As v12.2, mathematica does not support raw complex number to be used in training model but like other unsupported formats, converting them to an acepeted formats like number, vector, etc will help you to achieve your goal. It's very common because there are so many types that can't directly processed but by converting them, we could see the power of Machine learning almost anywhere.
We can't use 2+2I
in training set but we could use a vector {2,2}
in which the first element relate to real part and second to imaginary, and then applying some function like Complex
to that vector will give us 2+2I
It means when we have a set that contains unsupported formats, you should apply a function called Encoder
to translate them in a supported format, let the computer process on that, give you the result in the specified supported format and again apply another function called Decoder
to get you the result in the type you entered the data.
rawData = {1+2 I -> 3+5 I, 5+7 I -> 1+6 I};
(* Complex -> Complex *)
convertedData = ReIm[#[[1]]] -> ReIm@#[[2]] & /@ rawData;
(*Out: {{1, 2} -> {3, 5}, {5, 7} -> {1, 6}} *)
trained = NetTrain[LinearLayer[], convertedData]
now use the trained model to evaluate 1+3 I
trained[{1, 3}]
(*Out: {4.76502, 5.57501} *)
Apply[Complex, trained[{1, 3}]]
(*Out: 4.76502 + 5.57501 I *)
Mathematica 11.3 and above
Mathematica 11.0 introduced built-in NetEncoder
and NetDecoder
with different types, which we will use Function
type which introduced in 11.3 to specify our own Encoder/Decoder.
For some reason, probably my limited knowledge I couldn't use full power of decoder, so I will convert only the output of training set:
rawData = {1+2 I -> 3+5 I, 5+7 I -> 1+6 I};
convertedData2 = #[[1]] -> ReIm@#[[2]] & /@ rawData;
(*Out: {1 + 2 I -> {3, 5}, 5 + 7 I -> {1, 6}} *)
encoder = NetEncoder[{"Function", ReIm[#] &, {2}}];
decoder = NetDecoder[{"Function", Complex[#[[1]], #[[2]]] &}];
net2 = NetChain[{LinearLayer[2, "Input" -> encoder, "Output" -> decoder]}]
trained2 = NetTrain[net2, convertedData2]
After training, there is no need to convert Input
or Output
trained2[1 + 3 I]
(*Out: 4.76502 + 5.57501 I *)
All the code tested in Mathematica 12.2.
trained = NetTrain[LinearLayer[], {1 -> 1.9 + 1.0*I, 2 -> 4.1, 3 -> 6.0 + 1.0*I, 4 -> 8.1 + 1.0*I}]
. $\endgroup$