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32 votes

Mathematica vs. Python - how does Mathematica compare to Python's scientific computing suite?

General remarks Before giving several (biased) answers to the question As a developer I'd like to ask if there any other significant advantages to Mathematica - are there any areas where ...
Anton Antonov's user avatar
17 votes

Limit the amount of RAM Mathematica may access?

You can use MemoryConstrained to set a memory constraint for an evaluation. You can use $Pre to set a memory constraint for all ...
Carl Woll's user avatar
  • 131k
16 votes

Mathematica vs. Python - how does Mathematica compare to Python's scientific computing suite?

Do not underestimate Mathematica's notebook. The fact that your code looks like math (you can make it be in fractions with the exponents up, etc.) can make it much easier to work with. This, and the ...
Chris Rackauckas's user avatar
15 votes

How to speed up nested loop? I have used Do loop and Table as well

I do not agree with @b3m2a1: functional programming does not necessarily shine here, because things involving e.g., Subsets[phia,2] require $O(n^2)$ flops and $O(n^...
Henrik Schumacher's user avatar
14 votes

Which processor and graphics card to use for my Mathematica license

Does ParallelDo (and similar Parallel... functions benefit from more than 4 physical cores? My experience is that ParallelDo seldomly leads to any benefit. Better ...
Henrik Schumacher's user avatar
12 votes

Is this 30% slowdown in Mathematica 10 due to DownValues lookup time?

I realize this answer comes about three years too late, but having come accross the question, here's an answer. The general slowdown that was fixed in 10.1, and that hit Linux particularly hard, was ...
Itai Seggev's user avatar
  • 14.2k
12 votes

The performance of AceFEM in Intel Processor VS. AMD Processor

I have performed the simulations with an AMD Ryzen 3900X CPU, Windows 64 bit, AceFEM version 7.103. Maybe someone can provide some comment to the obtained results and how they compare the the results ...
Marko's user avatar
  • 464
10 votes

IntegerReverse much slower than simple alternative

A substantial part of the timing difference in this example is due to the automatic compilation used by Map. Note the crossover setting ...
ilian's user avatar
  • 25.5k
10 votes

Listable built-in functions - Why are they so fast on numerical vectors?

I'm collecting what we have found out and I'm concentrating for the moment on the call Exp[data] where data is a vector of reals ...
halirutan's user avatar
  • 113k
9 votes

Benchmarking with Mathematica v.12 for up to date comparison across different machines

A custom machine I built in the summer of 2020. With a "BenchmarkResult" -> 5.037, it seems I did a good job. ...
8 votes

Which processor and graphics card to use for my Mathematica license

Does my Mathematica license support processors with 8 cores? Mathematica will run, regardless of the number of cores you have. The question is: does it take advantage of them? Does ParallelDo (and ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 236k
8 votes

Benchmarking with Mathematica v.12 for up to date comparison across different machines

I am running an Asus laptop in dual boot mode between Windows 10 Pro and Linux Mint 20.1. I am consistently getting much different results between the two when running the Benchmark in Mathematica 12....
8 votes

Poor performance in ListPlot[] Mathematica 14

This works for me ListPlot[Prime[Range[25]], PlotHighlighting -> None] No gray box and no Highlighting when moving the mouse over the points. V 14
Nasser's user avatar
  • 149k
8 votes

NSolve uses all CPU resources

Right now this is all I have (in short, use a non-default method). ...
Daniel Lichtblau's user avatar
7 votes

Slow front end Mathematica 11.0.1 on linux

I have experienced this (with M11 on a KDE-based Linux). This will sound ridiculous, but try copying any piece of text (need not be from within Mathematica) to the clipboard. Mathematica immediately ...
Alexander Perlis's user avatar
7 votes

Which processor and graphics card to use for my Mathematica license

Does Mathematica support : "NVIDIA Quadro P5000, 16 GB"? The Nvidia GPU needs to have at Compute Capability score of at least 3. You can check the score of currently supported GPUs on Nvidia's CUDA ...
Edmund's user avatar
  • 43.1k
7 votes

Listable built-in functions - Why are they so fast on numerical vectors?

Here is one that I could find in Wolfram Support: "The kernel uses highly optimized multithreaded libraries such as Intel MKL and IPP, which are tuned for optimal performance and take advantage of ...
Moo's user avatar
  • 3,420
7 votes

Benchmarking with Mathematica v.12 for up to date comparison across different machines

Updated Maybe you need this command. Needs["Benchmarking`"] BenchmarkReport[] I use Gentoo calculate Linux recently, it is faster then previous ...
7 votes

Benchmarking with Mathematica v.12 for up to date comparison across different machines

Eluktronics Thinn-15 laptop: AMD Ryzen 4800H 8-core (2.9-4.2 Ghz), 32 GB DDR4. I've applied the fix for MKL on AMD processors discussed here which led to a 30% speed boost. ...
6 votes

3.4 GHz Ryzen 5 slower to diagonalise large matrix than Intel i5-6300U 2.4 GHz

Here are some possible explanations that came to my mind. But after further thinking, not all of those should really apply to OP's situation. However, I leave them for documentation reasons. Probably ...
Henrik Schumacher's user avatar
6 votes

Hanging in the front end

You could try setting this for the session to see if it fixes anything. SetOptions[$FrontEndSession, CodeAssistOptions -> {"FloatingElementEnable" -> False}] ...
Chris Degnen's user avatar
  • 31.1k
6 votes

Extreme slow down of Manipulate in version 11.1.1 when adding Frame->True

Please report this, even simple Plot[x... will do, and it seems the problem is with rendering as RepeatedTiming gives similar ...
Kuba's user avatar
  • 137k
6 votes

Benchmarking with Mathematica v.12 for up to date comparison across different machines

16-inch MacBook Pro (2.3 Ghz Intel i9)
6 votes

Benchmarking with Mathematica v.12 for up to date comparison across different machines

Late 2013 Macbook Pro 2.4ghz i5, 16gb 2400mhz ram, Intel Iris 1536mb ram. ...
6 votes

Benchmarking with Mathematica v.12 for up to date comparison across different machines

ROG laptop, 24 GB (8 GB at 2666 MHz, 16 GB at 3200 MHz both DDR5), GTX 1050 ti running at 3504 MHz i7 7700 HQ cpu @ 2.80 GHz, GTX 1050 ti 4 GB GDDR5 running at 3504 MHz ...
6 votes

Benchmarking with Mathematica v.12 for up to date comparison across different machines

5 votes

How to speed up nested loop? I have used Do loop and Table as well

So I left a comment about this, but here's where functional programming shines. Consider this: ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
  • 47k
5 votes

Settings to improve graphics rendering on Mathematica 11.1

In 10.4, we did a major update of the OpenGL version. On my Linux machine, it is actually dramatically faster. On OSX, there seem to be performance regressions. In part, this is because Apple ...
Itai Seggev's user avatar
  • 14.2k
5 votes

Code in separate cells causes a kernel crash

The issue you are running into is that using a semicolon to suppress large output doesn't actually prevent Mathematica from storing the large output. In particular, we have the following from the ...
Carl Woll's user avatar
  • 131k
5 votes

Long Execution Time of Reduce

Just too long for a comment. This matrix encodes 261 homogeneous equations in 8580 variables. A = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {261, 8580}]; Its size is ...
Henrik Schumacher's user avatar

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