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Training a neural network with post-processed data [closed]

I want to fit a large number of functions over a vector space with a neural network. I have a particular architecture in mind, which is naturally broken into two parts: the first part consists of ...
miggle's user avatar
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Extracting information from Classify

I have used Mathematica's automated Classify function: ...
ngc1300's user avatar
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Loss function with regularization

The ML framework has a limited set of loss functions available. How can I extend this by creating my own custom ones? For example, for L2-regularized training, Mathematica recommends ...
sra's user avatar
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Classify/NetTrain run indefinitely without output when using GPU

I am experimenting with Mathematica's Classify/NetTrain functions for the first time. When I don't set a TargetDevice option, Mathematica defaults to the CPU and everything works as expected. When I ...
Ruben's user avatar
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Complex numbers in neural networks

I am trying to construct a neural network which fits a collection of functions from (complex-valued) vectors to complex numbers. After constructing a suitable network, I was surprised to see that ...
miggle's user avatar
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How to build an RNN with input as character but output a sequence of tokens?

Let’s assume I have “abbcab”-> {“Apple”,”Banana”}, “Bibb”-> {“Carrot”} so the output is a sequence of various length, but I can pad it to be the same length. My problem, how do I create a ...
user3825890's user avatar
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What's the difference between train and test evaluation modes of a BatchNormalizationLayer?

After creating a BatchNormalizationLayer: batchnorm = NetInitialize@BatchNormalizationLayer["Input" -> 3] We can evaluate it in "Test" or &...
smörkex's user avatar
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How is the loss computed from the batch and round?

This is cross-posted from the forum. I am trying to just reproduce the loss computed during training a very simple network. In this case the loss is just the standard L2 loss function. Start with some ...
smörkex's user avatar
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Copying Weights using NetTrain in Mathematica

I would like to implement the PPO algorithm - Reinforcement Learning - in Mathematica. And for that, I need to be able to copy network weights from say subnetwork NN1 to subnetwork NN2 as an update ...
Terrell N.'s user avatar
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Can NetNestOperator take a non pre-defined number of iterations?

I'd like to Nest a particular NetChain inside a larger NetGraph for a random number of ...
George Varnavides's user avatar
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Classify command option question

I'm using Classify to predict who is going to win a battle based on their strength. The input is something like {{"Name 1", Strength1},{"Name 2", Strength2},{"Name 3", ...
bruno henrique's user avatar
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Questions on NetMapOperator, NetNestOperator, NetFoldOperator [closed]

I've been playing around with the Higher-Order Network Construction functionality such as NetMapOperator, NetNestOperator, and <...
George Varnavides's user avatar
11 votes
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Tutorial example NetTrain fails miserably with a GPU

I have been experimenting with GPU NetTrain on AWS now when Mma 12.2 supports remote batch jobs (I don't have an Nvidia GPU to try these things out otherwise). In ...
kirma's user avatar
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Constructing Net problem

so I'm trying build a simple net that will help me find the winner in a competition. I would like to use as input "Name", "FA" and "Force", and obtain "Winner" ...
bruno henrique's user avatar
3 votes
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how to implement training for UNET implementation on Wolfram Neural Net Repository?

My question is with reference to the U-NET implementation present on the Wolfram Neural Net Repository The construction notebook present on the page (link: http://...
Ali Hashmi's user avatar
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Minibatch Standard Deviation Layer

I'm reworking some of the GANs I originally made in TensorFlow2 to see if I can improve performance in Mathematica, and have been stuck on how to create a custom Minibatch Standard Deviation Layer. I'...
BBirdsell's user avatar
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How to train each layer in a Neural Network so they optimize different loss functions in an adversarial network?

Example NetGraph to illustrate the idea (Input is an online signal with a value between -1 and 1, Noise is Gaussian Centered at 0 and standard deviation 0.1, EvilNet is constrained to output a value ...
Dropped Bass's user avatar
2 votes
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Want neural net example of rules {vector->string}

I am using data samples from a multispectral color sensor for color classification as an exercise in beginning to learn about neural networks. I have succeeded with ...
John Davis's user avatar
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Help with creating the NetChain

I'm trying to train a network to take 3 integers and give an output = Max/Min. For example {10, 20, 30} -> 3. But I cannot get the setup correctly. I must be missing something. ...
CuriousDudeFromEgypt's user avatar
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Create New Type of Layer For Neural Network

I'm doing some work exploring modelling neural networks in which each neuron could represent a different type of physical system. What I want to do is, I think, quite different to what an ordinary ...
Dan Goldwater's user avatar
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Save neural network after training

I've written quite a few projects that involve training a neural network through the Classify and Predict functions, but every ...
Char's user avatar
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Neural network symbolic inputs and weights

If I create a neural network like, for example, so: ...
ben18785's user avatar
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Interpolated Hyperbolic tangent as a layer of a neural network

It is necessary to specify piecewise linear interpolation of the hyperbolic tangent. And substitute this function as a layer of a neural network. I tried a lot of things, please suggest your options.) ...
Глеб's user avatar
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Network training error InvalidJSON

I want to insert piecewise linear interpolation of the hyperbolic tangent into the neural network. An error occurs at the stage of training the network. trainingData: ...
Глеб's user avatar
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Seq2Seq RNN with an AttentionLayer

In many Sequence to Sequence machine learning tasks, an Attention Mechanism is incorporated. Before Transformer Networks, introduced in the paper: Attention Is All You Need, mainly RNNs were used to ...
Maria Sargsyan's user avatar
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How to paraphrase text?

I'm looking to train or use pre-trained models in order to re-phrase text. Are there any natural language models in the Wolfram Neural Repository (or elsewhere) that can be used to paraphrase text? ...
user5601's user avatar
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GPU support on latest MacBook Pro, especially for deep learning

I'm thinking about getting some new top of the line computer hardware, specifically a MacBook Pro from Apple. These have AMD Radeon Pro 5500M GPUs, which while a bit slower than something like an ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to implement BlazeFace?

BlazeFace is a lightweight and well-performing face detector tailored for mobile GPU inference. It runs at a speed of 200-1000+ FPS on flagship devices. How to implement BlazeFace in Mathematica?
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
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Can I use Mathematica to generate candle scents?

I found this blog (which is highly entertaining). It has an interesting post where the author uses the GPT-2 neuro-network with candle scent training data to generate new candle scents. The AI comes ...
Tomi's user avatar
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Neural network for a simple game?

I'm taking a class that is based on the Mathematica coding language, and we must do a 6-week final project. I am considering coding a neural network for a simple game like 2048, pacman, snake, etc. ...
Matthew Poynter's user avatar
4 votes
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Adding Noise in Neural Net via ElementwiseLayer

I am trying to add noise to a neural net to train a denoising autoencoder. I don't want to pre-calculate the noisy data. Rather, I'd like the noise be applied via a function using the ElementwiseLayer....
Edward's user avatar
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Training with GPU and tuning parameters with ParallelTable

We intend to train a neural network. It has a hyperparameter, such as the learning rate. We want to compare the training results of different hyperparameters. Our computer has two multi-core CPUs and ...
yyk's user avatar
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Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks

Is anyone working on building a Fuzzy Logic module that can be used for the output of Neural Networks? Thank You Michel
Michel Mesedahl's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I prevent errors with ReplicateLayer[]?

I am trying to build a NetGraph[] that takes input of the form {{0.6},{0.6},...,{0.8},{0.8}} and multiplies the last sequence ...
Jmeeks29ig's user avatar
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is the code of this reinforcement learning example correct?

I am trying to learn reinforcement learning from an article on, and after several days I still cannot quite get everything right. Now I wonder about the correctness of a piece of code ...
aystack's user avatar
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How can I use ThreadingLayer to perform operations with layers of different dimmensions?

Is there a way that I can achieve subtraction between a scalar and a vector within NetGraph[], similar to what happens when I perform ...
Jmeeks29ig's user avatar
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Controlling learning rate decay or cyclic learning rate in Mathematica's neural nets

I am using Mathematica's NetTrain[] function for training neural nets. There is a way to set the learning rate (LearningRate and ...
user2980583's user avatar
14 votes
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Importing a grid of numbers from an image (sudoku like)

Can anyone see a way to import a grid of numbers from into Mathematica? TextRecognize doesn't seem ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Rounding the output Vector of a Neural Network layer to prepare it for the next layer

I am attempting to Round up the output Vector of a Neural Network layer to prepare it for the next layer Ex. Layer output {.1.,2.2,3.3} and I need it to be a Vector of Integers for the next layer. I ...
Michel Mesedahl's user avatar
5 votes
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Image-based reinforcement learning with neural networks

After seeing that "OpenAIGym" is not exactly supported on Windows and playing around with
Cetin Sert's user avatar
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Re-train a neural network discarding its memory?

Cetin Sert's user avatar
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Transform function {a,b} ->{x,y} ; how to?

I have a 2D list of values that I want to transform/calibrate to another 2D list. I thought of using a predict function but I couldn’t get it to output 2 values. —...
CuriousDudeFromEgypt's user avatar
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Mathematica classify NeuralNetwork default parameters

We have trained a Neural Network on Mathemetica classify with one hidden layer and received good classification results. We would like to know the default parameters beside it has one hidden layer? ...
Tracey Zhang's user avatar
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How to train custom objects using YOLO in Mathematica?

I want to train few custom object using YOLO V2 architecture but not sure how to do this. I know that with the NetTake and NetReplace, this is achievable. Can someone point out me in the right ...
Ricky Verma's user avatar
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Net layer that replicates last element

I am trying to design a neural network layer that takes in an array of dimensions n x 100, and produces an array of dimensions ...
Nico A's user avatar
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Using a neural net to make predictions

I want to use a neural net to give predictions, but I am not sure where to start. I do know that I don't want to use the high-level Predict function. So what I ...
baker's user avatar
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Output of the trained neural network for a set of inputs

Sorry if this was too trivial but I want to get the output of the neural network I trained for the specific inputs that I feed. The notation I often saw was of TrainedNet[inp] kind. But when I use ...
Gizem Y.'s user avatar
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Chaining NetGraphs

I have two NetGraphs, each with 3 different input ports ("Input","Random1","Random2"), the first with 2 outputs ("Output" and "Loss") and the second with one output "Final_Out". All I want to do is "...
Nico A's user avatar
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How to generate names with a GAN?

I'd like a tutorial for text generation using GANs, specifically for names. I have a list of company names and would like the network to generate novel ones. This is one of the only few examples of ...
user5601's user avatar
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How can one train a Neural Network in Mathematica such as to recognise and count all occurrences of a certain custom category in an image?

I'm trying to use Mathematica for the following task: (1) Get an aereal view of a certain area in Mongolia (2) Count the number of plots that contain houses, and the number of plots that contain ...
guru10at's user avatar