defining system of Equations

What about this? n = 20; Table[x[i] - Cos[2 x[i] - Sum[x[j], {j, 1, n}]] == 0, {i, 1, n}] You will have a hard time solving this symbolically. But you can try to ...
Henrik Schumacher's user avatar
7 votes

Is Mathematica adequately improving?

To be quite honest, I'm increasingly disappointed by Mathematica's progress. Yes, some of the core functionality has improved in efficiency, but there are still gaping holes in what you'd think would ...
linkhyrule5's user avatar
7 votes

Is Mathematica adequately improving?

My answer would be (Feynman's famous question): "Compared to what?" I'm fully immersed in the symbol-manipulation power of Mathematica and while I haven't studied other systems in any depth,...
David G. Stork's user avatar
7 votes

Multiplication of one big integer and a long list of integers - fast

In binary format you would not need a lookup table because one simply decomposes one of the factors into powers of 2. Then multiplying by powers of 2 is just about shifting digits to the left. The ...
Henrik Schumacher's user avatar
7 votes

Quit the loop if encounter error message

To exit evaluation when a message is encountered, use Enclose together with ConfirmQuiet: ...
Jason B.'s user avatar
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7 votes

Documentation Search : google-like (pokygon -> polygon)

The following is roughly what the documentation search appears to use: We first create an index: index = CreateSearchIndex["ExampleData/Text"] If we now ...
Lukas Lang's user avatar
  • 34.4k
6 votes

Mathematica 11 with High DPI 4k screen

With Windows 10 Build 15002 and above, you can use the following settings to obtain a higher resolution of MMA than magnification for 200%, for example.
Eric Lou's user avatar
6 votes

Hidden Notebooks?

One other note, you can find every single notebook with: FrontEndExecute@ FrontEnd`ObjectChildren[$FrontEnd]
b3m2a1's user avatar
  • 47.1k
6 votes

Mathematica 11 with High DPI 4k screen

After a long wait, finally, Mathematica 12.1, launched in March 2020, introduces full support for high DPI monitors for both Windows and Linux. The upgrade from previous versions of Mathematica is ...
divenex's user avatar
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6 votes

Catching MachineUnderflow in Version 11.3

I just want to save this information from comments. @ilian mentioned in comments: This command is simply not needed in 11.3 and later because what it accomplishes is now the default (and only) ...
6 votes

What makes a function ticklish?

I should emphasize that, due to limited documentation, this is only an educated guess. Additionally, any computer science term (e.g. tree) I use is not strict as I have no CS/IT background. Shortly ...
Kuba's user avatar
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6 votes

3.4 GHz Ryzen 5 slower to diagonalise large matrix than Intel i5-6300U 2.4 GHz

Here are some possible explanations that came to my mind. But after further thinking, not all of those should really apply to OP's situation. However, I leave them for documentation reasons. Probably ...
Henrik Schumacher's user avatar
6 votes

Why does `$Pre` need to be defined indirectly via some other function?

We can only guess. My guess is that it is only applied when it has OwnValues which your second example does not have. p.s. you can do it in a one run: ...
Kuba's user avatar
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6 votes

Automatically load init.m without sharing CellContext

Using Create new notebook at fixed size you can do: ...
Kuba's user avatar
  • 138k
6 votes

How to run wolfram code from the finder in macos?

Here is one way to achieve that using the wolframscript and Automator: Create a automator script with two steps: a) "Get Selected Finder items" and b) "Run Shell Script" Define ...
xslittlegrass's user avatar
6 votes

Solving for a unique set of solutions

n = 6561; Using PowersRepresentations and filtering: ...
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
6 votes

How to solve a linear system with a close to zero eigenvalue?

Roman's user avatar
  • 49.8k

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