I am using NSolve to solve an equation, as shown here:
T == (0.000250709 E^(0.0269867/(0.0000734429 + 1. T)))/(1.00025 -
1. E^(0.0539734/(0.0000734429 + 1. T)))
NSolve[T == (0.000250709 E^(0.0269867/(0.0000734429 +
1. T)))/(1.00025 -
1. E^(0.0539734/(0.0000734429 + 1. T))), {T}, Reals]
It gives me the warning Solve::ratnz: Solve was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. The answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and numericizing the result. >>
, but still displays the result. Is it wrong to use NSolve for for such a general task, or am I missing a parameter?