
My function is

(* condição para o valor de b0 *)

σ = 0.6 ;

minroot[g_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ] := 
  Module[{rts, r}, 
    rts = r /. 
      Solve[1 - (b/r)^2 - 
        g^-2*(2/15*σ^9 (1/(r - 1)^9 - 1/(r + 1)^9 - 
              9/(8 r) (1/(r - 1)^8 - 
                 1/(r + 1)^8)) - σ^3 (1/(r - 1)^3 - 
              1/(r + 1)^3 - 3/(2 r) (1/(r - 1)^2 - 1/(r + 1)^2))) == 
       0, r];
    rts = Select[rts, With[{nval = N[#, 100]}, Im[nval] == 0 && nval > 0] &]; 

rootmin[g_?NumberQ] := 
  Module[{Rrmts, b}, 
    Rrmts = b /. 
      FindRoot[Re[aA[g, b, 5]] == 0, {b, 1, 2}, Method -> "Brent"]; 

(* angulo de espalhamento *)
aA[g_?NumberQ, b_?NumberQ, i_] := 
  Pi - 2 b  NIntegrate[
         1 - (b/r)^2 - 
          g^-2*(2/15*σ^9 (1/(r - 1)^9 - 1/(r + 1)^9 - 
                9/(8 r) (1/(r - 1)^8 - 
                   1/(r + 1)^8)) - σ^3 (1/(r - 1)^3 - 
                1/(r + 1)^3 - 
                3/(2 r) (1/(r - 1)^2 - 1/(r + 1)^2)))]), {r, 
      minroot[g, b], Infinity}, 
     Exclusions -> {r^2*
         Sqrt[1 - (b/r)^2 - 
               15*σ^9 (1/(r - 1)^9 - 1/(r + 1)^9 - 
                 9/(8 r) (1/(r - 1)^8 - 
                    1/(r + 1)^8)) - σ^3 (1/(r - 1)^3 - 
                 1/(r + 1)^3 - 
                 3/(2 r) (1/(r - 1)^2 - 1/(r + 1)^2)))] == 0}, 
     MaxRecursion -> i, 
     Method -> {Automatic, "SymbolicProcessing" -> 0}];

When I evaluate


I get

Solve::ratnz: Solve was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. The answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and numericizing the result.

but when I evaluate


I still get some errors, but I get a result.

Why? I want to evaluate rootmin[0.1], for example, and I can't.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ I get a bunch of different errors as well: NIntegrate::inumr, FindRoot::nlnum etc. Also, in the definition aA, you use minroot[g,b]; Is it the same as rootmin[g,b]? $\endgroup$
    – Mahdi
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 21:12
  • $\begingroup$ @Mahdi, minroot[g,b] is a value of r , and rootmin[g,b] is a value of b , so they are differents ... do you have an ideia of all this errrors ? $\endgroup$ Commented May 13, 2015 at 12:16
  • $\begingroup$ Please edit the question and give a definition for your function minroot. $\endgroup$
    – m_goldberg
    Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 8:20
  • $\begingroup$ @m_goldberg , sorry ... now its ok ... any ideas ? $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 16:02
  • $\begingroup$ I hope this question will be reopened. Now that you have supplied a definition for minroot, it is pretty clear what your problem is, and I have an answer I would like to post. $\endgroup$
    – m_goldberg
    Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 18:54

1 Answer 1


The first thing I did was to rationalizing all calculations, starting with the defintion of σ and minroot. This stops the Solve::ratnz messages. I also made some other improvements to minroot.

σ = 6/10;

minroot[gg_?NumericQ, bb_?NumericQ] :=
  Module[{b, g, rts, r},
    b = Rationalize[bb, 0];
    g = Rationalize[gg, 0];
    rts = r /.
        1 - (b/r)^2 -
          g^-2*(2/15*σ^9 (1/(r - 1)^9 - 1/(r + 1)^9 -
            9/(8 r) (1/(r - 1)^8 - 1/(r + 1)^8)) - σ^3 (1/(r - 1)^3 -
              1/(r + 1)^3 - 3/(2 r) (1/(r - 1)^2 - 1/(r + 1)^2))) == 0,
    Max[Select[rts, Im[#] == 0 && # > 0 &]]]

The definition of aA is more or less untouched.

aA[g_?NumberQ, b_?NumberQ, i_] :=
  (Pi - 2 b
      1/(r^2* Sqrt[
        1 - (b/r)^2 -
           (2/15*σ^9 (1/(r - 1)^9 - 1/(r + 1)^9 - 9/(8 r) *
              (1/(r - 1)^8 - 1/(r + 1)^8)) -
            σ^3 (1/(r - 1)^3 -1/(r + 1)^3 -3/(2 r) *
              (1/(r - 1)^2 - 1/(r + 1)^2)))]),
      {r, minroot[g, b], ∞},
      Exclusions ->
        {r^2*Sqrt[1 - (b/r)^2 -
            (2/15*σ^9 (1/(r - 1)^9 - 1/(r + 1)^9 - 9/(8 r) *
              (1/(r - 1)^8 - 1/(r + 1)^8)) -
            σ^3 (1/(r - 1)^3 - 1/(r + 1)^3 - 3/(2 r) *
              (1/(r - 1)^2 - 1/(r + 1)^2)))] == 0},
    MaxRecursion -> i,
    Method -> {Automatic, "SymbolicProcessing" -> False}])

A plot of aA over the interval [1, 2] for several values of g shows the problem with small values of g.

Plot[Evaluate[Re[aA[#, b, 5]]& /@ #], {b, 1, 2},
  PlotPoints -> 5,
  PlotRange -> {-.25, 2.25},
  PlotLegends -> Evaluate[( Style[Row[{"g = ", #}], 12]&) /@ #],
  AspectRatio -> 1,
  ImageSize -> Medium]&[{.1, .3, .36, .4}]


We now know why rootmin fails for g < .36116; however, using the version of minroot shown above, rootmin produces no messages for values of g >= .36116. I do recommend simplifying it as shown below.

rootmin[g_?NumberQ] :=
    b /. FindRoot[Re[aA[g, b, 5]] == 0, {b, 1, 2}, Method -> "Brent"]]

Now we look at


It is the critical point because it is where the zero of the real part of aA falls right at the end of the interval [1, 2].


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