
There was an interesting discussion on MathGroup dealing with the fact that image-processing functions in Mathematica (and many other software, including Adobe Photoshop) work with RGB, Grayscale etc. intensity values as if they would be linear and additive while in fact these values are powers of the physical intensity values and consequently must be linearized before making additive operations on them. This topic is expanded in the linked article where examples of incorrect default image resizing and blurring are given along with the general explanation of the correct algorithm and images generated with it.

Matthias Odisio (Wolfram Research) replied:

This genuine issue will be properly addressed in a future release of Mathematica.

So, Mathematica 9 is released. But I cannot find any example in the Documentation on how to linearize a colorspace correctly. Obviously, the linearization algorithm must depend on the colorspace used.

The question is: is there efficient and straightforward way to linearize a colorspace in Mathematica correctly?


Here is an excerpt from the documentation for Adobe After Effects which highlights some benefits of linear color space:

By performing operations in a linear color space, you can prevent certain edge and halo artifacts, such as the fringing that appears when high-contrast, saturated colors are blended together. Many color operations benefit from working in a linear color space, including those operations involved in image resampling, blending between layers with blending modes, motion blur, and anti-aliasing.


Note: A linearized working color space works best with higher color depths—16 bpc and 32 bpc—and is not recommended for 8-bpc color.

Also, good explanation of the difference between linear RGB and sRGB color spaces can be found here.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ A very interesting question highlighting an issue of which I was only partially aware. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 4:31
  • $\begingroup$ I've tested this with (industrial) cameras, grayvalues were practically linear. So this is probably not a property of the color space, but of the camera type and analog/digital preprocessing done in the camera. But if it isn't linear - why not just use ImageApply before resizing? $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 7:42
  • $\begingroup$ @nikie ImageApply is an option but it is not straighforward because the used must define transformation functions for every colorspace by himself based on the colorspace specifications. It is not obvious and requires substantial work for anyone who is not deeply in image processing (like me). I also concerned about efficiency. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 9:06
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I don't have Mathematica 9, but the online documentation shows that ColorConvert has been updated to include CIE XYZ, and there is also a new symbol ColorProfileData for representing ICC color profiles. So I think you should be able to ColorConvert from whatever color space to XYZ, do the resizing and blurring, then ColorConvert back to the original color space (or any other you choose). $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 15:23
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Simon Woods Unfortunately, ImageResize gives wrong result after converting to the "XYZ" colospace: img=Import["http://www.4p8.com/eric.brasseur/gamma_dalai_lama_gray.jpg"];ImageResize[ColorConvert[img,"XYZ"],Scaled[1/2]]. From the other side, linearized sRGB colorspace produces expected result when ImageResize is applied (see code in the linked discussion). $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 20:23

2 Answers 2


Here is my attempt to figure out how the correct colorspace linearization should be made. I used specially designed test images by Eric Brasseur for comparison of two colorspace linearization algorithms. The first algorithm is just an implementation of the corresponding formulae from the Specification of sRGB made by Jari Paljakka who started the discussion on MathGroups. This algorithm does not take into acount the alpha channel (and probably will work incorrectly with it). The second algorithm utilizes new image processing functionality of Mathematica 9: the support of colorprofiles.

Both algorithms assume that the input image is in the sRGB colorspace which is the most commonly-used color space and also is the standard default color space for the Internet. More than 90% of all images in the Internet are sRGB-encoded.

The problem with the sRGB colorspace is that it does not have pure gamma curve and hence cannot be correctly linearized just by applying gamma to RGB values. But there is a pure gamma based colorspace: Adobe RGB 1998. So I decided to convert an image to Adobe RGB 1998, then linearize the colorspace by applying gamma using ImageAdjust, resize it with ImageResize (which operates under the assumption of linearity for the pixel data), then apply ImageAdjust with inverse gamma of Adobe RGB 1998 and finally convert from Adobe RGB 1998 to sRGB.

Here is a comparison of the results (these screenshots should be seen in original size with 100% resolution; the code follows):

screenshot1 screenshot2 screenshot3 screenshot4

The NASA image "Earth's City Lights" is a very extreme case where non-linear colorspace effects have a big impact on the results of resizing the image (reference from here):


(*Color profile based approach*)
(*The AdobeRGB1998.icc profile is from \
adobeRGB1998 = Import["AdobeRGB1998.icc"];
sRGB = Import[
sRGB2Linear[sRGBimg_Image] := 
   Image[sRGBimg, "Real",(*ColorSpace->sRGB,*)Interleaving -> True], 
   sRGB -> adobeRGB1998], {0, 0, 563/256}]
linear2sRGB[linearRGB_Image] := 
  Image[ImageAdjust[linearRGB, {0, 0, 256/563}], 
   Interleaving -> True], adobeRGB1998 -> sRGB]
linearResize[sRGBimg_Image, scaling_] := 
 linear2sRGB[ImageResize[sRGB2Linear[sRGBimg], scaling]]
linearBlur[sRGBimg_Image, r_] := 
 linear2sRGB[Blur[sRGB2Linear[sRGBimg], r]]
linear2Grayscale[sRGBimg_Image] := 
  ColorConvert[sRGB2Linear[sRGBimg], "Grayscale"], {0, 0, 256/563}]

(*functional approach*)
srgb2linear = 
  Compile[{{Csrgb, _Real, 1}}, 
   With[{α = 0.055}, 
        C <= 0.04045}, {((C + α)/(1 + α))^2.4, 
        C > 0.04045}}], {C, Csrgb}]], RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}];
linear2srgb = 
  Compile[{{Clinear, _Real, 1}}, 
   With[{α = 0.055}, 
        C <= 0.0031308}, {(1 + α)*C^(1/2.4) - α, 
        C > 0.0031308}}], {C, Clinear}]], 
   RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}];
linearresize[sRGBimg_Image, scaling_] := 
       ImageData[ColorConvert[Image[sRGBimg, "Real"], "RGB"], 
        Interleaving -> True]], ColorSpace -> "RGB"], scaling], 
    Interleaving -> True]], ColorSpace -> "RGB"]
linearblur[sRGBimg_Image, r_] := 
       ImageData[ColorConvert[Image[sRGBimg, "Real"], "RGB"], 
        Interleaving -> True]], ColorSpace -> "RGB"], r], 
    Interleaving -> True]], ColorSpace -> "RGB"]
linear2grayscale[sRGBimg_Image] := 
       ImageData[ColorConvert[Image[sRGBimg, "Real"], "RGB"], 
        Interleaving -> True]], ColorSpace -> "RGB"], "Grayscale"], 
    Interleaving -> True]]]

testImages = 
  Import /@ \
testImages[[3]] = ImageRotate[testImages[[3]]];
correctResults = 
  Import /@ \
correctResults[[3]] = ImageRotate[correctResults[[3]]];
fullSizeFix = 
  Style[Image[#, Magnification -> 1], Magnification -> 1] &;
correctResults = fullSizeFix /@ correctResults;
  Join[Map[fullSizeFix, {ImageResize[#, Scaled[1/2]], 
       linearResize[#, Scaled[1/2]], linearresize[#, Scaled[1/2]]} & /@
      testImages, {2}], List /@ correctResults, 2], 
  Style[#, Bold, FontFamily -> "Times", 
     TextAlignment -> Center] & /@ {"Just\nImageResize", 
    "ColorProfile-based\nlinearized resizing", 
    "Functional\nlinearized resizing", 
    "Expected result\n(Eric Brasseur)"}], Frame -> All]

calliphora = 
calliphoraCorrect = 
calliphoraSize = ImageDimensions[calliphoraCorrect];
saturn = Import[
saturnCorrect = 
saturnSize = ImageDimensions[saturnCorrect];
Grid[{Style[#, Bold, FontFamily -> "Times", 
     TextAlignment -> Center] & /@ {"Just\nImageResize", 
    "ColorProfile-based\nlinearized resizing", 
    "Functional\nlinearized resizing", 
    "Expected result\n(Eric Brasseur)"}, 
  fullSizeFix /@ {ImageResize[calliphora, calliphoraSize], 
    linearResize[calliphora, calliphoraSize], 
    linearresize[calliphora, calliphoraSize], calliphoraCorrect},
  fullSizeFix /@ {ImageResize[saturn, saturnSize], 
    linearResize[saturn, saturnSize], 
    linearresize[saturn, saturnSize], saturnCorrect}}]

Grid[{Style[#, Bold, FontFamily -> "Times", 
     TextAlignment -> Center] & /@ {"Just\nBlur[#,2]&", 
    "ColorProfile-based\nlinearized blur", 
    "Functional\nlinearized blur", 
    "Expected result\n(Eric Brasseur)"}, 
  fullSizeFix /@ {Blur[testImages[[1]], 2], 
    linearBlur[testImages[[1]], 2], linearblur[testImages[[1]], 2], 

gamma4 = Import[
Grid[{Style[#, Bold, FontFamily -> "Times", 
     TextAlignment -> 
      Center] & /@ {"Just\nColorConvert[#,\"Grayscale\"]&", 
    "ColorProfile-based\nlinearization", "Functional\nlinearization", 
    "Expected result\n(Eric Brasseur)"}, 
  fullSizeFix /@ {ColorConvert[gamma4, "Grayscale"], 
    linear2Grayscale[gamma4], linear2grayscale[gamma4], 

earthLights = 
fullSizeFix = 
  Style[Image[#, Magnification -> 1], Magnification -> 1] &;
Grid[{fullSizeFix /@ {ImageResize[earthLights, 500], 
     linearResize[earthLights, 500], linearresize[earthLights, 500]}, 
   Style[#, Bold, FontFamily -> "Times", 
      TextAlignment -> Center] & /@ {"Just\nImageResize", 
     "ColorProfile-based\nlinearized resizing", 
     "Functional\nlinearized resizing"}
   } // Transpose]
  • $\begingroup$ Everything looks good except the halftone patterns at the bottom of the first image. The two middle results do not match the target on the right. (+1) $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Dec 10, 2012 at 13:57
  • $\begingroup$ @Mr.Wizard I suspect that the reason is that the Eric Brasseur's test images were lossy JPEG-encoded by him in order to get reasonable size of the web-page (he noticed this in the text). The "expected" resulting images probably were generated from the original lossless images. I cannot be completely sure but I think that lossy compression may cause the mentioned differences. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 10, 2012 at 17:54
  • $\begingroup$ @Mr.Wizard But of course this does not explain differences in other images, especially for the Saturn image. Eric did not mention what algorithm he used for image resizing. It is possible that selecting other resizing method could give closer match... $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 10, 2012 at 18:01
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Kagaratsch For linear rotation it one can use linearRotate[sRGBimg_Image,\[Theta]_,size_:Automatic]:=linear2sRGB[ImageRotate[sRGB2Linear[sRGBimg],\[Theta],size]]; (color profile-based approach). $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 12, 2015 at 23:21
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Kagaratsch Try AlphaChannel[sRGB2Linear[<put image with transparency here>]]. You will see that transparency is preserved on linearization. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 12, 2015 at 23:32

It is arbitrary to assign a color space to data that do not have one attached to them.

What about using "XYZ" if one is looking for a linear color space?

i = Import@"http://www.4p8.com/eric.brasseur/gamma_dalai_lama_gray.jpg";
ColorConvert[i, "XYZ"] // ImageResize[#, Scaled[1/2]] & // 
ColorConvert[#, "RGB"] &

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The result of applying an image processing algorithm strongly depends on the colorspace (and the "XYZ" colorspace will give different result than any other colorspace). And there are cases when exactly the linear RGB colorspace is necessary as here (see the "UPDATE" section). It is a snag that we have no obvious way to distinguish between the physically reasonable linear RGB colorspace and the artificial sRGB colorspace in Mathematica! $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 17:48
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexeyPopkov, what is the motivation behind all your messages ? That page from Eric Brasseur that you are referencing exactly advocates for the solution I describe: Go to a linear space, like XYZ, and do these computations that need to be performed there. Remember that users can embed anything into an image, not just readings from a CCD sensor. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 23:10
  • $\begingroup$ It is great to have available in Mathematica XYZ, LAB, LUV etc. but the most commonly used colorspace is still RGB and by default it is always sRGB. The intuitively obvious way to study the differences between colorspaces and the image processing algorithms is to begin with the linear RGB colorspace for which most of algorithms are originally designed and only then try something such advanced as XYZ or LAB. My point is that something what have to serve as a start for any person (including myself) who is interested in learning image processing algorithms is not available. Isn't it a snag? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 23:51
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexeyPopkov Many would disagree with some of your points. What is "intuitively obvious" to you is not at all for quite a few others. By the way, have you compared the gamuts of "XYZ" and of "AdobeRGB1968" using ChromaticityPlot3D? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 22, 2015 at 5:50
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ BTW The OpenEXR (.exr) format (as well as DPX, CIN and HDR formats) assumes that RGB channel values are encoded in the Linear RGB colorspace. Currently Mathematica imports such files like usual sRGB-encoded PNG, JPG etc. and because of this renders them incorrectly (too dark), try Import["ExampleData/Balls.exr"]. For correct rendering one needs to convert them into the sRGB colorspace what currently is not possible using ColorConvert. Isn't this a good reason to add the "LinearRGB" colorspace to ColorConvert? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 25, 2015 at 4:42

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