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How to apply the layer of sigmoid function in neural network?

I saw an article How to build a simple neural network in 9 lines of Python code and want to reconstruct the result in Mathematica. I tried the below codes:- ...
H42's user avatar
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How to NetTrain only N batches?

I'd like to train a neural network for only a specified number of batches, that is for only part of an epoch (or TrainingRound). I've tried using the ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Extract neural network model from ClassifierFunction

I'm very new to Neural Networks and Mathematica 11 (I used MMA8 some time ago) and I'm trying to learn about NN using Mathematica. I'm using MMA 11.2 in a Rapsberry Pi (yes, I know that doing NN in a ...
siritinga's user avatar
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What does NetMapOperator do?

Recently, I have become addicted to Mathematica's support for neural networks. As I learn those commands that are prefixed with "Net", I can't tell the difference between using ...
PokerN's user avatar
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Does Mathematica auto update something causes error load old-version model?

I've trained a NN model by NetTrain with Mathematica 11.3.0, and I can load the model correctly to predict. My model is saved by .mx format. After few months, I cann't load the model correctly. ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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Deep Learning SummationLayer does not support varying dimensions on Linux server

I am trying a recurrent network in Linux server using MMA 11.3. The network structure is as follows: ...
Baoxiang Pan's user avatar
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How to explain overfitting?

SeedRandom[0]; X = RandomInteger[{1, 5000}, {100000, 50}]; Y = RandomInteger[{0, 1}, 100000]; For net1 and ...
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
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Issue fine-tuning a simple embedding network

I'm trying to learn an embedding on Cifar-10 by finetuning ResNet-50 with a few added layers: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Detecting a pattern in a time series with a Neural Network

I new to working with Neural Networks and I want to detect a pattern in a time series and return some measure of the certainty/uncertainty when a pattern has been detected: ...
holistic's user avatar
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How can I reproduce the result of AgeEstimation model in MXNet-Python?

How can I reproduce the result of AgeEstimation model in MXNet-Python? here is my repo about MXnet-Python codes to load Mathematica Models. I want the result of Mathematica and the result of MXNet-...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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Train your own CycleGAN style translator

I have a set of images (a few hundred) that represent a certain style and I would like to train an unpaired image to image translator with CycleGAN. I'm looking for a tutorial on how one would do ...
user5601's user avatar
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YOLOv3 Netmodel?

I see that YOLOv2 is on the Wolfram net repo, but has anyone ported the new YOLO version 3 architecture into Mathematica?
user5601's user avatar
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Dilation on 3D Images?

I need to apply a dilated convolution to a 3D image, but dilation values greater than 1 are not currently supported in v11.3: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Can someone help me to understand sequence-to-sequence transformation using (Wolfram-specific) recurrent neural nets?

I've been learning about recurrent neural networks lately and I think I'm starting to get the basic idea of how they work. I'm particularly interested in the sequence transformation capabilities of ...
Euphor's user avatar
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Fashion segmentation with a neural net?

I would like to train a network that can parse clothing: Does anyone know of a fashion segmentation network with or without pre-trained weights available that I can use in Mathematica? Update: I ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How can image segmentation from UNET be improved?

EDIT 2: code can be found @ EDIT 1: applying Binarize to the masks after resizing helps to ensure the data for mask is binary I have made an ...
Ali Hashmi's user avatar
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Tutorial on net surgery?

I'm trying to replace the "fc1000" layer in a NetModel, what am I missing here: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How exactly does NetTrain use a ValidationSet (can we reuse it as TestSet)?

Typically when you train a model you have three sets of data: training, validation, and testing - and they can’t be mixed, i.e. you can’t use images from one in the other. I want to know if the ...
user5601's user avatar
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How to plug holes in an Image (with partial convolutions)?

NVIDIA recently published a new way to reconstruct images with holes. They use a new type of convolutional layer which is described in the paper Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial ...
user5601's user avatar
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NetEncoder for images of "Varying" dimension?

I'm looking for someway to do what this syntax "should" do: NetEncoder[{"Image", Automatic, ColorSpace -> "RGB"}] /@ imgs; The documentation states that ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Validation failed for ConvolutionLayer message?

I have a simple fully convolutional network and I'm trying to figure out why I get this error NetChain::valfail: Validation failed for ConvolutionLayer: kernel size 3*3 plus padding size 0*0 cannot ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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how to use CatenateLayer to connect nodes within a NetChain

EDIT: Looking closely at my network I have a similar problem of providing inputs to the CropLayer function. The output from the pooling layer (node 30) and node 87 (activation) should feed to the ...
Ali Hashmi's user avatar
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How to replace all activations in a NetGraph?

I'm trying to replace all activation layers of a certain type, there must be a simpler way to do this? ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Unable to create ClassifierMeasurements for NetGraph

I am trying to check the accuracy of a neural network by using ClassifierMeasurements. I take the MNIST as example:- Code for setting ...
H42's user avatar
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Unable to create NetGraph

I am trying to perform deep learning classification in Mathematica. I noted that I am unable to create NetGraph even when I just follow the simple steps in the help ...
H42's user avatar
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Specify NetEncode's tokenization model?

NetEncoder[{"Tokens"}] uses WordData indices to tokenize an input string. But is there a way to tell ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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NetTrain with multi-label data?

I'm attempting to do simple category recommendation on textual data. I have around 20k training samples of the form desc_String -> {tag1_String, tag2_String, ...}...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Is is a bug when importing MXNet model?

There is a trained Using Python to make prediction: ...
partida's user avatar
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How do I change activation function of LinearLayer[] in NetGraph

I want to analize a network such that all neurons of its hidden layers output LogisticSigmoid[w.x+b], which is one of the most common ouputs analized in a neuron. ...
Liuba Orlova's user avatar
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Single Neuron Dream Example (from Markus van Almsick's Presentation WTC 2017)

I'm teaching myself about Mathematica 11.3 Neural Net capabilities, and I can't get a demonstrably previously working example to work. I've been trying for quite a while without success. In Markus ...
Craig Carter's user avatar
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Custom Loss Layer to ignore ordering

I am trying to train a net that takes a sequence of numbers and gives a sequence of numbers. For example: ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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Can one use NetTrain with two Nvidia GPUs?

I am thinking of buying another GPU to accelerate my training. Will I be able to call NetTrain with both GPUs ("TargetDevice"-> {"GPU", All})? Or would it be ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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Using NetTrain with HDF5?

I have some nicely formatted training data in HDF5 files, i.e. the images and labels are serialized within the H5 file as groups and datasets. AFAIK NetTrain only ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Image Generator with a Neural Network (CIFAR-10)

As some of you may know, CIFAR-10 is a data base which has 60,000 images (which are 32x32 in size) of 10 different categories (airplane, dog, cat, frog, deer, bird, horse, ship, automobile and truck). ...
Anna Morales Melgares's user avatar
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ElementwiseLayer with Piecewise?

I need a specific custom activation function; how can I implement it with Piecewise? This is what I've tried (using the recommendation from this question): ...
user5601's user avatar
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Using NetGraph as FeatureExtractor?

I'd like to compute FeatureDistance between two images with a NetGraph: rs = NetModel["ResNet-152 Trained on ImageNet Competition Data"]; fe = NetTake[rs, {1, -3}] ...
user5601's user avatar
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How to implement a triplet network with NetSharedArray?

In v11.3, NetSharedArray[] and NetInsertSharedArray[] give us a mechanism of sharing weights and biases across neural networks, ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Using Machine Learning techniques for text-analysis

I am analysing a bunch of tweets and I want to understand which political party the authors support. Let say, for example that I have five parties labelled by a number: ...
apt45's user avatar
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Training speed of NetTrain on GPU

I have a model with NetTrain that works fine. However, as I increase the amount of training data, the number of inputs per second to my GPU drops very, very substantially. In fact, when I include all ...
plotkin's user avatar
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Neural Network and Enforce Positive Vector

I am trying to implement a neural network where I output a vector of 5 parameters each of which I know to be positive. I have code that works where I end up with an `"Output" -> 5.' However, after ...
markkkkk's user avatar
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Change Loss Function in NetTrain

For a similar problem, I am trying to modify the code here ( so that the ...
Beehard's user avatar
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Significant performance differences with "Predict" function between v10 and v11

So I am very new to ML. I tried running this code in Mathematica ...
aquarkydude's user avatar
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Specifying feature types for BayesianMinimization

I'd like to use Bayesian optimization over a pair of features, one nominal, one numerical. If I do something like this: ...
Mohammed AlQuraishi's user avatar
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What's BayesianMinimization and related functions based on?

Is it specified anywhere what the backend is for the Bayesian optimization related functionality in Mathematica v11? I'm specifically referring to the Bayesian* ...
Mohammed AlQuraishi's user avatar
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Can Predict return non-numerical values?

I just started working with the Mathematica machine learning package. When I use Predict, I can predict only numerical values like ...
Zlelik's user avatar
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How to train Sequence-to-sequence autoencoder using LSTM?

According Keras blog,I find the Seq2Seq auto-encoder. But it didn't give any example only code. To build a LSTM-based autoencoder, first use a LSTM encoder to turn your input sequences into a ...
partida's user avatar
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Machine learning classify function with audio and set of pictures

As I see from documentation, Classify function supports Audio and Pictures as input, video is not supported unfortunately :( Will it work if I try to use classify for mixed data input like ...
Zlelik's user avatar
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Weighted Data within Classify and Predict (or NetTrain)

I posed this on Wolfram Community about a week ago and no one there seems to have a good solution, so I will try it here. (It may well be that this is an issue for Mathematica developers and that ...
Seth Chandler's user avatar
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Mathematica Machine Learning (Method "NeuralNetwork")

I am trying to use Predict and Classify functions. I am interested what NetworkDepth really ...
Zlelik's user avatar
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How to train a network using out of core training when data have different length?

I posted How to use Mathematica to train a network Using out of core classification? some month ago. The network receive some fixed-length input and produce another fixed-length output,this is How to ...
partida's user avatar
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