I'd like to use Bayesian optimization over a pair of features, one nominal, one numerical. If I do something like this:
bo = BayesianMinimization[Null, {{"A", 10}, {"B", 100}},
InitialEvaluationHistory -> {{"A", 100} -> 100, {"B", 10} -> 10},
MaxIterations -> 0];
And look at the resulting PredictorFunction
by evaluating bo["PredictorFunction"]
, I see that it defaults to a text
feature type for the first entry, which is incorrect (they're distinct categories and it shouldn't try to interpolate in text-space.) Predict
and friends handle this using the FeatureTypes
option, and checking the Options
of BayesianMinimization
, I see that FeatureTypes
is a valid, albeit undocumented, option. However, it seems to have no effect, as modifying the above to the following:
still results in a PredictorFunction
whose first argument is of type text
instead of nominal
And the behavior is a little erratic. For example this:
bo = BayesianMinimization[<|{"A", 10.} -> 10, {"B", 100.} ->
100|>[#] &, {{"A", 10.}, {"B", 100.}}, MaxIterations -> 2]
automatically defaults to a nominal
feature for the first entry, so how it decides whether a feature is text
or nominal
seems arbitrary. This latter example doesn't solve my problem because I don't want to supply BayesianMinimization
with a function that it evaluates (all the evaluations are done off-line and are being fed to BayesianMinimization
through InitialEvaluationHistory
instead of allowing it to directly evaluate a function.)