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20 votes

Smoother jelly / water effect on an image

perhaps: ...
kglr's user avatar
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16 votes

How can I use GLSL shaders within Mathematica?

As it turns out, it is entirely possible in 14.0 to write your own custom shaders as this video by Yuzhu Lu demonstrates. In addition, a number of custom shaders are available to read in: Mathematica\...
flinty's user avatar
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14 votes

Smoother jelly / water effect on an image

This method seems to work quite well. Instead of changing the positions randomly, I rotate each vertex around in a small circle centered at each original vertex position. Every vertex starts at a ...
flinty's user avatar
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12 votes

Mapping a numerical array of numbers onto the surface of f(x,y) possible?

Via MeshShading and Texture: ...
Michael E2's user avatar
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9 votes

How to understand VertexTextureCoordinates in Texture?

This happens because texturing is done triangle by triangle. Polygons with more sides are broken down into triangles, and each triangle is textured individually. I believe your example is ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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9 votes

Degradation of image when used as texture in 3D graphics

m_goldberg's solution jogged my memory and the problem is even a pitfall: Use Rasterize[..., "Image"] to avoid double rasterization Note that ...
Mr.Wizard's user avatar
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9 votes

Degradation of image when used as texture in 3D graphics

Don't rasterize. I think Texture is doing its own rasterization, so you are seeing the results of a double rasterization. ...
m_goldberg's user avatar
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9 votes

How to understand VertexTextureCoordinates in Texture?

Note first : it is recommended to read this answer after the two other ones (from Szabolcs and matheorem) Here is a tool intended to explore how ...
andre314's user avatar
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9 votes

can't blend gradient colors with a stream

The color is not quite right but the idea seems to work. Edit: much closer now. ...
Mr.Wizard's user avatar
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9 votes

Circle Packing in Cone Texture

I found two ways to do this. Here only post one of them since the other one need more time to modify. I will post the other one before Christmas Eve. All of this use the isometry between cone and ...
cvgmt's user avatar
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9 votes

Project geomap onto band of sphere

The key point is we need to unitization the spherical coordinate. {φ/(2 π), -θ/π} To illustrate the method,we change some parametric here: use ...
cvgmt's user avatar
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9 votes

Filling region with a pattern

To fill the region under a curve, you need a curve that spans the x-PlotRange. E.g.: ...
Daniel Huber's user avatar
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8 votes

Circle Packing in Cone Texture

Sorry for too late to modify the another code. The idea is draw some circle or semicircle in the sector using polar coordinate. ...
cvgmt's user avatar
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8 votes

Filling a listlineplot with a texture

This is one way of doing it: ...
Vitaliy Kaurov's user avatar
8 votes

2D and 3D graphics that project a world map on Icosahedron

Slightly changed last example from docs on GeoProjection. There are a few issues, for instance textures have different resolution. If I figure things out I'lll update the answer. But I thought this is ...
Vitaliy Kaurov's user avatar
8 votes

How to make swatch legend match the chart's texture?

Update: In versions 12.1+ you can use the new directive PatternFilling ...
kglr's user avatar
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8 votes

can't blend gradient colors with a stream

You can use StreamDensityPlot (which accepts the ColorFunction option) to produce the texture: ...
kglr's user avatar
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8 votes

How to understand VertexTextureCoordinates in Texture?

the number of coordinates in VertexTextureCoordinates should be the same as the number of vertex in polygon. As an example ...
matheorem's user avatar
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8 votes

How to make Texture unblurred?

Rahul is correct in his comment. To map a texture to an object, you use VertexTextureCoordinates to specify where the texture is glued to the object. The problem is,...
halirutan's user avatar
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8 votes

Filling a 2D plot with a texture

I would use ParametricPlot[] for this: ...
J. M.'s missing motivation's user avatar
8 votes

How to import and render this OBJ file with correct texture?

You could manually import it and construct Graphics3D: ...
halmir's user avatar
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7 votes

Texture prevents JoinedCurve from closing

The bug had been fixed. Here we attach the result. $Version (* 12.2.0 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (December 9, 2020) *) Row[triangle /@ {True, False}]
cvgmt's user avatar
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7 votes

How to hollow out this surface?

Using ColorReplace[] to inject transparency into a texture is very useful for this sort of thing: ...
J. M.'s missing motivation's user avatar
7 votes

Adding texture to `Tube[]`

We can use new-in-12.1 directives (HalfToneShading,ToonShading, GoochShading, ...
kglr's user avatar
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7 votes

Different TextureCoordinateFunction in two faces of a surface

kglr's user avatar
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7 votes

Filling region with a pattern

Edit ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 84.1k
7 votes

How to texturize a polygon?

cvgmt's user avatar
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7 votes

Texture not mapping correctly over square root sheet

We set the PlotRange and the Background to Black in order to full fill the graphics region. ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 84.1k
7 votes

How to create a specific lighting in 3D graphics for a disk?

eldo's user avatar
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6 votes

Filling a 2D plot with a texture

Try using a region plot (I used an example texture but you could but any image in there): ...
lowriniak's user avatar
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