I have the code:
G = 0.1;
β = 0.5;
ωc = 10;
integralgamma[ω_, τ_] :=
4 G ω Exp[-ω/ωc] ((1 -
Cos[ω τ])/ω^(2)) Coth[β ω/2];
mem : γ[τ_] :=
mem = NIntegrate[
integralgamma[ω, τ], {ω, 0, Infinity},
MaxRecursion -> 15, PrecisionGoal -> 2, Method -> "LocalAdaptive"]
Table[NSolve[{Sin[χ]*Cos[α] ==
1/Sqrt[3] *Exp[-γ[τ]] &&
Sin[χ]*Sin[α] == 1/Sqrt[3]*Exp[-γ[τ]] &&
Cos[χ] == 1/Sqrt[3],
0 <= χ <= π &&
0 <= α <= 2 π}, {χ, α}], {τ, 0, 2,
But I get the errors:
NSolve::ratnz: NSolve was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. The answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and numericizing the result.
{{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, \ {}, {}, {}, {}}
When I remove the time dependent exponential factor, I am able to solve the equation. What's going on?
Another try:
I first table the expression for the time-dependent exponential factor:
FunctionList[χ_, α_] =
Table[Sin[χ]*Cos[α] ==
1/Sqrt[3] *Exp[-γ[τ]] &&
Sin[χ]*Sin[α] == 1/Sqrt[3]*Exp[-γ[τ]] &&
Cos[χ] == 1/Sqrt[3], {τ, 0, 2, 0.1}];
It works; I get a list with 21 elements.
When run:
0 <= χ <= π &&
0 <= α <= 2 π}, {χ, α}] & /@
FunctionList[χ, α],
I get the same errors. Suggestions?
a system of 3 equations in 2 variables (treatingtau
as a parameter). Are you sure that these equations even have a solution? If your system is over determined, it makes sense thatNSolve
cannot find solutions. $\endgroup$NSolve[{Sin[\[Chi]]*Cos[\[Alpha]] == 1/Sqrt[3] && Sin[\[Chi]]*Sin[\[Alpha]] == 1/Sqrt[3] && Cos[\[Chi]] == 1/Sqrt[3], 0 <= \[Chi] <= Pi && 0 <= \[Alpha] <= 2 Pi}, {\[Chi], \[Alpha]}]